{i have to tell you something}

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I walked to the teacher's lounge laptop pressed against my chest.
"Oh hey, y/n can I do something for you?". Mr watts smiled at me.
"I'm looking for mr mendes from marketing". I tapped my fingers on my elbow still a little nervous.
"Her's in here come walk with me". Mr watts waved me over.
'Shawn, y/n is here for you".
He turned around setting down his cup of tea mint to be exactly
In these few months, I have marketing class from him I got to know him Shawn is 22 lives close to the CN tower he has a puppy Tarzan he is his baby now every day he shows us new videos and pictures of him. Shawn loves ice hockey and basketball he was defeated when Kobe Bryant died in the crash he coolant go to school for a day.
He is also a Toronto Maple Leaf we watched a lot of games which I enjoyed.

"There she is the baby girl of the class".
I raised my eyebrow.
"I'm joking what can I do for you?". He smiled.
"I had a question about google analysis".
"Show me". He pointed at the chair next to me.
I stared at my laptop.
"I don't understand it at all how do you filter this all?".
"Well do you see all the subsites on the left side?". He pointed at a line of titles.
"Yes but still I'm not good with numbers". I looked down playing with my ring.
"It's okay you're at school to learn". He smiled.
"It's still so hard". I ran my hand through my hair.
what about we study in another environment than school?". He pored in some more water for tea
"I was thinking about a cafe, of you, want of course".
"I'd like to". I smiled closing my laptop.
"So y/n how are you?". He leaned back onto the chair.
"I'm fine".
"Yea, no valentine this year?".
"I never had one". I looked down playing with my ring.
"Well, maybe you have a secret admire you never know".
"I don't know I think I'm not that interesting for boys".
"I think you have insecurity problems y/n".
"Maybe yes".
"Guys are interested but some can be shy to reach out for you".
"The problem is that I'm shy too".
"You're an amazing person y/n you'll find someone". He bumped my shoulder slightly.
"What about you mr mendes don't you have a woman to make you happy today".
"No... Surprised?".
"Uhm yea you always tell stories about going to clubs don't lie to me and say that you don't have a Valentine today".
"I don't". He sipped from his tea.
"Feels like we're the only one". I smiled.
"Yeah but hey it's okay".

He set down my cup of coffee I reached for it wrapping my hands around it. 
"Don't you have class?". He sat down again.
"No, I had two hours of the project so I'm done now".
'Why don't you go home?". He looked at me.
"There's no reason to my parents are away for a week and my sister's girlfriend is at ours it just makes me feel more lonely".
"You don't have...". His voice was cutt off by a loud bang.
"What was that?". I looked in the direction of the sound.
Another loud sound calmed through the halls.
Shawn eyes me from the corn or of his eyes.


He must have seen the fear in my eyes because he slowly inched closer to me.
'Is it?..". Shawn cutt me off by putting his finger on his lips.
"Ssst". He walked to the door slowly looking out of the little window.
"Fuck!". He likes down against the wall.
"Code red". He watched his breaching.
"Code what?". I stared at him confused.
Footsteps inched closer to the door.
'Get down and come here". He waved me over.
"What's going on". I crawled closer to him sitting against the wall too.
"Active shooter".


"Are you sure?".
"Uhm maybe what would a man do in a school with a riffel yes y/n hundred percent it's an active shooter".
'I have to call my parents and my sister".
"Fuck Tarzan I should be home in an hour no no my sweet baby boy". He ran his hand through his curls.
"He will be okay Shawn first we gave to make sure everyone knows this".
"So miss y/l/n how can you comucatie with people fast?".
"I don't know".
"I taught you this one week ago".
"Push alarms".
"Good". He smiled.
I took my phone from my pocket setting up a push alarm for everyone in the school.
Shawn messaged a code red active shooter in the Toronto educative app. Police would be far away and see it.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now