{mayday memory}

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"I'm Shawn." I smiled helping her up to her feet again.
"Hey, Shawn I'm... I'm uhm." There was a shock on the girl's face turning into a sad one.
"I... I don't know what my name is." She fixed the fabric of her long beige jacket straight.
"It's okay you need to come with me you can't stay here on the streets."
I don't need your help." She stepped away from me.
"It's too dangerous out here, and I can help you."
"With what?"
"I'm an undercover investigator, investigating the black market of memories right now." I pulled my card from my pocket.
"How do I know that ID is legit?" She looked up at me, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Do I look like someone who is lying?" I stepped closer.
"Something a lair should say."
"Listen you come with me, above the office is my apartment, shower all the dirt from the streets off of you... Or you can stay in your little street." I stretched my hand out for her. Hoping she would take it.
She took my hand in her's shaking covered in black dirt and litter bleeding wounds.

How long does she live on the streets already?

"You're shivering."
"Well, thanks I didn't notice." She role her eyes.
"Take my jacket..." I started to take my jacket off of my shoulders.
"I don't need your stupid jacket." she pulled it away.
We walked through the allies some vagrants launched themselves at her ignoring me. Cat-calling her. I pulled her closer
"back off!" I wrapped my arms around her lower back.

"Here it is." I unlocked the door from the office. Walking in turning on the light which took a few seconds clicking before Brighton up the room. I sat down behind my laptop looking in the black market database to see if this girl is on it trying to find information about her.

She stood against the wall shyly feet crossed one hand holding her other arm.
"Upstairs in my apartment, you can shower and fresh up there."

When she came back she wore my jeans and sweater.

She looks cute

"Hey, cute girl where did you come from?" I joked smiling at her.

3 years later

"Did you find it?" Y/n voice entered my earpiece.
"I'm in here," I whispered back walking through the theater with the crowd. I had an awful woolen coat on camera at hand. hair slicked back with a lot of gel still the curls escaped somehow.
I was supposed to be a reporter for Toronto news covering the new invention for memory recovery.
As I sat down on the red comfy chairs the conventional stared.
A woman with short red hair welcomed us.
"Dear ladies and gentlemen, I'm Elizabeth Harmon and I'll present you the memory headgear transfer." She pulled out a helmet with weird wires attached to it.
"I need a volunteer to demonstrate..." Before she could finish the lights shot down turning the whole room black. At that moment hell broke loose a scream started folded by others to panic too.
"Y/n?!" I turned on my earpiece.
She didn't respond.
"You're connection is disabled try another time." The robotic voice boomed.


Smoke filled the room.
My hand roamed in the inside of my pocket finding a mask from the last radioactive bombarding. I put it on.
People were coughing flames welled up in the back.
"To the exits... Go to the door!" Someone yelled over the crowds.
I pushed through the crowd.
Outside I tried to call y/n again but she didn't respond.
I ran through the streets. Back to the office.

My hand on the glass for while hoping for it.
"Y/n... You're here I escaped there was a..." She pressed her gun against my forehead.
I stumbled back falling to the ground.
"Y/n?.." I think in

What is she doing?

"Who are you?!" did she coughown over me straddling my legs?
"Y/n what's wrong I..."
"Who are you?"
"Y/n please I'm done with the jokes stop!". My heart started beating uncontrollably.
"How do you know my name?" Did she press the gun harder against my head?
"Y/n y/n stop you don't wanna do this" I couldn't find any words
"How do you know me?!" Her face inched closer, fear in her eyes the same eyes she had when I met her in the streets.
"We work together for over three years now y/n please remember!" I closed my eyes trying to calm down.
"And who are you?"
"I'm Shawn don't shoot"
She pulled away getting off of my leg.
I feel the cold air blow between the space reminding me that my whole body heated up when we were close.

"Shawn... I don't know any shawn." She stepped back scared.
"Y/n." I scrapped up.
"Step back I don't know who you are!" She lited her gun again.
"Y/n we work together for three years already."
"No, you scare me". Tears welled up in her eyes.
"Y/n there's nothing to be scared of it's me shawn." I took little steps closer.
"Stay there." She stumbled back over her own feet.
"Y/n aww y/n I'm sorry don't cry."
"I can't help it..." She sobbed.
"Do you remember anything that happened when I was gone?"
"Okay so you don't, well we'll find a way. I'm shawn you're y/n y/l/n we work together here as undercover detectives."
"I can't remember." Her eyes widen.
"Can I help you remember?" I stored closer, and she let me.
"Yes please." Her voice seemed sad.
"Okay give me your hand." I held up my palm.
She slowly rested her hand in mine.
I squeezed it softly, reaching for the pile of polaroids of us.
"This one is from Christmas one year ago you cracker at mine because there was a snowstorm." I smiled.
Tell me more about it." She looked at the picture.
I fell silent for a moment.


She loves Tarzan ever since day one.
"Just wait." I walked upstairs. Unlocking my door.
Tarzan jumped on me.
"Aww hey, Tarzan wanna come and see y/n?" I smiled.
He waved his tail in the air happily.

"Aww Tarzan". Y/n hugged him tightly.
She looked at me shortly but her pupils expanded like crazy.
"I think I remember." Her voice was barely above a whisper.
"Really?" I smiled. so happy that she remembered.
"Shawn." She smiled hugging me pressing her face in my neck.
"Sorry for scaring you." Her hands found my curls ruffling through my hair.
"It's okay I'm sorry you forgot how can that happen?" I held her face in my hands.
"A woman came at my door yesterday... She knew about me wanting to help me I said it wasn't needed but she forced me". She squeezed my hand.
"Who was it?"
"Her name was beth... Beth... Elizabeth Harmon something like that."

Oh, Fuck!

"I'll kill her I hate her so much!" I balled my hands in firsts.
"Calm down you will break your fingers." She grabbed my hand rubbing her fingers on my knuckles releasing the tension.
"Thank you." I smiled.
She stayed silent for a while massaging my hand.
Tarzan lay on my lap craving closer to me.
"Hey, shawn." She looked up at me.
"Can I kiss you?"
"Can I like kiss you?" She looked down at our linked hands.
"Yes of course... Come here you're too cute right now." I smiled hugging her.
She pulled away from me smoothing back my hair, then froze.
"Are you still gonna kiss me?" I raised my eyebrow at her.
"Yes, I'm a pro at this." She laughed nervously.
She hesitated for a while, not coming closer than holding my face with one hair.
"Y/n... You've never kissed anyone in your entire life did you?" I catch her gaze.
"..n..no." She looked down.
"Aww, little cutie."
"Don't do that I already sound "pathetic." She blushed.
"It's cute." I smiled pulling her hair back.
She giggled softly.
I pecked her lips shortly it just lasted for a second.
"I truly adore you, honey." I smiled smoothing her hair back.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now