{on my mind every second}

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Soft curly hair kind Caramel born eyes and his cute smile which lot up a whole dark sky. Shawn was literally an angel. Even his voice was beautiful.
"... I know right I'm happy you guys came tonight". He hugged the last group of girls before they left.
I looked down back at the empty red cups in my hands. Throwing them into the garbage bag.
Shawn walked back towards the music box turning the music on a lower volume.
"Thanks again for staying I don't know how long it was gonna take me if I have to do this all alone". He smiled grabbing a kitchen cloth cleaning the counter.
"No problem I love to help you better than going home to an empty house" I heaved my shoulders.
"I love parties but the mess isn't fun to clean up".
I turned around to face him.
"So I'm not fun to be with?". I raised my eyebrow. 
he looked up at me smiling.
"Only you can make cleaning fun".
I tried to keep my face normal when I felt my cheeks heat up.
I felt Shawn starting at me.
"Sorry did I make you feel shy?". he steps closer.
"No, you didn't". I smiled.
"Are you sure?". He bumped my arm slightly.
"Maybe you make me a little bit shy". I looked down fingering with my necklace.
"He looked down bathing my eyes.
Youre cute when your shy".

I'm what?. Wait no stop what the heck I need to stop loving him!

I hid my face in my hand.
"Aww, now you're even cuter". He placed his hand on his heart. Starting at me like I'm the cutest human being ever.

I'm not

Shawn's phone went over three times folded by ten other motivations from messages.
He looked down at his screen. Rolling his eyes.
"Who is texting you?". I looked at his screen. Which he quickly closed again.
"You know how girls can be". He turned back to the sink emptying some opened end leftover beer bottles.
"No, tell me who it was". I pocked his side.
"I won't tell". He dried his hand on his jeans.
"Why not?". I raised my eyebrow.
"Because it isn't important". He slicked his hair back.
"It is Lauren?".
He heated up bright red.
"O my God you're hooking up with your high school girlfriend dude!". I leaned against the counter taking a water hotel from the fridge.
"Uhm not only Lauren...". His voice died off throughout his sentence.
But I picked up every word perfectly fine.
"What do you mean not only her?".
"I uhm... Don't judge me please y/n". He ran his hand through his hair.
"I also had a few hookups with Elle".
"Ginger hair Elle?".
"How many else's do you know?". She turned towards me.
"I don't know with who you're all hooking up". I heaved my shoulders

It's sad that he doesn't like guys

"They're texting me".
"It's 2 in the morning". I looked at the clock. Yawing in my elbow.
"You're tired?".
"A little". I smiled.
"Come on its time to sleep we can find this tomorrow". He let doen the kitchen cloth.
"Yea I probably should go home". I took my jacket from the chair taking my keys from the table.
You can't walk alone in the dark what if some crazy person hurts you?".
"That won't happen".  Walking towards the front door.
I opened the door before shawn closed it again my punching the door hack in its frame.
I turned around being trapped between the door and his chest.

Isn't this what murders do...

"Shawn...". I felt myself starting to temper.
"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you". His eyes sorted.
"It's fine can you just... Never do that again?". I looked at starting at him feeling my cheeks get warm again.
"Are you blushing?". He raised his eyebrow.
I looked down at my shoes. Running my hand through my hair.
"Is there something you wanna tell me?". His breathing was close to my skin.
I shook my head.
"Okay... Now come on you must be tired". He patted my shoulder softly.
Yea let go back". I smiled shortly.

"You're comfy now?".
"for as far as a sofa can be comfy it's pretty amazing". I looked down at the sofa which was covered in blankets and pillows.
"Good". She stood up from the sofa walking over to the door from his room.
"Goodnight shawn".
"Sleep well y/n". He waved at me.
I lay down on the sofa. Driving off to sleep.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now