{rose petals throught a blade}

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I watched Connor and the girl he loved talking while walking back home. I've tailed them for a while.
I, The son of eros, am also known as the God of love. Have lived my whole life on earth, serving the mortals. Bringing love.
There are more like me. Like my best friend brian. Son of Dionysus, the God of wine. My sister too took after the path of our mum, psyche the beautiful mortal princess. After mum goes together with dad she became the goddess of beauty. So my sister lives on earth to bless babies with beauty.

And of course... Her

Y/n. They call her girl of the devil.
Y/n daughter of erida. Goddess of hate. Y/n is here to spread stupid hate, but mostly I feel like she's been here to bug me.

"They look cute so in love." Her voice glammed behind me.
I spun around, she leaned against the stonewall twisting her hair around her fingers.
"Don't try anything it took me one year and three months to get her to love him and because of them I'm out of rose petals for my love poisons." I stared back at her.
"You're so fun to mess with you see you have to wait and try too hard and I can just snap my fingers and it's over." She played with the dagger in her hands.
Your horalbe."
"Oh, shawny I know it would be wrong if I wasn't." She pinked my cheeks dagger in her other hand.
She spun me around so my back was pressed against the stone wall.
"Can you please not be so aggressive my back hurts." I hissed closing my eyes. Then the blade was softly pressed against my skin.
I held my breath.
"The look in your eyes." She smiled shaking her head.
"What are you doing?" Panic started to rise heart beating against my ribs
"Oh calm down I wasn't gonna kill you... Not yet." She pulled the knives back twisting them in her hand.
"What are you doing here?"
"Believe it or not but the court needs us."

The court...oh no

"No no that's not possible the court needs you... I've never done anything wrong I'm shawn, the son of love I..."
"They said it's important." She crossed her arms over her chest.
I exhaled nervously. Tapping my feet against the ground.
"Why do they need US?"
"They didn't tell me." She walked ahead.
"Come on." She waved me over.
I followed.

The room of the court was white with tins of gold and glass a lot of glass it almost felt like you could touch the clouds. Sunlight seeping through the mirroring glass.
I sat on the sofa waiting for the court to come in, whine glass still untouched on the table beside me. Y/n opposed from me on the chair sipping from her whine, leg's carelessly draped over the armrest. Dagger strapped to her side.
"Your friend did a good job on this one." She held her almost empty wine glass in the light. This was her thirth refill. To be honest she's not funny as I imagined drunk.
"Her's the son of wine." I tore my gaze from her rolling my eyes staring at the door.
"Are you still gonna drink that?" She nodded at my glass of wine.
I grabbed it handing it over to her with a short hum.
"Thank you." Her voice was sweet if I could've bottled that sound I would get drunk on it every night.

No, it's a trick...

I shook it off starting at the door again.
"What makes them so long?"
She shrugged her shoulders sipping from the glass. I still could see my fingerprints on it. A small smile played on her lips.
"What?" Glanced at her.
"I may or may not have touched the leader of the court to intercept a little fight at the lounge." She followed the lines of the glass with the tip of her nails.
"Are you gonna make one of your funny positions." She tilted her head a little.
"I don't have anything." I attend my pockets trying to find a little bit of vanilla to soften the tension for when they come back.
"You can capture a little sunlight."
"It doesn't work if you're in the same room you know that."
"Want me to go?"
"No don't bring more damage already... This is the court y/n how dare you to use your powers here?"
"It's fun a little drama, mum always said hate leads to drama... And you know I love drama."   
"This is serious undo it!" I ran my hand through my hair getting even more nervous.
"I can't undo anything that's why you're here."
"You're lucky I can't feel hate."
"You're lucky I can't feel love." She numbered but I still heard it, of course, I could hear 'love'.
The door flew open.
"Shawn and y/n great that you could make it so urgently." The leader of the court smiled motioning us to the big table.
"Please sit." The man motioned us to the two chairs next to each other.

Too close...

I swallowed, sitting down on the left chair.
Y/n followed my movement sitting in the right one. Leaning as far away from me as possible, Playing with her hair.
I tried to move my chair finder but it was too heavy, I just planted my chin on my palm elbow on the table.
Soft giggles left y/n month as she saw the court starting at each other angrily.
"Miss y/l/n...".
"Sorry...." she broke out laughing.
She had four glasses of wine." I roll my eyes.
"Another thing you can take care of." The woman oppiude from me smiled.
"What why me?!"
"The Court has been seeing the powers of the children of the moon lose."
"Your parents want you back."


"But but we Can't go back I have a duty here." I stood up from my chair.
"MR mendes please sit down." The leader shooter me.
"Yea shawn calm down have a bit of radge have some fun destroy something want a little of my power?" Y/n smiled draped over the table almost laying over it.
"Miss y/l/n please, do not lay on the table." The woman next to me motioned her off. As y/n sat back down she crossed her arm like a little kid.
"Pack your bag's moon children you two are going on a quest."
"What?!" Y/n and I yelped.

"I can't believe we're doing this together." Y/n sat down next to be in the passenger seat.
"Don't try to crush us." I stared at the car driving out of the city. Looking at the sun going down.

This better is worth something...

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