{don't wanna talk about it}

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He walked past me without saying hello or even smiling with red puffy eyes with rosy cheeks with dried tears onto his skin still.
He took Tarzan onto his lap softly crying into his fur. The puppy noticed how sad his owner was and took that over ararwd whining uncontrollably.
I shook my head coughing down in front of them.
"Are you okay..?". I rested my hand on his knee my other running to Tarzan's fur.
"Does it seems like I'm okay?".
"No no of course not stupid dumb question". I looked down.
He looked up at me shortly taking Tarzan from his lap resting his head in his hands running his fingers through his curls.
"I just...". His voice was cut off by some soft sobs.
"Hey, it's gonna be okay whatever his happening it's okay". I held his arm carefully following the ink of his butterfly tattoo with my fingers.
"She broke up with me". He looked at me with his bloodshot eyes.

The bitch

"Oh, shawn I'm sorry". I sat next to him pulling him in my arms.
He rested his head against my sholder completely broken.
"Can I do something for you?". I ran my hand theoifgt his curls.
"I don't know I just wanna call mum". He sniffed.
Shawn has always been leaning more towards his mum than any other person they relationship is so cute he loves her and she loves him.

It's cute

Tarzan licked his face wanting to cheer him up.
"I love you, sweet boy". He smiled through his tears kissing his head.
"Okay, I'll make dinner". I patted his back.

While I was cooking the seafood for the paella I picked up the conversation shawn and his mum had.
"Aww, babe I'm sorry".
"So stupid". He ran his hand through his hair.
"She loved you and you had a good relationship with her why did she break up with you?".
He shook his head heaving his shoulders.
"Is someone with you is there anyone how can take care of you now?".
"Y/n is here". He turned his phone towards me. I smiled waving at Karen who waved back on the other side of the screen.
"Y/n you'll take care of my boy right?".
"Of course Karen I'm making dinner for him now". i smiled turning back to my seafood.
"She's a sweetheart shawn I'm happy you have a friend like her".
"Anna was sweet too". His voice broke again.
"Aww it's fine stop thinking about it, it's not the end of the world babe".
He nodded still sniffing every second. Tarzan rested his chin on his tight to comfort him.
"you got this, you got this babe take a deep breath".
Shawn inhaled deeply and I was thinking to myself if it was wrong for me not to hug him right now.
"I love you".
"It's fine babe I love you too".
He smiled.
"Aww, there's that smile".
"You did that". He giggled softly.
"I didn't do anything".
"You you made me happy".
"You make me happy too babe I Love you".
"Okay well both of us".
"Yeah well, I have to pick Aaliyah up from Jordan bye babe".
"Bye mum". He blew a few kisses at her.

"I wanna hug". Shawn wrapped his arms around me locking my arms into making it impossible for me to finish cooking.
"Shawn I'd love to hug too but can we do that when I'm done with cooking dinner?".
"No, you're too comfy to let go of".
"Are you too comfy to let your apartment burn down?".
"No...". He pulled his chin on his head.
"Then let go of me so I can finish dinner". I pried his hAnds off.
"Can I help?".
"Can you cut the vegetables?".
"Yes". He took a wooden board to cut it on taking the vegetables from the grocery bag. Taking a knife.
"Oh wow, a no-no that one!". I lowered the firewalking over to him. Taking the knife from him.
"What why?".
"Because I don't want you to hurt yourself". I put the knife away.
"I'm 22, not a kid". Ge crossed his arms over his chest.
"We both know you clumsy so...". I took a smaller knife.
"This is for you". I handed it to him.
He shook his head smiling at me.

"What are you doing buddy?". I set our played down in the sink as shawn packed the leftovers in a box.
"He wants walk I think... Hey sweet boy you wanna go for a walk you wanna walk?". He slides on his knees towards the puppy.
Tarzan kept pawing the door yawing.
"Aww, yea big yaw". He kissed his nose ruffling his hand through his fur.
"Okay". He put on his shoes and jacket.
"You wanna go with us?". He smiled.
"Yes". I put my jacket on.

"O my God no that was not what I meant at all". I laughed softly.
It was you were super drunk you couldn't even walk". He looked at me.
"Oh sorry I'm small I can't handle alcohol as good as your 6'3 body". I rolled my eyes.
"Oh damn girl most women like my looks and body but you straight up insult it". He placed his hand on his heart like he was hurt.
"Okay Greek God don't let your ego get to your head". I bumped his arm slightly.
"Tarzan began to yank onto the leash my hands began to burn from the fabric of it.
"Wow Tarzan, what do you see buddy?". I leaned my whole weight backward.
"Tarzan!". Shawn grabbed the leash too pulling him back.
"What's wrong sweet boy?". He Kneeled beside him.
He barked happily swaying his hair in the air.
Shawn turned his head his face fell became sad in a matter of seconds.
My eyes followed him. Seeing anna his ex-girlfriend kissing and hugging another person.
Shawn bit his lip to hold back his tears.
At that moment he broke down hugging Tarzan as he cried his heart out.

Oh no

"Aww, shawn don't cry". I kneeled doen beside him wrapping my arms around his shoulder.
He only cried harder.
"Aww no shawn no you're not gonna cry over a stupid girl". I pulled him up taking the leash from his hands taking him back home. Tarzan pressed his face onto shawn's leg to comfort him.

Shawn floped down on his sofa still crying his cheeks all rosy covered with tears.
"Shawn hey...". He took my hand.
"She was my everything y/n... literally my everything".
"I know shawn I know". I I pulled his hair back caressing my thumb over the back of his hand.
"I love her and she just... Why does she have to hurt me like that?".
"Some people fall out of love".
"But I didn't want her to fall out of love with me I mean what did I do wrong?".
"You didn't do anything wrong don't think you do shawn you're the best person ever don't let her bring you down".
"But... I want her back". He sniffed.
"Don't force her to do anything shawn that's toxic".
"Can we just go to sleep?".
"Yes". I pulled him up leading him to his bed. He lay down not even bothering to change clothes. Pulling his face into his pillow not moving an inch anymore.
I smiled sadly walking over to the bathroom taking a hoodie from his closer on my way.

I changed into the hoodie combating my hair with my fingers.
Walking back to shawn's room to say goodnight.
Shawn was asleep his arms draped over Tarzan.
"goodnight shawn". I smiled. Walking over to him pulling the blanket up to his chin.
"Wait...". Shawn took my hand waving my fingers through his slowly.
"Shawn I'd love to but I'm pretty tired can it be fast?". I rubbed my eyes.
"Can you sleep here please?".
"Of course". I smiled. Suffering towards the right side of the bed.
He pulled me closer to his chest hugging me.
"I'm so sorry shawn". I smooth his hair back.
He shook his head pulling his face in my neck.
"You're literally the best friend ever". He squeezed me.
I smiled kissing his forehead.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now