{she wasn't scared of wolves}

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A/N: this story is based on scarlet the second book from the lunar chronicles all the rights go to Marissa mayer

I pulled the hood of my red zip-up hoodie over my head as the rain started to fall onto the farmland holding the crate of tomatoes tightly against my side.
The chickens ran over to their wooden but sheltering for the rain. My grandmother's horse ran happily through the paddocks.
This farm is the only thing I've left from my grandmother she went missing last week and I can't seem to know where she could be.

She could be kidnapped, kidnapped, and killed...

I shook the thought off of me. Setting the crate next to the doorsteps ready for delivery tomorrow.
I heard something behind me turning around, facing a silicate of a man in the shadows of the night.
I reached behind my waistband for the gun, my grandmother's gun she gave it to me when I was eleven for defending myself.
I pulled it from the waistband aiming at the dark shadow.
"Don't shoot!" He walked closer to me his face catching the light of the doorpost lamp. He was tall strong build brown curly hair he seemed just a few years older than me.
"You're y/n y/l/n?"
"What's your name!?" I held him at gunpoint
"I said don't shoot." He heaved his hands up taking a step back.
"Why wouldn't I?"
"You might need me..."
"What's your name?"
"You're real name."
"It's wolf I'm a street fighter they call me wolf."
"What do you want, wolf?" I didn't lower my gun, looking into his brown eyes he was different looking kinda off.
"I know how to find your grandmother."
"How do you know about her?" I stepped slower to him, not lowering the gun.
A sudden flash of lightning covered the farm.
"Go inside sit down and dont move!" I pointed at the door with the gun.
He followed my orders walking inside.
I glanced over the farm for a while the horse went back to the shelter in the paddock staying safe under there the chickens cuddled up against each other. All the other animals were already inside.
I went back inside too. Seeing wolf sitting on the chair at the table. Starting at the kitchen.
I sat down opposite him laying the gun on the table in my hand reach.
Tell me about my grandmother. Wolf. "Where is she?" Did I lean forward, staring at him?
"I was at the fight..." I cut him off.
"I don't need a whole life story, where. is. my. grandmother?"
"Listen! I was in a fight someone knew what happened to her."
"How do you know my grandmother?"
"I saw her... I saw you, around the farm." He crossed his arms over his chest.
"Have you been stalking us?!" I launched forward.
"I've been keeping an eye on you your life is rather interesting I don't even know what the half of the food in your garden is." He nodded at the bowl of tomatoes standing on the counter.
"You don't know what a tomato is?!" I can't fathom him not noting what it is

how did he get so tall when he doesn't know half of the foods we grow here?

"I've never tried it."
I walked over to the counter, propping the gun in my waistband. Grabbing a double slice of bread making a sandwich slicing a tomato on the cutting board leaving it off of the bread.
I shoved it towards him.
"You must be hungry from all the fighting." I leaned against the counter.
He ignored me stuffing the sandwich in his mouth. He picked up a slice of tomato taking a little bite than the other part.
"It ain't that bad." He smiled whipping some crumbles from his lips.
"So where is my grandmother?".
"I've been told she's held somewhere in Paris." He swallowed the last piece of tomato.


"We have to go to Paris... It will be just a few hours I just have to pack some..."
"Y/n this isn't something that you have to rush think about it."
I spun around
"think about it?! My grandmother is been missing for a week I'll not wait and think about it." I inched closer to his face.
"No, we are going to Paris and you're bringing me." I grabbed the collar of his shirt In my first.
"You'll stop beating me with that gun?"
"As long as you lead me to my grandmother yes... Go home meet me back here in an hour" I let go of him waiting for him to stand up walking out of the front door.

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