{black queen}

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A/n: this story is based on the story of benny and beth from the queen's gambit the rights are all to the producers from the miniseries and the writer of the book

"I need a new pack of beta-blockers". I showed the cashier my description.
He nodded walking over to the back of the store making my description.
To be honest I didn't need the beta-blockers not what people should see as needed I need them for playing games in my head to see the board on the ceiling whenever I take them.
I turned my head towards the rank of the newspapers.
"Shawn mendes Canadian chess champion of 1966". I looked at the pictures of him winning the game in Montreal this year he opened with kings pawn 1. e4 a pretty solid opening. He began his endgame with the queen's gambit tricky but he won.

I'm the most scared of him

I will be playing against him in Las Vegas in two weeks. That's why I need my pills. I will use them in Paris but I'm stocking for Las Vegas.

The man walked back with my beta-blockers.
"And this too". I placed the newspaper on the counter.
"Don't you just steal it like always?". He took my money.
I shook my head.
"Keep the change". I walked out of the store back home.

"Where were you?". Mother walked from the kitchen towards me.
"Buying the newspaper". I held it up.
Shawn mendes hé wait isn't that the man who you have to compete against in Las Vegas.
"Yeah". I looked down at the picture of Shawn. Shivers ran down my spine as I already got nervous.
I know I'm good jon told me I could beat Connor brashier California's champion since 1961, in a matter of Time. anyhow Connor isn't Shawn Connor might be a child genius and trained for so long for his championships. Shawn is a mastermind who mostly wins because he's fast and has brilliant strategies but has a weakness in long games and completed endgames.
And let that just be my strength still Shawn loves getting into mind games, he is known for knowing what his approving will do by just how they set down the first piece.
"You're the best player there is y/n".
"I'm good but not as good as Shawn". I sat down sipping from the glass of water she just set on the counter for me.
I read the article carefully trying to find a fault in one of his strategies. To find out that he has a lot of weaknesses in his openings.
"Don't you have to focus on your game in Paris instead of in Las Vegas"?
"I got that harry guy under control but...".
"Maybe you shouldn't think that he is one of the best chess players in Paris".
"Yeah, you're right first Paris then Las Vegas". I smiled chucking my water than walking upstairs packing my stuff for my trip to Paris playing chess to think through my strategies.

I walked into the massive hotel a man held the door for us. Mum snapped her fingers as I kept staring at the chandeliers on the beautiful ceiling.
"Y/n". She smiled making me follow her to the check-in.
"Room for y/l/n...".
I looked back at the beautiful lobby people who were chess in one of the louches. All men

I live in a men's world

I walked over to the closed chair and table with a chessboard playing through the possible game I have to play against harry. I felt like the whole hotel was watching me a wave of attention waved over me. I looked up shortly to see all men who were focused on the chessboard before are or looking at me how I played maybe because they've never seen a girl doing chess or because I opened my game with the queen's gambit pretty risky but worth it.
I'm a new player in chess people in France don't know me yet I just had one tournament in Pickering.
"Sweetheart".mum smiled waiting for me to walk with her.
I slowly stood up walking over to the stairs.
I stumbled over my own feet bumping into someone.
"Sorry". I kept my eyes on the floor.
"It's okay".
I scrambled up just as I looked up mum blocked my view.
"Aww, sweetheart look where you walk". She strained my dress grabbing my shoulders kissing my head.
"Sorry mother".  I looked at her eyes.
She took my face between her hands.
"Don't let men put you don't sweetheart... Men are gonna come along and wanna teach you thing doesn't make them any smarter".
"I know mother".
"Come on". She led me to the lift.
As I stepped in I  catches a glimpse of young men.

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