{he hit right into my heart}

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I looked in the mirror once more not to look stupid and I'll completely fool myself on my first day of boxing training. The bell went over, I fixed my ponytail for the last time grabbed my water botel and plugged my earbuds into my phone. Then walked ran down the stairs and opened the door to relieve my cousin.
"Good to see you". He hugged me and walked out to his car which he parked into our driveway.
"Dean just wait I need to lock the door".
"Hurry up I am always on time and I don't wanna break the record".
"Don't try to make a competition out of everything".
"I am just happy you wanna cone boxing don't worry I'll take it easy on you".
"You have to Dean I don't wanna die yet".

I locked the door and walked over to his car, opened the door. He turned on the radio, A team from Ed Sheeran was on. I glanced over at Dean.
"I dear you to sing Y/n".
I smiled widely and sang along with the radio. Dean shook his head and drove off.

"We first need to pick up a friend of mine"
"Aren't you gonna break your record then?".
"If you want a punch in your stomach immediately you can just say it".

After a half-hour, we pulled into a parking lot next to an apartment complex. Dean pulled out his phone, to call someone he put it on speaker.
"Shawny boy!".
"Yes, I know sixty seconds".
We'll see".

Not much longer than a minute later his friend ran out of the building, Deam pulled down the window.
"That was seventy seconds".
"Oh, shut up".
"Get in the car Mendes".
He stepped in sat down behind me on the backseat. dean hit me slightly only leg.

Oh yes introducing

I turned around to face him and smiled.
I'm Y/n".
Hey, Shawn".


I turned back leaned against the window, trying to suppress my smile, Dean looked over at me let his eyes rest on my face. And smiled.

Am I blushing?!

"Stop looking at me".
"Aww, you are cute. Why are you blushing?".
"Shut up".

When we arrived, the boys ran up to the stairs and started their cardio in the treadmills.
I took a treadmill next to Shawn.
Dean ignored us, minding his own training.
"Do you two always need to be in competition?".
"Yes, why not?".
"Because it's kinda useless".
"No keeps you focused and in shape".
I rolled my eyes and smiled quietly.
Wanna apply to a competition against "me right now?".
"in running against you?".
"Are you scared?".
"Me scared of you?".
"No for losing from me".
"Of course not".
"Let's start with level nine".
"Does that mean we just stared?".
He ignored me and started to run but instead of putting the level on nine he slowly geared it up to ten.
"Hey, you said nine!".
"You need to stay focused if you wanna fight against me".
I geared it up to nine first to quickly follow Shawn to ten.
We ran until we hit level thirteen my feet couldn't keep up I set my feet on each side of the treadmill and lowered the level.
"You give up?".
"Shut up you won".
"I'm gonna do fourteen".
"It isn't that hard".
"You are crazy".
"Y/n, Shawn cardio is over". Dean waved us over, to a stair downward.
I followed Dean down the stairs, a tall muscular man was waiting for us.
"Hey, Michael".
"Hey, Dean".
The man patted his back.
"You know my cousin Y/n right?".
"Yes, of course, Y/n the talent of the boxing family great you could join us today".
"Nice to finely meet you, Michael". I shook his hand trying to make it feel strong enough for him to be impressed.
He let go of my hand and, and smiled.
"Shawn good to see you how is your headache?".
"Glad to be back it's better than last week".
"Good, I don't want you to be sick for your game".

"Okay Dean you can fight with Y/n for a while I'll get you if I'm done with shawn... Y/n you know how it works right".
"Of course, I do".

Dean threw a pair of gloves to me I catch it and put them on.
"Wanna do a staredown?".
"No, I already know you're gonna win".
"Good though".

We trained for a while he won of course, but that was also because if my focus wasn't the best not at all my mind wondered off to Shawn most of the time.

Michael waved Dean over for personal training.
"Bye little cousin, have fun with Shawn".
"Shut up".
He hit me into my stomach carefully not really hurting me.

When Shawn walked over to us dean blocked his way fo me by grabbing his shoulder.
"I trust you with Y/n, if something happens to her then you're done, friend".
"Easy I'll be careful".
"You better be".
Shawn nodded his head and smiled at his friend, Dean smiled back.

"Okay, Y/n staredown".
"Do we have too?".
"Yes, I need to practice on that".
"Them you have the wrong person".
"You feel intimated by me?".
"I already am".
"Don't be I'm not here to hurt you".

He stare at me for a while, stare down's are mostly serious we tried to take it serious too but I couldn't help but smile at him, he smiled back.
"Okay, maybe the staredown wasn't the best idea".

He threw in the first hit I dodged it.
"Come on Shawn you can fo better".
"You want me to go hard on you?".
"Yes, I mean no don't kill me but show me at least what you got".
He hit my arm carefully then my stomach. I reached for his knees and hit it, tackles him he fell on the ground. i placed my arm on his chest rudely.
"You need to know shawn if you fight with me, I can be surprising".
A smile grows on his lips.
He leaned in, close to my lips. I got lost in his eyes leaned in too.
He pulled away and flipped us over.
"I told you to stay focused while fighting with me!".
"I was focused!".
"No, not at all".
"Don't distract me then".
"Stay focused Y/n".
I manage to pull him off of me.
"I am".
He stood up and hit my head. I stumbled back and threw my arm to his chest. He grabbed my arm and pushed it away. I hit his elbow and then his stomach.
"Look now you're focused".
He hit my arm right onto the spot dean wounded me a few weeks ago.
As a reaction, I hit his stomachs again. Not relaxing my arm was bleeding.
"Don't distract me again".
"No serious".
"Yea sure serious".
"No Y/n your arm is bleeding".
He unwrapped his hands from the boxing gloves and took my arm carefully, I hissed in pain.
"It's okay".
He unwrapped my gloves too, led me to a branch. Took his water botel and cleaned my wound. I hissed again.
"It's okay did I hurt you anywhere else?".
"No, it's good".
He smiled, his hands reached for my face, his motion was can't of my Dean's voice.
"Shawn, what have you done with my little cousin?".
"Actually, Dean you did, remember the wound".
"You told me not to hold back, of course, you are gonna get blood".
"It's not Shawn's fault".

After training, Michael needed Dean to went through a quick reflection of the training.
Shawn and I stood outside i leaned against a wall. he sat on the bonnet of Dean's car.
"Sorry for trying to kiss you".
I looked at my shoes trying to his my rosy cheeks.
"Uhm it's okay though... I kinda hoped...".
He walked over to me, looked me in my eyes and smiled.
"I kinda hope you did...".
His lips touched mine. His hands found my face.
While I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Do you want me to go back?". Dean walked outside.
"O my God, Dean can you not stare buddy!".
I looked down embraced that my cousin just saw me kissing his best friend.
Dean sigh stepped into his car.
"Get in you two".
We sat down on the back seat. I stared out of the window. Trying to contain smiling the whole time.
I caught Shawn looking at me. I turned my head to him.
"Want my number?". He noded I handed him my phone.
He saved my number then texted someone.
I reserved a chat.
There was a number sent to me.


I saved his number as Shawn with a heart behind it. He looked at my screen and smiled.
"Call me when you are home so we can hang out".

When we arrived at Shanw's apartment he kissed my cheek and stayed out.

He hit right into my heart

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now