{i just wanna be right where you are}

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I pulled myself up from the cold stone pavement my head still spinning from the hit


I pulled my phone out to see if it survived. When I turned it on people grasped around me whispered filled the air.
I looked around at them. Seeing everyone wearing clothes from 1890, stating at me like they saw ghosts. I looked around the streets of Toronto looked different as the end of the year 1800

Oh no... Fuck no how is this possible?!

I ran my hand through my hair smiling at the people who were staring at me. Then stumbling away.
I need other clothes and something to hide my phone I can't look out of place I can't say anything about where I'm from the alley butterfly effect and all.
I ran to a narrow street. Climbing up to a roof where clothes were drying on a zipline.
I looked through the clothes finding a white dress with a little hint of blue which seemed my size. A corset too good for core protection because you won't know who wants me dead ever since I look weird and out of place. And also a perfect place to hide my phone.
I changed behind some white bedsheets it took me ages to change at that time women had a lot more to do than just putting on jeans and a hoodie.
I pulled my hair back into a half ponytail. Bonded together with a black ribbon.
"Hey what are you doing?!". Footsteps ran closer to me.
I turned around to a man who ran towards me a woman pointed at me angrily.
"Kill her that thief!". Her voice filled the air.
I found a way down along the gutter jumping down onto the wreckage of a carriage. Ran towards an open street where the carriage and people walked through each other. I found an old bike somewhere against a store. I was a little rusty and hard to move but it still worked. I bike as fast as u could which was a lot more difficult with a dress.
My heart beated into my throat as I stored off the bike. I bought a train ticket with some money I found on the ground. Just enough to buy a train ticket to Ottawa. I need to get out of the place where people might have seen me pulling out my phone.
I need to get and find a way back to 2020 even though it's a shitty year. I wanna go back home.

"Shawn... Shawn!". A woman nodded on a few windows.
"My boy did you see a boy?". The blond hair woman tapped my shoulder.
"What boy?".
"He is twenty-two tall brown curly hair brown eyes he has tattoo's one swallow on his hand And a guitar on his arm his name is Shawn". She looked worried.
"No sorry I didn't see him".
"Oh dear my boy he knows nothing of this world he would become a teacher in a boy's school and...".

Boy's school... Oh yeah it's 1898

"Sorry, ma'am I didn't see your son". I generously was sorry for her she looked so worried and hopeless.
"Honey?". A man walked up to her, wrapping his arm around her waist.
"Did you find him?". He ran his hand through her hair.
She shook her head.
"We'll find him, honey". He kissed her forehead.
"I have to catch my train". I smiled at them.
They nodded waving at me.
I stepped onto the train instantly stepping into a carriage. It looked beautiful still weird to see a train from this long ago.
I rested my head against the seat. Dating my breathing wondering what happened at all how did I came here and what happens if I go back what will change.
I miss home already and it's been like an hour.

What it I'll never get out of here?

Tears welled up in my eyes.
The door of my carriage closed. I looked up at a young man.
"Jesus get out of here!". I placed my hand on my heart he just gave me a heart attack.
"Please I... I need to... Please can I stay?". He ran his hand through his hair all worried and out of breath.
"I just need to sit down I'm so exhausted". He leaned against the frame of the door.
"Okay, you can stay". I smiled.
He sat down smiling at me.
"I've never seen you, pretty lady". He tilted his head a little.
It was hard for me not to roll my eyes. At the name, I have to remind myself that it's a whole other decade.
"I live in Toronto not far away from the c...".

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now