{our epic escape}

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A/N: this is my version of the story of cinder and Kai written by Marissa Meyer. If they run off to Europe.

"Come to the ball with me." He inched closer to me.
"Why?" I leaned against the wall turning my head from him.
"Is that a question?"
"Why me?" I was happy that I wasn't been able to blush. My cyborg hand feeling warm in the glove.
"Why?.. There are seven million girls invited why not you y/n?" He rested his arm above my head smiling.
I felt that people were staring at us hearing their thoughts ramble
'A prince and a manic how ironic'
'Prince Shawn flirting a lowly cyborg?'
'I would never let him flirt with her look at the great on her face'
I stared back at him.
"I can't I don't have a dress... or gloves."
His face lightened up, "well funny you mentioned it ...I have a gift for you." he took a box out of his disguised black hoodie. Handing it to me.
"What is it?"
"You have to open it." He pulled back rocking back and forth on his heels.
My hand stopped looking at him one last time before opening the box.


It beautiful pair of while cloves diamonds and pearls lining on it.
"Your highness I..." I looked up at him.
"Shawn is fine." He smiled.
"They're beautiful, but I'm just..."
"A lowly maganci I know you tell me all the time."
I looked down at the cloves in my hand.
"So wanna go to the ball with me?"
"Come on y/n how many girls can say that the princes asked them to be a guest at the ball?"
"I'm leaving the commonwealth at the might of the ball... Wanna tack along?"
"I'd love to." The smile playing on his lips was priceless.
"Are you sure won't you wanna go with another girl?"
"What no you're better to run away with."
"Why?" I crossed my arms over my chest.
"Because if my escape horse loses its shoe I've got someone to fix it." He tilted his head a little.
I chuffed rolling my eyes.
"Okay, I'll come to the ball with you."
"Wait really?"
"We need to meet up somewhere... Wait for me in the garden." I wanted to walk away from him, but she pulled me back.
"How do you get into the garden it's heavily guarded?"
"I'll find a way." I patted his back ducking under his arm walking back to my booth. My hands still sweating in my working cloves.

I changed my working cloves with the cloves Shawn gifted me.
Not even something to look for in my mother's dress

I'm not going to the ball I'm escaping a county...with the prince

I throw on some neat trousers smoothing back the wrinkles in my blouse. My hair was pulled up in a bun hidden under the hood of my coat. My face fell in the shadows.

The streets filled with girls all walking towards the same direction a wave of bright colored dresses and shiny jewelry.
Somewhere against the shadows an unrecognizable girl ran through the night traveling from rooftop to rooftop but in the same direction.

That's me

From up here, the pulse looks so much more reachable closer than ever. Closer to freedom closer to Europe.
The wind blew onto my skin like knives cuts. I felt my cyborg's hand cool off, Turning to ice.
Giggles and chatter waved through the streets all the girls together walking towards the police all with one goal.
And I'm in the shadows the girl on the roofs the girl who will escape with the prince

As the flow of color buzzed into the front door I slipped to the gates claiming over it distorting some of the Thorne's and roses hanging on the steel bars. In a moment my heart dropped as I fell to the ground.
I hissed in pain whipping the dust and sand from my trousers.
"Hey stole away what are you doing in my garden?" The voice was almost joking.
"I'm waiting for the prince have you seen him?" I joked back at Shawn, glancing at his suit.
"Good to see you y/n."
"You gonna run away in... This." I pointed at his suit.
"Oh no." He scooted over to a hallow in the rose beds. A backpack appeared.
"These are my runaway clothes?" He held up a pile of folded clothes.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now