{before we start this}

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The room was spinning music drumming onto my ears a burning feeling ran up onto my throat. I stumbled to the ground feeling like I was gonna throw up.
"Shawn". Someone catches me.
I looked up at my friend y/n her familiar features calmed me a little her touch soothed me.
"I feel sick". I rested my head against her shoulder.
"I'll bring you home". She pulled me up walking towards the exit
"Aren't you too drunk to drive?".
"You wanna stay here?".
"You aren't stable mentally too for this y/n". I reached up to touch her cheek.
"Let me help you it might numb and let me forget". She pulled my arm over her shoulder leading me out of the bar.
It was cold outside slivers ran down my spine constantly.
"Youre cold".
"Wow no I'm super warm that's why I'm slivering". I shot my head up at her.
"It wasn't a question silly". She rubbed my back pulling her tiny jacket over one shoulder.
I always think it's adorable when a girl gives you something that's theirs it's so small and cute.

Well y/n is just tiny

She pulled my car keys from my pocket opening the door from the passenger's side first. Setting me down.
Walking over to the driver's side pulling the seat closer to the steering wheel.
I giggled.

Shut up drunk ass!

"You gave to... Because of your feet". My senstcws was broken through by my laughted.
"Don't do that I know your drunk but I can just go back from myself in alcohol and leave you here alone in the cold car".
"I just follow you". I smiled.
"Man you can barely walk". She laughed.
We stumbled into my apartment. Her arm around my waist holding me up.
"Why do you have to be this drunk".
Sorry". I ran my hand through my hair.
I floped down onto my sofa grabbing the bottle of beer from the table. 
"I'm just so done dealing with my problems...". I looked down at the bottle in my hands.
"Oh, no stop I'm not drunk enough to listen to your problems". Y/n reached for the bottle in my hands gulped it down.
I gave it back.
"No it's mine and you aren't getting drunk".
"Come on let me just not think about this for a second man". He leaned against the sofa tears streaming down her cheek.
"Sorry y/n but drinking isn't a way to fix broken relationships".
"I don't wanna talk about it". She rubbed her face.
"I swear y/n I care about you this isn't the way to forget what that asshole did to you". I grabbed her wisest.
"He isn't an asshole I love him!". She whipped away her tears.
"Y/n he almost raped you!".
"Rape is a big word to label it that way". She looked down at her hands playing with the ring on her fingers.
I shook my head.
"He didn't respect your boundaries and that just sucks y/n".
"And you know a lot about boundaries? You're hooking up almost every weekend shawn".
"That's not treu not almost every weekend".
She raised her eyebrow at me.
"Okay, maybe but I respect their boundaries".
"You can't tell me that you didn't cross some lines too".
I didn't respond because I knew that wasn't the answer she needed to hear now.
"Or don't respond that's amazing". She rested her face in her hands starting on the front of her.
"Can you give me a bottle of the board?".
"Shawn please give me the board". She rubbed her face.
"Y/n I don't want you to feel bad and if I give it it's my fault". I took her face between my hands making her look at me.
"Shawn please I just wanna forget". Tears streamed down her face.
"Sorry y/n but i can't make you forget".
"You can't?". Her voice went small.  
For a minute I was stone-cold sober.
"Sorry". I caresses her cheek softly.
"You really can't?". She looked up at me.
My mind started racing to brainstorm about the things I can do to make her happy and forget that hell of a guy. I hate seeing her this way he didn't desire him she's the best and he was just dumb.
She's just been loved by one guy was to mess it up for every other guy who's trying to win her heart after him.

Poor boy... Mostly poor y/n

When she met him it boosted her confidence and he was so nice I never espred it from him.  
So that night after he almost raped her she showed up at my doorstep completely broken.
Rambling the whole story including all the grim details which made her sliver and cry.
I didn't care apparently she had to let go of those details too. I held her tighter than ever before closer to my heart than ever before my bleeding heart because I know it feels to be broken. It's horrible I thought that I've hern hurt before but that girl shattered me into a million pieces. J know-how go feels to bleed out and having to move on.

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