{the girl in the green dress}

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I finely get to relax a little college is hard especially medical college.
The sun burned on my skin a soft pillowy wind blew over my skin.
Tarzan's wet nose pressed against my hand. Wiggling his tail against my leg happily. This was his first summer Holliday he seemed to enjoy it playing with his best friend oreo Aaliyah's dog, burying him under the sand, and swimming.
"Shawn." Jordan patted me back.
"Jordan." I smiled.
"I uhm I need advice." He looked down scratching the back of his neck.
"I uhm... I love your sister and I kinda wanna...".
"Jordan I'm sorry I haven't had a girlfriend in year's I don't know anything about love." I ran my hand through my hair.
"But you know your sister, so I need to know...". He was dragged back down by Aaliyah.
"Hey, beautiful."
"Hey, gorgeous." He smiled kissing her forehead.
Tarzan flood down next to me resting his chin on my leg, oreo snuggled up against Tarzan.
I giggled softly running my hand through Tarzan's fur. Casting my eyes over the beach, everyone looked so happy calm, and peaceful.
My eyes catch a girl she was beautiful she was just


Her soft hair waved through the air. The sun lighting up her skin, making it glow in a warm golden light. She wore a green dress dark vivid green matching the little details on her sunglasses. I couldn't see her eyes but I knew for sure they should fit her dress perfectly.

She seems like a blue eye person or green... Grey...brown... Every color would be perfect

Tarzan followed my gaze before I could read his mind or even stop it he told up running towards her. Taking her to the ground calling her happily.
"Tarzan." I hopped up running over to them.
"Are you okay? I'm sorry... he is a little clumsy." I held my hands out for her pulling Tarzan back by his collar.
"It's okay." She placed down at her feet, patting Tarzan softly.
"Can you walk?" I coughed down next to her
"Of course I can." She pulled herself up.
I looked back at Aaliyah and Jordan. Who smiled at us.
"I'm sorry here let me help you up." I scooped her in my arms.
Holding her there.
"Let me go."
"What's your name?"
"Shawn." I smiled at her but I just got a dead glance in return.
"Okay, Shawn let me go now!"
"Okay okay, it was just a joke." I let her down.
"Well, some jokes aren't funny." She hugged herself.

Oh, you messed up badly!

"I'm sorry." I liked down at Tarzan.
Just don't do that."
"Can I make it up to you?"
"I don't think so." She looked away from me.
"Ice Cream?" I tilted my head a little smiling at her.
"You can't buy me over with ice cream." She crossed her arms over her chest.
In the corner of my eyes, I saw Aaliyah walk over to us.
"Hey, Shawn are you gonna tell me who this is?"

I don't know her...

"I'm y/n, now excuse me I need to go." She turned around.
"Wait y/n." Aaliyah took her arm.
"My brothers aren't perfect I know and sometimes he messes up but gives him a chance please."
Y/n glanced up at me then at Tarzan who begged her for cuddles. She ran her hand through his fur.
"What do you say?" I smiled
"Okay, yea ice cream sounds good." She smiled back.
"Amazing, sorry let's start again I'm Shawn this is my sister Aaliyah. This is Tarzan... And there are Jordan and oreo."
"Nice to meet you, Shawn."
"Who wants ice cream?" I turned my head to the spot where Jordan was reading.
"Ice Cream?" His head shoots up.
"Yeah, would you wanna come with us?"
"Yeah, I love ice cream." He hopped up scooping oreo in his arms.
Aaliyah smiled taking his free hAnd kissing his cheek.
I looked back at y/n she pulled off her sunglasses revealing the most beautiful eyes ever.
"Hey." I bumped her shoulder softly.
"You're cute."
"You aren't so bad yourself." She smiled.
"I know people adore me."
"Your boy or girlfriend must be protective over you." She looked down.
"I don't have anyone."
"Sorry I just assumed you did."
"It's okay." I looked up standing in line for the ice cream.
"So how is your day?"
"Outside of meeting you it's amazing." She ordered her ice cream handing the money to the girl behind the counter.
"No, you love me." I smiled.
"Aww did I just boots your ego, do you want a sticker now?"
"I would."
She scooped a little ice cream on her fingertip whipping it on my cheek, smearing it with pink.
My face heated the same color as the strawberry ice cream. I looked down giggling softly.

As I sat down next to Jordan he stared at me.
"You uhm you have ice cream on your face."
"I call that art." Y/n smiled proudly petting oreo who was niggling onto her lap.
"I am art." I smiled shopping for some of my ice cream from the bowl.
"I was talking about my ice cream art on your face, not you." She smiled, whipping it off of my face.
"It bent in perfectly with his rosy cheeks dot you think?" Aaliyah ruffled through my hair.
"Perfect." Y/n rested her chin in her hands smiling at me.

It started to get darker as the sun drowned in the sea turning the sky purple-red and yellow. I looked at her and I wanted to stay.

I don't wanna go home.

Every time I look at her I wanna stay here. She is the perfect girl with the pretty eyes and a green dress.
She looked back at me. Setting her sunglasses back onto her nose.
"I have to go." She walked away.
"Wait hey." I took her hand.
"I really have to go." She looked back at the bus waiting for her.
"Can I have your number?"
"I really have to go." She smiled patting my shoulder.
"Bye shawn." She pecked my lips. Leaving the sweet flavor of strawberry ice cream on my lips. Lingering warmth stayed on my lips, just for a second.
"Bye shawn." She let go of me.
My hands fell limps against my sides. As I watched her leave.
Tarzan sniffed on my jeans. Into my pocket. I reached my hand to find a note with a number on it.


"Bye y/n." I smiled into the distance.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now