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"Hey, girl, Aaliyah jumped up and down when she saw me.
"Hey... O my God you are beautiful can I already give up trying?". I held her hand above our heads and twirled her around. The little glitters shined into the colored neon lights making the contrast from the little diamonds and the dark blue silk fabric even more beautiful.
"Awe thank you boo". She hugged me.
"Yea...". I looked down sadly, looking back at all the girls here.

They are all so beautiful...

Aaliyah turned around grabbed two cups of Smirnoff, Handed one to me.
And threw her arm around me spilling a bit of alcohol on her own dress.
"Hey, I know what your thinking but it's not treu".
"Aaliyah looks around all the girls are able to be an angel at the Victoria secret show including you!". I played with the zipper of my jacket.
"We are all angels agree but you are the fucking goddess here!".
I looked at her confused tried my best not to burst out laughing.
"I'm wearing jeans at a party Aaliyah".
"Yes, you don't need a dress to blow people's minds... Look at you you are rocking this party in your lace bodysuit and ripped jeans so what?".
I smiled sadly.
"What you don't believe me?".
"I'm not rocking it at all".
She shook her head.
"Shawn big bro!".

No no no!

Shawn leaned against the window talking to his friends. His grey woolen sweater hugging his abs and arm muscles perfectly his Demian jeans made his legs look even longer.
He turned around his pupil expanded his curl hanging in front of his forehead.
"Yea?". He excused his friends and walked over to us.
"Do you think y/n's outfit is amazing?"
"Why do you ask?". He scanned me from my scrunchy which bond my hair together into a ponytail to the toes of my sneakers.
"Just answer me, bro, she needs a boost".
"Hey, shawn". Lauren walked over to us rested both of her hands against his chest. Dragging her nose along his jaw. He smiled at her wrapping his arms around my waist.

She is so dead if I get my hands on her!

"Come on y/n we go". Aaliyah sat down our cups, dragged me up the stairs to her room.
I sat on her bed aimlessly staring at the picture of her and shawn on his birthday. Aaliyah sat down to trying to comfort me.
"I thought he liked you".
"He doesn't".
"What was up when he kissed your cheek then".
"Nothing really".
"And when you both fell asleep in his bed?".
"I was tired".
"His arms were wrapped around you tightly".
"I was cold too".
"I don't believe anything you just said there was something between you two...i really thought he was in love with you".
"I was his rebound for Lauren, but now she is back I think I'm just a friend of his little sister".
"No, he loved you he did!".
"He doesn't".
"Really that day at the beach when we went swimming in the sea he held you at the point were you count stand anymore... Y/n he was never walking in deeper than ankle level". She squeezed my hand in realization.
"He was just being nice to me".
"Why don't you just wanna confess it?".
"I want to but clearly, your brother isn't in love with me right now!".
"It can't be true that he isn't in love with you".
"I was just a fucking rebound, Aaliyah, you saw it yourself he loves Lauren... Anyway, rebounds aren't there to stay for long it's just to get over somebody".
"Listen my brother makes mistakes sometimes but he will never hurt you y/n".
"I just can't be her".
"Do you want to?".
"If I can win shawn with it I do".
"No, you stay you're own beautiful self I'm gonna fix this".
"Where are you going?".
"Downstairs talking to Brian we will come up with an idea".
She turned back and walked towards her closet grabbed shawn's Harvard hoodie threw it at me.
"Can you hang this back in shawn's closet?".
"You're an angel" she hugged me and disappeared.

I lay down on her bed holding shawn's hoodie if smells like him this soft warm familiar signature hanging in the air around him and on his stuff. He smelled kinda like Aaliyah but Aaliyah has another kind of sweetness on her from her perfume shawn has this sweetness from his pure nature self.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now