{even with the wold dying}

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I ran through the train station trying to catch my train to Pickering. Crowds of people held me back from sprinting, public places where the safest right now.

After we burned up all our fossil flue we completely depended on solar energy but because we put so much pollution into the air, The smog grew thicker and it was actually impossible to catch a bit of light to hold up our daily transport. The only way to travel through the world is by public transportation underground.
So the underground train is most likely crowded. Trains are driven by water now. its the only thing we decreased or try to cut out our households. That's why most people are sick because they don't get the intake of water they need.
We try so hard to make this dying world better to have a bit of hope I can raise my kids safe too

If I even want kids...

That's another thing we messed up in this world, overpopulation. A few years ago the economy had a pitfall to solve that, the government force people to get children so the economy would rise. Now we are over our limited population most of the elder people died already from the bad circumstances we live in, but because we as teenagers and young people are fighting for our lives we are still over the limit...

And now we are here in a dying world with no place to safety.

The warmth of the train hit me, as I stepped in. As always the train was packed with people, I looked for a seat, all the seats were claimed by children most of the children still alive were from four. And are already thought that there is any moment you can die, they have gone through all the drills we have all the disasters already hit us.
I had my first drill when I was nineteen when I was four I played soccer in the grassy fields with my friends. I didn't have to worry about our world dying. They do. and I have so much respect for the kids living as kids now, they barely cry.
And older lady said one to me that we are strong that our generation is braver than hers. Maybe its because we're forced to live this way in order to survive. Maybe her generation was afraid to say the words. air pollution, floods, co2, wood fires, earthquakes, starvation, and the list can go on.
We are not we hear these words daily nowadays. That it's just nothing more than a rainstorm for us. And if the older generation asks why aren't we scared. We reply with "should we be?".

I leaned against the walls of the train.
Most people are concentrated on the news which was paying on the screens.

AIR POLLUTION degree: classified 4
AIR QUALITY: 248 ( use mask)
Earthquakes possibility: 67/100
Flood possibility: 20/100
Heat: 43° (underground) 61° (above ground)
Water pollution is high again, filter it

Then the dead drops in the world came up again my mind travels to something else.
I looked around the train, I mostly looked over all heads.
I wasn't really thinking anything of the crowd just a bunch of unfamiliar faces minding their own business.
My eyes fell on a girl. So familiarity still so strange, I looked again at her trying to notice something I remember under the air mask she was wearing.
Her shining hair her skin grayer than I remembered from back then. She was grown since I last saw her of course. She wasn't the little girl anymore she seemed as a young adult, the baby fat in her face disappeared and made place for beautiful clear skin. The childish eyes never changes it had always some kind of fire in it.


Yup, that's y/n, my friend, before all the school in the world was shut down since it was just a matter of surviving.
I haven't seen her in six years.
Six years passed since we last took the train home. everything was okay, Outside the fact that the temperature was rising.
I had started to catch feelings for her slowly, I was kinda glad that school was shut down. We lost contact and I started to concentrate my way to survive.

Only by seeing her my heart wanted to jump out and scream at me to talk to her, but a relationship if you know you could die? maybe not the best thing to do.

I can at least catch up with her

I made my way through the crowd somehow,
It took her a split second to remember me. When she did her eyes lighted up, she took the mask from her mouth and relived her beautiful lips.
"O my God shawn?!".
"Yes, I still can't believe it o my God y/n you are here".
"It's been six years...".
"And you are more beautiful than I ever could imagine".
I saw the heat rise up to her cheeks, she closed her eyes as a smile grew on her lips.
I had a hard time not to blush myself.
"You don't seem so bad neither, puberty hit you on a good spot".
Now I was the one who started to blush. I looked up at her face to see she was still blushing.
We stared at each other both blushing and smiling like idiots.
She was the first who broke our silence.
"So... How have you been?".
"It's really hard to give you a recap of my life span from six years isn't it?".
"Yes, you are right".
"My life had ups and downs, my mum died from that water pollution, I have been helping children who are traumatized".
"Any updates on your love life".
I Uhm... Had a boyfriend for a few months, he left me because I can't get children, because of the sickness of water pollution".

She had the sickness of water pollution?!

"He wasn't worth it y/n".
"It's okay I didn't really love him I was just miserable for love... And you".
"How is your love life going?".
"No, I think I've lost someone who I've loved for a long time".
"Oh wow, you must be really in love with her".

Yes with YOU

"Shawn I...".
Her voice was cut off by the drill alarm.

Find shelter earthquake is upcoming.

At that moment the train stopped instantly the platform shook heavy. All the people tried to cuddle up against each other, an alarm yelled out a warning. I motioned y/n down to a shelter shelve, nestled her between my legs. Shield her head with my arms.
"Shawn, I can't breath".
"Shit y/n hold on I'll find a way".

No please don't die y/n don't die!

"It's okay I am here it's okay".
"Shawn, I love you".
I didn't hear her over the alarm
"I love you shawn!".
"You love me?!".
"Yes yes, I do love you!".
The Fluorescent lamp falls down right in front of us. Y/n pressed her head against my chest. Grabbed my shirt in her hand, which surprised me.
I kissed the top of her head. In order to calm her down, her breath was still swallowed.
Dust drizzled dangerously around us, little blocks of steel fall down.
"Kiss me".
"Please, shawn kiss me".
I found myself in the safe space of her eyes.

She wants to kiss me y/n y/l/n is in love with me!

At that point, I had nothing to lose. I was here with the love of my life between my legs in a dying world.
I took her face between my hands kissed her quickly I pulled away from her lips. But as soon as I backed away a few inches she crashed her lips back on mine. Her hands found my hair went through my curls, her fingertips massage my head. My hands found her waist, Caressed her skin. We kissed hungry like this was the last time be could kiss each other.
I pressed my forehead against hers.
"I love you".
"I love you too shawn".
"Even in this dying wold y/n, I love you I always have and always will".

Her voice was muted by the ceiling crashing down on us. Her eyes gleamed in the last light it could catch, tears slowly falling down her face, her lips formed an 'I love you' I just smiled and cried.

The next seconds were a blur the weight of the ceiling suffered me. Then everything went black.

Even with the world dying...

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now