{must have been the wind}

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I looked out of my window sitting crossed legs on my cold floor. Being lost in my own thoughts.
It has been a quite stressful week. I've applied to a job after college at a music store, fixing guitars.
I have three projects I had to do
Two presentations to give,
One major tests and of course studying a lot. I haven't even had time for my friends I kinda feel sorry for them.
But exams are coming up fast now and I'm not sure about passing math.
I studied all day for the upcoming math test but nothing stuck to my mind.

Now I was here looking over a city which was about to go to sleep. Still, I could hear traffic and talking loudly from people on the streets below.
Even though my week was too busy I was still restless.
In order to calm down, I pulled my guitar in my lab stares playing some random tunes. My puppy Lionheart cuddle up against me.
She was seven weeks old, I saved her from death. She only has three legs of I was one day later with adoption her she was killed off. Lionheart is really clinging. I dont mind I need some affection, I bought a dog for my separation anxiety anyway.
I went through her fur, as she slightly closed her eyes.
My hands rested on my guitar looking over to the CN-tower once again which colors green now.
My glaze lost track in the million dazzling light of Toronto, slowly shutting off. People went back home as the streets grew silent.

I decided to go to sleep too even though I already knew I couldn't sleep.
I walked to my room grabbed my jeggings, sweater, and underwear. Went over to shower. The water washed over my skin, the sound of the water hitting the tiles calmed me.
When I was washing away the shampoo out of my hair I heard a glass crater on the floor in the apartment up of mine.

Shawn's appointment...

Shawn just came living here a week ago, I saw him twice walking up the stairs with heavy boxes filled with his stuff. I met him after too, he carried a bunch of guitars inside, shawn loved to play guitar and sing. I actually wanted to go hang out with him sometimes because we kinda have similar interests.
I never had the change he was always busy with his new apartment or with his girlfriend, Rose. Every time I tried to talk to him she cut me off as soon as I opened my mouth.

I turned off the water and changes into my clothes, walked into my room. Hugged lionheart who waiter for me on my bed. I lay down and drifted off to sleep.
A few minutes later I heard something being threw crossed the room above me, In shawn's apartment.

Am I dreaming?

I listened carefully to his voice and it sounded like he was crying.

What happened there..?

I couldn't sleep anymore, I tosses and turned around trying to get his nice out of my head.

Maybe he just broke some strings from his guitar

I tried to sleep but it was useless. I decided to go make myself some tea, when the water was boiling I looked over to the kitchen island where my math books still lay on the counter.
I poured water into my cup and added some fresh mint leafes in it, walked over to the island say down and tried to get my mind to make some questions.
My mind wandered back to his voice how broken it sounded like he was hurt, really hurted.

I couldn't take it anymore I walked towards my door garbled my keys and opened it. Lionheart walked behind me to follow me.
"No girl stay here I'm back soon".
She listen and sat down on the floor in front of the door.
I walked over to the stairs walked up to the third floor of the prevalent complex. I nogged up on the door numbered as 'eight'.
Rose opened the door, only underwear and a crop shirt hanging on her body.
"What do you want?".
"Can I speak to shawn?".
"Okay, I thought I heard glass fall on the floor is everything okay?".
"I think your ears are playing tricks on you".
"Oh okay".
She shared the door into my nose.
I stood there for a while kinda in shock.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now