{math problem}

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You're such a failer you never can do this right...
"Y/n?". Alessia shook my shoulder.
"Hey something wrong". Brian reached out for my hand.
"Just worried about math".
"It's gonna be okay". Brian covered my hand with his.
The bell rang my stomach turned instantly I became dizzy in my head.
"I think I feel sick".
"I'll be with you you can't give up now y/n". Alessia throw her arm over my sholder.
We walked towards the math classroom.
"I really don't want to alessia".
"Don't let a stupid teacher ruin your mood y/n he isn't worth it at all he can fall off the stairs and I wouldn't care".
I laughed softly.
Alessia let go of me as we walked into our class.
"Good afternoon girls". A young man greeted us.
Alessia's eyes widen as she looked at him.
"Hey, I'm Alessia and this is y/n".
"Nice to meet you two". He shook her hand, Then mine.
"I'm sh... Mr mendes".
"What happened to Mr iron?".
"I'll tell you if the whole class is here".
Alessia walked over to her seat in the back of class I folded her and leaned against her desk.
"Told you mr iron fell off the stairs... Well, I don't really mind having lenses here have you looked at his abs?".
I looked at her confused.

Why would you look at his abs?

"No, because his eyes are beautiful".
"He is hot isn't he?".
"You don't even know him he can be as bad as Mr iron".
"Mr iron is a grandpa he isn't meant to give us math".
"It's gonna be great!".
"What? Are you just wanna stare at him?"
"You're crazy alessia".
"You are crazy! How can you not admit that he is handsome?".
I looked at him and smiled.
"I never said that".

Thought out our conversation people slowly dropped in, when the whole class arrived. Mr. Mendes started talking.
Good afternoon class as you see I'm not Mr iron".
"Luckily" alessia laughter.
"Basically, I'm on internship here but because your teacher has a burn out I'm gonna give the lessons as long as he is gone".
All the girls were hanging on his lips all staring and smiling like idiots, I find myself mesmerizing too.
Even the boys liked him.
"Any questions?".
A bunch of hands shoot up. He answered all the questions.
"How old are you?".
"What's your surname?".
"Can we call you Shawn?".
"Of course".
"Where do you live".
"Center of Toronto".
"Do you have a girlfriend or wife"?

When the lesson started I struggled with focusing and understanding everything. Not because Shawn is here now. Its a normal and daily thing.
I reached for my jacket and pulled out my phone.

I'm gonna fail this anyway...

I aimlessly scrolled through Instagram and opened the story from Alessia
I smiled to myself and looked at alessia who was getting away in her chair. I shook her sholder.
"You know what kind of person you are now?".
"That person who will silently die because you have a crush on him".
"That's better than Sabrina who pretends she doesn't cares butentlay she is undressing him"
I looked over at Sabrina who is starting at Shawn, then turned back to alessia.
"Yep". I smiled.
"Alessia y/n?". Shawn tabbed on the board to get our attention.
"What are we talking about?".
"It's not important".
"Uhm maybe y/n does wanna tell me?". He raised his eyebrow at me.
"No thanks". I looked at my notebook, tried to make a few calculations but my head was overclouded.

After class alessia and I walked out at last.
I pulled out my earbud and. turned back to shawn.
"Can you stay for a minute?".
I looked at alessia she logged and smiled at me.
"I'll wait right behind the corner okay?".
I nogged at her as she walked out.
I walked over to his desk.
"What do you wanna tell me?".
"Your grades aren't that good".
"I know".
"And you're aware that is they don't go up you'll fail in math right?".
"I know".
"What's the problem? Are you getting bullied here I can fix that you know"?
"No, it's not that... I...".
"How is your home situation?".
"It's good".
"then why are your grades so low?".
"Listen shawn I try too hard I try so hard but nothing seems to work...".
"Have you tried tutoring?".
"I've tried everything".
"Okay, y/n I know it can be hard but don't give up now".
"No offends shawn but your subject just sucks it's not even funny I don't like it".
He laughed softly.
"If you need help you can ask me you know that right?".
"And if you need a tutor I'm here".
"It's fine I can do it myself".
"Okay, tell me if you changed your mind".
"I will".
He smiled at me leaned his chin in his hands.
"Can, I go now?".
Shawn shoots out of his trace.
"Yes yes of course".
I walked out and waved at him.
"Have a good day shawn".
"You to y/n".

"And what did he say?!".
"That my grades are low".
"Yea no joke... But did he say something nice to you?".
I shook my head.
"He started at me".
"O my God he likes you?".
"What did I do to make him like me".
"Maybe you didn't swooned away".
"Well, I don't know".
"I know". She smiled and hugged me.
"Okay, see you Monday sweetheart".
"See ya".
I walked away towards my home, scrolled thought my Instagram. And typed in shawn's name. Found one profile which matched his face.

Hey shawn mendes...

I was so into my shone that i walked up against a lamppost.
"Ouch". I rubbed my forehead.
I pulled my keys from my jacket and unlocked the door.
"Hey, honey".
"Hey, mum". I hugged her.
"How was school?".
"It was okay".
She placed a cup of tea on the table in front of me.
I sat down and lay down my phone with shawn's account on screen.
"Is that a friend of yours I've never seen him".
"Oh no... He is my new math teacher".
"Amazing you can ask him to tutor you".
"Mum, I'm gonna be fine I'll get it up I'll promise".
"Honey just constant him it will be better".
"I promise".
I nodded and sent him a DM.

Y/n: hey shawn about the math problem can you tutor me?

Shawn: y/n hey of course when?

Y/n: well when do you have time?

Shawn: you say it

Y/n: this evening

Shawn: fine with me when do you want me to come send me your address

Y/n: can I come to your house?

Shawn: that's fine too I'll send you my address

Y/n: I'll be there around 7

Shawn: see you then

"Mum, I go now". I grabbed my stuff and car keys.
"Good luck honey text me when you are going back".
"I will".
I closed the door and walked towards my car.  Drove off to shawn's apartment.

"Hey, come in".
I stepped into the living room which had a wall-sized window with a view on the CN tower.
"In the dark, it's better".
"I've only seen this on photos".
"You wanna stand there the whole time".
"No, let's study". I placed my stuff on the kitchen island and sat down on a barstool. Shawn sat next to me.
"So what don't you understand".
"Everything?". He smiled.
"Yea... I just... It's so hard".
He opened my book and started the first calculation.
"Okay, do you understand this"?
He started to explain it to me.
"Yes, a little bit".
"Okay, tell me what I need to type in". He took my calculator and waited for my response.
"It's so hard". I rested my head on his arm.
"Hey, it's okay".
"It's so hard shawn I try I really do but math just sucks".
"Hey... It's gonna be okay I'll help you".
I rested my head on his sholder.
"It's gonna be okay y/n I'll help you".
"As a teacher or friend".
"What do you want me to be?".
"I love to be your friend".

Math problem

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now