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"Babe wake up".
I groaned and turned around
"Babe wakecup".
"Just a little more time than pleasing".
"Babe wakes up".
I pulled myself up looking at the left side of the bed to see it empty I started to look around me still half asleep starting to realize where I was.

Oh yea it's my alarm

I took my phone from the table and turned off my alarm collapsing back onto the makeshift bed. Aka the sofa, I was in my aunt's house because ifs the closest to the airport today Shawn comes back after being gone for three months to Korea.
My little cousin zan jumped onto my legs.
"Y/n stand up we are gonna see Shawn".
"Why are you awake so early its 3 am".
"We're gonna see Shawn". He stated at me with his dark brown eyes.
"Okay, little cuddle bear". I lifted him up from my legs and set him down onto the floor again.
I stood up and shuffled to the bathroom zan skipped behind me holding shawn's stuffed lion. Leo. Which he gave do him before he went to Korea.
I looked into the mirror face looked tired and hair messy. Zan tugged into shirt, lifting his arms up motioned me to lift him onto the sink.
When he sat down he stared bungling his legs around.
"When will Shawn arrive?"
"At five am".
"Is that big man with him?".
"You mean to jake?".
"I dont know he is tall and bold".
"You mean jake dont worry zan he is nice".
"Is Shawn gonna stay with us?".
"Of course". I smiled at him trying to combat through my hair.
"Can we get ice cream when he is back?".
"Well, you have to ask shawn". I gave up on trying to get my hair fixed and put on shawn's Toronto maple leaves hat.
I heaved zan off the sink again.
Walked to the hall and slipped into my shoes, Trying my laces,
Zan handed me his house and dropped his leg over mine.
"Zen... What did your mum think about shoes".
"That you can. Walk with them".
"You gave to put them on yourself". I shook my head smiling.
"Please for this time mummy won't know i pinky promise i wrote tell her". He looked at me with puppy eyes.
I rolled mine and smiled, knotted his laces.
"Come on". I took his hand and unlocked the door.
Walking towards my car.
Zen dropped his body onto the backseat holding Leo close to his chest.
"Can you turn Shawn on?". He looked grabbed the handwritten cd's from the back slibig his fingers over the hard plastic.
"Which song?".
"Life of the party".
I turned on the life of the party and sang along.

When the airport doors opened warmth welcomed us. Zan tugged onto my arms dragged me towards the gates instantly.
"Wow, wow cuddle bear stops it's too early".
"Can we have Starbucks?".
I nodded and pulled him to the little cafe
"I want the pink one". Zen looked up at the board.
"Are you sure little man pink is a girl's color"?
I looked up at the cashier boy raised my eyebrow.
"If he wants pink he gets pink...".
I leaned closer to him.
"Because in our family we aren't racists".
"Okay... Anyway, one pink drink from the little man... And you beautiful what do you want to order?".
"A vanilla bean creme frappuccino and a caramel cappuccino with caffeine and cream topped with chocolate pumps... And can you make the last one gluten-free?".
"Are you just hungry or something... Beautiful you can just ask me to...".
"No, the last one is for my boyfriend Shawn mendes".
He slowly nodded and went off to prepare our drinks after I paid. I took our drinks when they were done.
I took zan to a table close to the tv.
He played with the paper stray in his drink.
I messaged Shawn

Y/n: we are here I bought your fav

Shawn: aww you didn't I love you so much, babe!

Y/n: I love you too shawny

"I wanna see shawn". Zan lay his head on the table and whined softly.
I sigh and closed the message and went to my pictures shawn had an apart special album in it with even more photos than all the others together.
I handed zan my phone and he started to scroll through shawn's pictures.
"What is he doing here?". He turned the phone to me showed a picture of Shawn talking off his hoodie.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now