{he isn't that bad}

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"I have to go, mum!". I closed the front door
"No y/n don't leave no stop!". She set her foot between the door to stop me from closing it.
"Mum i have to go I'm late".
"No y/n!". She grabbed my arm.
I pulled away walking out of the street to my car.
I leaned against my seat exhaling slowly.

"Y/n hey come sit girl". Brian patted the seat next to him.
"Yes true we have to tell you something". Alessia leaned forward taking my arm.
Brain smiled at her.
"Oh, no did you guys go rioting last night?".
"What no riots at all I don't wanna be in jail".
"But we were together". Alessia took his hand.
"You two are inseparable of course you were together". I laughed.
"No y/n he's my boyfriend now".
"Aww, cute". I smiled.
"Did they finely smooch?". Connor patted my back.
"Connor don't be so rude!". I pulled him away slightly.
"What I just asked". He sat down oppiude from me.
I told my eyes.
"No, I'm happy for you guys I was just joking". He smiled at brain and alessia.
"We know". They replied.
I smiled my friends were amazing I love them they make me feel safe even though I'm not. They know about mum about the struggles I go through about the abuse and yelling. They're gentle with me protect me from people who might trigger what I go through at home.
"I'm gonna smoke who wanna go outside with me?". Connor's eyes met mine because he knows I would.
"Okay". I smiled taking my jacket.
He pulled his arm over my shoulder walking outside.
It was a sunny winter day although it's -9 in the sun it's warm and nice. I leaned against the wall starting at the busses which went by taking people and letting them out.
Connor talked to teddy Shawn and Jon his 'smoke mates' as he calls them. I know them enough to say that teddy and Jon are somehow nice to me. Shawn is neural his vibe is kinda off.

Maybe he has a hard time at home too.

I shook my head slightly at myself when I removers her has his apartment.
"Dude how was last night". Teddy looked at shawn.
"It was crazy man these people went mad". He laughed taking another joint off his cigarette.
I never liked the idea of smoking mum and Connor smoke so it had a familiar smell.
"I still have to say that it wasn't smart from you". Jon turned his head towards Shawn.
"Don't tell me what to do". Shawn looked up at the clouds.
"Just saying". Jon blew some smoke out of his mouth.
"I agree with jon man". Connor put his cigarette between his lips. I held out a lighter for him.
"Thanks y/n". He ruffled through my hair with his free hand.
His three friends stared at me.
"What... You all want some fire to don't you?".
"Yeah girl". Teddy smiled.
I rolled my eyes smiling.
I stopped slower to her lighting the lighter to give her fire.
Jon held his cigarette closer to the light making it glow.
"Thanks". He smiled putting it between his lips.
Shawn steps closer to me out of reflex I raised myself on my toes because he was towering over me. He still was when I tried my best to balance on the tip of my toes.

Okay this isn't gonna work

I jumped onto the low wall behind me to reach closer to his face. He smiled inching closer to me even more.
I freaked out a little my heart rate went up as I started to feel scared.
I pulled my hair behind my ear but Connor didn't notice. I did it again still no response. At the thirty times, she saw it.
"Hey, Shawn back away a little. don't you see she is uncomfortable?".
"Sorry y/n". He looked down with a sad look on his face. With those eyes those innocent puppy eyes.
"It's okay".
"Can I come closer again?". He looked up running his hand through his curls.
I inhaled slowly nodding at him.
"Okay". He stood against the wall his hands on either side of my legs. Not doing anything just resting there.
I was so focused on how close he was. That I forgot just everything I kinda froze with the lighter in my hands.
Shawn smiled taking the lighter from me lighting up his cigarette. Stepping away from me as I felt cold air hitting my skin.
I checked my phone.
"We have class". I looked up at Connor.
"I'll be there soon just say I had a hard time opening my locker". Shawn pulled the cigarette from his lips.
"Sure". Connor nodded.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now