{dark dream's}

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"Y/n!". His voice was damped by the water.
I opened my eyes swimming to the surface of the lake. Pulling my hair back. Starting at him.
"Oh sorry, I didn't want to disturb you".
"I had five more minutes anyway". I pulled my bathing robe on.
He kept staring at me his eyes lingering on my arm with my scare.
"Does it still hurt?". He pointed at my scar.
"It itches sometimes". I rubbed it slowly.
"I can make a painkiller for it".
"I thought you only made sleeping pills".
"They're kinda the same". He smiled running his hand through his curls.
"You don't have to it'll pass by". I took the towel from him feeling thought I hair to dry it.
"Did you came to later me for the next meeting?".
"We canceled it... The last insights of your dreams weren't as helpful as we hoped".
"So you're here to dull me to sleep".
"Yes, what do you wanna do make some herb tea listen to piano music, read some books?".
"I heaved my shoulders running my hand through my hair.
"Or we can cuddle". He smiled.
"Are we allowed to?".
"If for sleeping purposes yes just anything that makes you sleep".
"I'm not gonna cuddle you". I laugh.
"Fine...". He walked back to the inside of the dead volcano which is my home.
He walked along the bookshelves finding a book filled with pills descriptions and herbs.
Go change into something dry I'll make you the pills and some tea". Ge took a few mint leaves chopping them up.
I walked over to the bathroom putting on a bodysuit and some sweatpants.

Shawn was still making tea when u walked in.
I sat down on my mediation spot turning on my salt lamp.
"Here do you want your tea?".
"At my bedside table". I didn't open my eyes keeping my focus on my meditation.
He set it on the table sitting down next to me.
"There is something in your hair... Wait for uhm... let me take it out...". He reached out taking a stain of sand out of my hair.
"You should have showered after your swim".
"The seawater makes me sleep faster".
"I know, but sand salt, and dust can cause those little wounds as you have here". He rested his fingers on my arm.
"It doesn't matter you all just care about my visions I get in my dreams and not my medical health right?".
"We never said that but y/n we need you most to go to sleep and see what's gonna happen we have to win this war".
"And I suppose you're not here to be my friend, you're just my guard or whatever".
"Listen I want the best for you I do but we need you for this... I need you for this". He walked over to my bed sitting down on theaatress taking the book with fairy tale stories from my bookshelves above my bed.
"Come sit". He patted the spot next to him.
I moved to my bed sitting next to him.
"Where were we?". He mumbled to himself flipping through the book.
"Can you read Rapunzel again?".
"It's tangled".
"Rapunzel, and can you please read it".
"Okay, Rapunzel and yes I'll read it". He smiled.
"Thank you". I sipped from my tea swallowing the two pills.
The bitter horrific taste stuck in my mouth even after almost chucking burning tea it didn't leave.
"Ouch fuck!". I bit my knuckles.
Why are you drinking steaming hot tea so fast?". Shawn looked up from the book.
"The pills almost made me throw up".
He walked over to the fridge pulling out a can of almond milk pouring it in a glass.
"Drink this slowly".
I grabbed the glass as fast as poaalbs.
"Slow down you'll only hurt yourself". He grabbed my wrist slowing down my movements.
I sipped from it slowly.
He smiled flipping the page and stars reading.
"in a kingdom somewhere in the world a pretty princess was born with beautiful long golden hair magic hair...". He shortly glanced at me smiling. But quickly turning his attention to the book again.
"...as some may claim. so powerful that it could guarantee forever youth something a lot of older people in the kingdom were after.
One night a woman broke into the palise and stole the child locking her up in a tower far away from any humans.
As the years went by the woman made the princess her child using her for her magic hair giving her forever youth.
The girl was told never to leave the tower but she kept longing for the world in front of her what spikes the curiosity are a thousand light lanterns flying through the sky on her birthday. On the day of her birthday, she begged her mother to go see the learners in the big city but her mother refused to tell her about the dangers of the outside world.
Most of the day her mother left to collect food for the night.
That day changed everything when a young man stumbled in. He wasn't like what her mother told her people would be he didn't have long nails which can slice skin or shape teeth, this one wasn't a monster like a mother told her. He was quite well dressed slicked back hair, kind eyes...". Shawn stopped reading when I rested my head against his shoulder. I like being close to him he is warm and comfy. He seemed taken off guard by it but still ran his hand through my hair.
My eyes slowly started to close as I relaxed on his shoulder.

He's comfy...

"You want me to read ahead?".
"Yeah". I tapped the page.
"... Maybe he could help me go see the lanterns she thought he seemed nice...".
I slowly started to fall asleep.

"Before the monster could launch at me I woke up...
"Y/n...". Shawn hovered above me looking worried.
I catch my breath running my hand through my hair.
"What was your dream?".
"I uhm I was running".
"From what?".
"From the enemies, they shot you you were dead I tried to save you but I couldn't I...I ran and... I saw". Tears welled up in my eyes.
"What was it?".
"The monster for my childhood nightmares I don't wanna talk about it... It's so horrible". I pulled my face in my hands starting to cry.
"Hey y/n are you?.. Aww come here, come here". He pulled me into his arms.
"Was it that scary hé?.. I'm here it can't hurt you anymore". He kissed my head.
"I'm sorry, but I don't think I wanna go and tell them at the meeting it isn't relevant anyway". I pulled away from him.
"Don't be sorry I'm here I'll tell them you didn't dream this time". He pulled my hair behind my ear.
"But they would blame you...".
"Ssst I don't care". He took my hand caressing my skin.
I looked down at our hands

We're so close

"It's gonna be okay y/n". He smiled.
"I do know". I pulled myself up sitting on the bed
He exhaled slowly starting at me aimlessly.
"Can I kiss you?".
"What?". I looked up at him.
"Can I kiss you, please?".


"You wanna kiss me?".
"Yes, can I?".
"Yeah". I smiled.
"Okay cool, I mean amazing I mean...". He ran his hand through his hair.
I laughter softly feeling more nervous.
"Okay". He inched closer to me resting his hand on my cheek pressing his lips against mine softly.
The kiss didn't last longer than a few seconds.
We both laughed softly.
"What do you wanna do today, go for a swim?".
"Let's take a walk".
"With me?".
"Yes with you silly". I smiled.
"Okay I love y... I mean I love to".
I hugged him smiling at him knowing I was happy with him by my side. I didn't have to be scared of the dark dreams.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now