{don't "bro" me}

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"Okay keep walking straight just don't say something stupid".
"Yea I understand".
"No, you don't you do drunk ass".
I smiled at her. my friend Y/n and I walked in my driveway I was drunk and I know it damn well.
I struggled to my keys from my pocket while walking. I stumbled over the stairs to the pork.
"Don't do that while you're walking you know that you can't multitask".
She held me and helped me over the steps.
I was still trying to pull out my keys.
"Let me do that".
Y/n reached in my jacket and pulled out my keys, unlocked the door lead me inside. Mum and dad were still downstairs.

Fuck I thought they were already asleep!

"Hey, mum and dad!" My drunk ass though to be funny for once.
Y/n hit my arm hard, to be honest, it hurted.
"Shut up bro!".
"Hey, shawn".
"Hey shawn honey, hey Y/n".
Y/n tried to push me up to the stairs, I stumbled on it.
"Shawn is nice to you're best friend".
"manny it's okay he is drunk".
"I am not!".
"Yea you are bro!".
"You are too y/n".
"I am not".
"You are y/n".
"I took one beer shawn you are so drunk that you can't remember".
"Bye sweetheart take care of boy okay".
"Bye, Karen, I will".
She pushed me onto the stairs, I stumbled and laughter when I fell on the stairs.
"Shawn shut up there are people how want to sleep!".
My little sister Aaliyah slowly opened her bedroom door.
"Oh hey, Y/n".
"Hey, Aaliyah".
"Sorry baby sis".
"It's okay, my baby boy just sleeps".
"Use protection".
"Shut up".
"Really baby sis if he ever tried something just tell me and he'll be gone to where he came from".
"Y/n please make sure he is sober soon and talk some sense in him he is acting weird".
"Aww, love you too baby sis".
"Haha, I will Aaliyah don't worry'.

Y/n pulled me into my room I fall on my bed exhausted I wanted nothing more than to sleep.
After ten minutes she managed to strip me from my jacket.
"Go take a shower".
"Y/n I wanna sleep".
"You can... After you showered".
"No Y/n!".
"Yes, shawn!".
She took my arm hung with her full weight on it to get me up from my bed.
"Come here".
I pulled her to my body pressed her against my chest.
She sighs tried to get out.
"You smell".
"You are always so nice to me Y/n".
"Shawn let me go I can't get air".
I let her go she stood up from the mattress.
"What can I do to get you to the shower?".
"Can you get me a beer?".
"Shawn, you don't get alcohol".
"Then you don't get me to the shower let me sleep".
"I mean it".
"I mean it too".
She walked to my guitar pulled on the strings.
"Don't even try Y/n".
"Try what?".
"Don't hurt her!".
"Her? it's a guitar bro".
"It's MY guitar its, my baby".
"I won't hurt her".
She picked her up stared playing on the stings randomly,
"I can't write one song that's not about you can't drink without thinking about you!".

She doesn't even know that song is about her...

"You sound horrible".
"Aww thank you... go showering".
"No, it's pretty amusing for me".
"I don't care bro go to the shower!".
"Acutely I lay pretty well here".
"I can play your eclectic guitar too".
"funny Y/n that's not gonna work"
"I know you love her".
"I love all my guitars".
"But your electric is special... Right?".
I tried not to say it I didn't wanna shower I wanna sleep but at one point can't hold my words back anymore.
"Please y/n don't hurt her I swear if you hurt her".
"Then what?".
"Then... Then...".
"No words right?".
"Okay, I go showering".
"Now please shawn".
I stood up from my bed, tried to keep my attention to my feet not to stumble. I locked the door to my bathroom, and get rid of my clothes. And stepped into the rain of steaming water.

Why did I get drunk? I never do this again!

What did happened this night aculy?

Did I spend my night with a girl outside of Y/n?

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now