{the place is ours}

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I turned around to turn off my alarm eyes barely open only to remind myself my alarm clock was packed back into a moving box. I pulled myself up on my elbow yanking open the first box I saw. Looking for my alarm.
My back hurted from sleeping on a thin mattress on the floor. Boxes all surrounding. my room bounced with every sound and echo. The windows were covered with new's papers in layers because my curtains were at the new house already.
Shawn and I found an apartment in Toronto a few minutes away from where he lives now.
I always loved to move to his apartment but he said that his apartment was his, the barn on the back of my parent's garden is mine and now he wants an apartment for us. Which is cute. The apartment is a little bigger than shawn's now it has four perfect rooms. Of course our bedroom, Tarzan's room, shawn's music room, and my fitness room.

I tore the new's paper from the window looking outside to see my mum waving at me. I smiled back waving at her too.
I walked over to my little kitchen block filling my glass with water.
Making some pancakes while silencing to wonder the album.

I was brushing my teeth as Shawn nodded on my door.
"Yeah". I spit out the toothpaste walking to the door.
"Hey Reina". He kissed me walking in sitting down on a chair.
Tarzan pressed himself against my leg walking with me to the kitchen.
"Since when do you talk Spanish instead of Portuguese?".
"Aaliyah just taught me a new word don't worry I still like Portuguese more bebê".
"Is she helping today?".
"Yes, Jordan comes too he has another can of the paint we loved". He took an apple from the fruit basket taking a bite.
"Amazing". I smiled lifting Tarzan sitting on top of the table.
"It smell's amazing in here by the way".
"Are you talking about my shampoo or the pancakes"?
"Wait you made pancakes?".
"Okay, so you dont care if my hair smells nice". I crossed my arms over my chest.
"No of course of course I do".
"I don't believe you". I walked away from him.
"No bebê please dont walk away from me dont walk away". He took my arm dragging me back, kissing my nose.
"Can you make pancakes for me?". He played with the cords of my hoodie.
"I already had breakfast there is nothing left for you sorry". I pulled his curls back a little.
"Then can we get muffins on the way to our new house?".
"If you want muffins we can get muffins".
"And can you make breakfast tomorrow?".
"I'm not a slave Shawn".
"But I want pancakes".
"Make your pancakes". I laughed pulling him away.

"You got it babê?". Shawn looked back at me.
"Of course I do". I rolled my eyes lifting the box from the trunk.
Shawn unlocked the door from the apartment complex walking to the elevator so I could carry things in.
When he unlocked the door to our apartment brian and alessia were moving our sofa to the place we told them to.
"Perfect guys thank you". Shawn smiled patting their brains back. I walked over to the bedroom which was still empty. Aaliyah and Jordan we're painting the walls in the light green we wanted.
"Hey y/n". Jordan smiled wanted to hug me with the brush still in his hand.
"Oh wow not with the paintbrush buddy". I set down the box smiling.
He put it away hugging me tightly.
Jordan and I had been besties since Aaliyah and his started dating their first date was a dubbed date with me and Shawn because he was too nervous and Shawn wanted to protect his sister still. We hit off pretty well he is like a brother to me.
"Where's Tarzan?" Aaliyah looked around trying to find him, at that moment her trapped inside. All happy, he always begs for Aaliyah to pet him because he smells oreo and the two puppies are inseparable.
"Hey, Tarzan aww hey cutie". She hugged him.
"Y/n!". Shawn leaned again the doorframe
"What?". I lited my head from Jordan's chest.
"Are you Jordan's girlfriend or mine?!".

Someone is jealous

"Oh didn't you know Jordan is my side boy"? I kissed Jordan's cheek.
Shawn dragged me from him pulling me against his chest.
"Mine!". He glanced at Jordan deadly.
"I'm joking Jesus Shawn". I patted his chest softly.
"Hey don't give him that look". Aaliyah hugged her boyfriend burying her face into the fabric of his hoodie.
"Mine... mi Reina, meu bebê". Shawn pulled his face in my neck.

When everyone was gone we unpacked some stuff shawn's stuff was here a day before mine.
I was working on Tarzan's room and Shawn was working on his music room.
Melodies came from that room and I put together that he wasn't working at all but playing guitar.
I rolled my eyes.
"Your daddy is a weird kid Tarzan". I smiled kissing his head.
Tarzan licked my face.
I smiled setting down his big pillow where he can sleep on throwing the elephant stuffed animal on it which Karen bought for him.
I picked up another box feeling a pure white pain shot through my body everything slowed down all the sounds around my heartbeat Shawn playing guitar in the other room Tarzan's soft wining. He walked over to my pressing bus head against my leg wanting to give me support somehow.
"It's okay Tarzan it's okay". I set the box back down sliding down the wall to the ground wanting to sit down but because I could my head hit the ground I heard something from Tarzan paw's dripping to the other room.

"Bebê wake up please babê wake up... Y/n wake up please just wake up God damnit why won't you wake up?!". Shawn shook me awake.
"Shawn...". I rubbed my forehead pulling myself up.
"Oh wow, bebê stop". He pulled his arm behind my back resting my head into his hand palm like a baby.
"I have to...".
"You don't have to do anything now bebê".he ran his hand through my hair kiting me on his lap.
"What happened y/n? Tarzan ran into my room whinily dragging me to you by my jeans".
"I dont know".
"Just fainted hé. are you hurt somewhere?". He scanned my body.
"No just dizzy".
"Let's take a nap okay?".
I nodded.
He lifted me in his arms walking over to our bedroom where we just had an air mattress and a few boxes because the paint on the walls still has to dry.
He lay me down resting his head next to mine.
"Sleep well bebê". He kissed my forehead.
"You know I love you".
"I do". He smiled pulling my hair behind my ear.
"I do love you". I smiled kissing his nose.
"Aww, I love you more mi Reina...". He kissed my lips softly I kissed him back running my hand through his curls.
He rested his forehead against mine.
"It's amazing right? This apartment". He started at the ceiling smiling.
"Yes, it is". I followed the veins on his arms with my fingers.
"This is our y/n our place". He hugged me pulling me closer.

The place is ours 


Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now