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Sweat dripped down my forehead as I walked over to the 88 lbs weights changing them with the 176 onces squattings is harder for me with heavyweights even though I don't have to use my wrist a lot. I picked it up the bar lifting it over my shoulder at flexing my finger to prevent cramps.
Right, when I wanted to start my exercise my trainer rob walked in. Leaning against the weight stands.
"What?". I pulled doen the barrel again. Stretching out my hand for my water hotel which was next to him.
He handed it to me wrapping my zip-up hoodie over my shoulder tapping the sweat from my forehead with a towel.
"I wanna tell you something".
"Is the next competition canceled?". I looked up at him.
"No, it's still on".
"Then what?". I raised my eyebrow.
Your parents asked me to hire a bodyguard for you". He casually fitted with his fingers.
"I know you don't want it but...".
"No fuck my parent they are never here never been there for me any way you partly raised me and now I'm earning some money they wanna hire a dumb bodyguard that's bullshit!".
I heaved the weighted up placing them back into the stand.
"I know but your parents pay me too and I can't manage to lose their trust in me".
"I don't even trust them".
"Y/n I know you ever since you were a little girl and I know your stong but your not a fighter what if something happens to you what if you get kidnapped by some crazy people I'm not the younger anymore too so I rather let that be solved by someone who knows's what he's doing".
"I don't need one".
"After the last time what happens I think you do".
Sliver ran down my spine again thinking about it. I still can feel his hands on me ripping apart my clothes how everything in the room went dull and distance I couldn't stop slivering at all and at one point my body froze I couldn't speak couldn't move it was the scariest thing I've experienced in ever.
My doctor told me that's normal with rape most people freeze it's a reaction of your body for the protection it might have been confused too.
I keep releasing myself that it wasn't raped that he didn't do anything to me but I should be lying because I saw the videotapes of the security cameras.
Rob and my parents diestied that I couldn't talk about it to anybody because would go around the media instantly.

Keep it a secret...

"Hey y/n are you all good?". Rob rested his hand on my arm. Which wasn't his best idea because my mind was still in the moment.
"Stop!.. Please stop". I sweating his hand away stumbling backward against the wall.
"Easy it's just me it's just me". He held his hand up to calm me down.
I ran my hand through my hair rubbing my face slowly.
"I still think it's bullshit". I zipped up my hoodie.
"Your parents and I think it's not y/n".
I do not agree with it so forget it!". I crossed my arms over each other.
We thought it was a good idea so we already hire someone he'll meet us in an hour here".
"In an hour?!". My eyes widen.
"Yes is that a problem misses y/l/n".
I rolled my eyes.
"How long is that gonna last?".
"What have you planned?".
"I have a date with Connor".
"Your date is less important right now okay this is about your safety y/n".
"And my date is about love what I had to find my whole life and now I have Connor can you please not think about me as a lifter but as a person for a second!". I caught my breathing.
"I understand y/n but this is about your job cancel Connor tomorrow you're free to go where you want".
"I love Connor I can't just go and cancel it... I'll disappoint him". I looked down.
"You will stay y/n as your trainer I'll order you to stay!". He walked closer to me stating at me angrily.
I bit the inside of my cheek.
"Fine". I rolled my eyes.

Maybe not

"Good, he in the lobby in an hour". He walked away again.
I watched him walking out of the hall through the window waiting to move.
When he disappeared I moved out of the hall through the back. Walking home.

I admired myself in my mirror not realy sure about how I look I like blue but I'm not happy about the dress it hugs me too much and that just feels too weird to me for someone who only wears work-out clothing. I sigh getting all the judgment from my shoulders. Applying a little more mascara another thing I'm not used to I never wear makeup, to be honest.

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