{tired of love}

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I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling playing random tunes on my guitar, Lights dimmed.

Perfect mind space

"Shawn y/n is coming in an hour wanna watch Netflix with us?" Aaliyah Walked into my room.
"I dont wanna see her".
"Shawn, I know but it wasn't her fault her parents broke her apart from you".
"And she listen to them".
"Shawn, it isn't her fault".
"I would never give up on her never not in ever Aaliyah". I ran my hand through my hair to calm down.
"Deep down you know you still love her".
"I'm not anymore she gave up on me".
"She misses you".
"Don't even start".
"She does".
Aaliyah walked out of my room closing the door rudely.

Okay she is mad

I promised ever since she could talk, to keep my doors always open day and night in case she was scared and wanted to sleep with me or wanted to ask something.

I started to hum along with the tune.
"Tired of love tired of love...".


"Tired of love love love tired of love songs"


I pushed myself up and sat crossed legs against my headboard.
"Tired of songs about love".

Fuck this!

The doorbell rang y/n's beautiful voice filled the hall. I pulled a jacket and ran off the stairs. Pulled on my shoes Aaliyah looked at me confused while y/n fell silent instantly.
Just stated at me as a fake smile replace by her real one.
"What are you doing?".
"I'm going to drive around dont worry about me".
I walked out of the door passed y/n our body's nearly pressed together in the doorway.
For a second I got lost in her eyes lost like the old days when I called her baby back in the day's were kissing her wasn't just a thought in my head where I could still touch her whenever I wanted.
She looked up at me blushed. I reach my hand up to caress her cheek but u quickly change my mind and placed it on her upper arm to get passed her.

I walked towards my car in the driveway started it and drove away I saw that y/n stared at the car until Aaliyah pulled her inside.
I focused my attention on the road in front of me again and turned on the radio. Perfect from ed Sheran came on.

Everybody is falling in love with our song...

I stopped in the middle of the road and pulled my notebook from the backseat quickly write that line down.when people started go get any at me for standing still in the middle of the road. I drove ahead.

I stopped at the mall, walked around for a bit too clear my mind.

Need to forget her...

I looked aimlessly at the people being happy, couples holding each other, kids running through the halls it kinda reminded me of life of the party.
"Party trying my best to meet somebody but everyone around me is falling I love to our song".

That's a good one

I walked around for hours and hours until I was done, I was done with looking at happy people
"just wanna go home".
I walked back to my car and drove back home y/n's car was still in our driveway.

She is still here...

I slowly turned down the radio and stopped the car. Slowly moving to find an excuse to stay a little longer until she is gone but I know that isn't possible.
I stepped out of my car and slowly walked towards the door. Hoping y/n would leave soon. I tiptoed upstairs to not disturb Aaliyah and y/n. I've never been light on my feet. I started singing softly.
"I'm so tired of love songs tired of love songs tired of love"
Aaliyah noticed I was here.
"Hey, shawn". I opened her door and saw the two friends laying on Aaliyah's bed laughing loudly at each other.
"Come sit". She patted on the matters next to her.
I leaned against the doorframe crossed my arms over my chest.
She shoot up and took my hand dragged me over to her bed planted me down next to y/n, sat on the floor herself in front of us.
"Shawn, kiss y/n".
"You heard me kiss her".
"Aaliyah stop". Y/n shifted uncomfortably her legs under her.
"No, I'm not gonna stop... Shawn kiss you're girlfriend".
"I'm not his...".
"No... I mean not that I dont mind but you're forcing me".
She ran out of the door and closed it.
"I'm not opening it until you two talk".
I looked at y/n and raised my eyebrow.
"Okay, I'm sorry for my parents shawn I truly am I dont know what is wrong with them because you aren't the problem".
I took her hands in mine.
"I am the problem y/n can't you see? It's because I'm older than you and they think that I'm abusive or something".
She shook her head.
"You aren't abusive, I feel better with you than with others shawn and... I miss you".


This hit me hard a lump formed into my throat and tears welled up into my eyes I started crying. My hands covered my face.
"Shawn... Are you crying"?
"I miss you too y/n".
"Hey, I'm right here... Right here".
"No... No, I miss you as my girl".
"Stop crying I'm gonna cry".
"Don't cry, babe".
"Shawn... We just have to let it be as it is now, I love you shawn but, I can't let my family fall apart because of this".
"And what if I get an apartment we can live together and not worry about your parents".
"Shawn, I would love too maybe next year okay".
I nodded and let go of her hands.
"So, no more dates until next year?".
"Sorry I just have to get things right with my family".
"I know".
"But I still love you no matter what shawn".
"I love you too forever".
Aaliyah opened the door and hugged y/n. I desired to walk out of the room and went to mine.
I sat down on my windowsill grabbed my guitar from my bed and started playing.

"I'm so tired of love songs tired of love songs tired of love. Just wanna go home wanna go home wanna go home".
I heard the front door open heard Aaliyah and y/n say goodbye to each other. The door closed again. I looked out of the window y/n's car pulled away from our driveway and disappeared.
I turned my head to my little sister who was standing in my doorway.
"Hey... Come here". I pointed to the opposite space on my windowsill she sat down.
"What are you playing?".
"A new song".
"Can I hear it"?
"It's not done yet I will play it for you when it's perfect".
"Sorry... I just want you two together...".
"It's okay Aaliyah I'm planning on buying an apartment next year and she will move in".
"O my God I'm so happy". My smile grow bigger as I wrapped my arms around her neck.
"But a year is do long and I can't see her".
"You still can".
"It will only break my heart, Aaliyah".
"She loves you".
"God, I'm so tired".

Tired of love

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now