{Holliday kisses}

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"Y/n y/n baby".


Alessia shook me away and broke out laughing.
"I thought you were shawn". I rubbed in my eyes.
"Hey, shawn!". I slapped her arm to make her shut up. Shawn throws his arms over my seat.
"What?". He rested his chin on the neck rest in order to not bump his head on the ceiling.
"I think y/n needs a sholder to sleep on".
"I'll be fine".
"No, it's okay, alessia can you change seats with me".
"You mean I need to sit next to brian?". She turned all red.
I nodded smiling.

"Are you excited to go to Santorini?" Shawn pulled my hair from my sholder.
"Yes, I've never been to Europe I've actually never on a holiday at all except for visiting my grandmother in Ottawa".
"It will be amazing the people in Greek are so nice".
I closed my eyes again still half asleep.
"Want my shoulder?".
"I'm fine".
"Just lean on my shoulder".
I slowly leaned on his shoulder and fall asleep.

"Y/n wake up".
"What?". I looked up from the shawns neck.
"We will land soon".
I groaned in response still half sleeping, pressing my face back in his neck.
A hand reached out to my hair, I turned around to see alessia.
"Hey, sleepyhead".
"Hey". I rubbed my eyes.
I rested my head against the sear motioned her to do the same.
"And what?".
"Is Brian sweet?".
"Don't start about that". Even though the little space I could see her through I saw her face light up, her whole face turned red.
"What are they gossiping about?".
I looked up at shawn who leaned over his seat talking to brian.
"Nothing shawn". Alessia became even redder than she already was.
"Aww, she is cute when she blushes". Brian dragged Alessia to his chest. They both start blushing.
Shawn and I both smiled.
"Just marry already". Shawn hit brians arm.
"Shut up and kiss y/n for once".
"Shut up Brian". Shawn blushed.

He is cute...

"Hey, Connor" brain reached behind him to Connors's seat.
"Con... Brash!". He hit Connors's knee. Connor shook awake.
"What man?".
"We are gonna land".
Connor rubbed his eyes and softly shook Olivia's shoulder.
"Liv, hey lovie we are about to land". He kisses her forehead.
Olivia whole up pressed her head against his chest.


"Need help?" Shawn put his suitcase easily in the trunk of the jeep.
"I'm fine thanks". I lifted up my suitcase and heaved it into the trunk.
We both walked towards the front of the car. I sat down behind the steering wheel shawn sat down next to me.
I looked in the back mirror and saw the brain and alessia sitting next to each other a bit too close which made them uncomfortable. Olivia and Connor, on the other hand, were everything but uncomfortable. Olivia was curled up against Connor catching up some sleep still while Connor looked at his camera.
I started the engine and drove away, shawn navigated me with a map. Which was stupid.
"Why didn't you used google maps?".
"Because this is more fun".
"If we end up in the middle of nowhere it's your fault mendes".
Shawn rolled his eyes and turned on the radio. We all sang along with Polaroid.

"Wow, it's so beautiful".
I opened the door to the house, I looked around to the living room and kitchen. While I was starstruck by the wall window and the view.
Brian and alessia ran to the bedrooms.
"Alessia and I are claiming the room with the tv".
Man come on!" Connor ran to the room at the end of the hallway.
"Lovie we are claiming this room".
Shawn dragged me along to the last free room and opened the door.
"Well, we gave a balcony". He waved me over.
The soft summer air blew through my hair as I inhaled the salt seawater.
Looked down at our view we had a pool with clear blue water. I looked over at the flowers growing on the ivy.
"And we got a view over...". He pointed to the sea.
"The sea!".
"You're cute when you ask childish".
"Well if that was for you you are always cute".
"Thank you y/n that's so sweet of you I..." I shoved him.
"Don't sugarcoat it mendes I mean that your always a child".
He looked down and smiled.
"Hey hey, shawny!". Brain runs in with Alessia hanging on his back.
"Wow... Brian why did you claimed the first room? this has a balcony!". Alessia hit his shoulder.
"I didn't know... I thought our room was the best!".
shawn cough once.
"Uhm Brian?".
"What's up shawny?".
"We have a private conversation".
"It wasn't that...". I was cut off my shawns hand which covered my mouth.
"So we'd love to if you two leave".
"Come on man we were about to go to the city this is the perfect time everybody is home and eating".
"Give us a minute".
"Come on bri". Alessia jumped from his back and dragged him out of our room.
"They are cute". I listen to them a voice in the hall.
"Yea brian likes her ever since she drove him home from the party last year". He threw off his hoodie and yanked a shirt from his suitcase.
I watched myself starting at his toned chest.
"Well...". he turned around to face me, I looked back at the blue water of the pool.
"Were you staring at me y/n"?
"No...". I blushed.
He slowly nodded, smiled, and walked towards the door.
"Go change I'll wait".
I put on denim shorts and a green off-shoulder shirt. Bond my hair into a bun and walked out.
"Looking cute hé". Shawn spun me around.
"Thanks". I smiled at him and took his arm dragged him to the living room.
Alessia and brian we're sitting on the sofa.
"Hey, y/n". Alessia waved me over and pulled me into a hug. Shawn let himself fall onto the sofa next to his friend.
"Where are Connor and Olivia?".
I walked over to the garden.
"Hey, lovebirds come on".
Connor turned around and took oliva's hand.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now