{leather jacket}

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"promise you will come back?"
"I promise pinky promise".
"We are gonna be besties forever no matter what?".
"No matter what".

It's been seven years, seven years since he left and let the communication die out. Well, I did too because I'm scared that he doesn't remember me anymore. Life changed a lot since he left. And I miss the soft boy.

I sat down on the uncomfortable seat of the office, lingering on shawn's old domain jacket it's been seven years but still smells like him. He wore it so many times that the fabric was already thin it didn't really protect me from cold anymore. I still wear it because it comforts me that I have still a piece of something important what I left behind in my past.

I was shaking didn't even want to be here I wished shawn was here holding my hand telling me it all will be fine in the end. But it won't at long as he isn't here it won't be okay.
"So y/n how is college?". Alex folded his arms over the papers.
"Can you just get to that you wanted to say?".
"Well, we need you on stronger medication but...".
"Do it". I cut him off.
"Don't you wanna hear the bad news?".
"This is already bad news right?".
He nodded looked down at the papers in front of him.
"with the stronger ones you don't even have five years to live".

Five years...

"Do you want me to fill in a letter so you can leave college?.
I didn't respond just looking down at shawn's jacket in my lap. Stuffing my hands in the wool inner.
"Y/n I know this comes for a shook for you".
"How long do you already know?". I looked up again.
"A few weeks".
"Why didn't you tell me?".
"Your parents requested me not to".
"And what about me, does something I say matter?".
He wrote something down on his notes, ripped the paper off, and handed it to me.
"You can pick up the medicine in our pharmacy".
I grabbed the paper and stood up, walked out the door.
"See you soon y/n".
"Bye". I slammed the door in its frame and walked out.

The pharmacy has just crossed the street when the lights turn green I took one step before I was cut off by a classic motorcycle.
"Look where you walk girl!". The boy yelled at me.
His friends following him stopped and laughted at me.
I still was in shook standing froze with one foot on the road and one stuck into the concrete of the tiles. Shawn's jacket pressed against my chest.

O my God idiot!

I placed my hand palm over my heart to keep from jumping out.
"Are you gonna walk still or no?". One of the boys turned on the engine just to scare me.
I quickly walked across the street, opening the door to the pharmacy.
The medical aroma met my nose instantly a smell that overtook my life two years ago.
I walked over to the counter lay the paper down and Nina looked up from the computer.
"Hey y/n, what happened it looks like you've just seen a ghost?".
"Some stupid boy on a motorcycle nearly has crushed me to death".
"Some people are idiots y/n". She looked down at the paper and nodded slowly
"Wow, this is a pretty strong one".
"I know".
"How long do you have?".
"Five what?".
"Five years". I looked down at my shoes stuffed my hands in the pocket of shawn's jacket.
"Who is the lucky one?". Nina rested her chin in her hand.
"From did you got the jacket".
"Oh from shawn a friend the last day I saw him seven years ago". I smiled sadly talking about shawn made me always happy but also sad. Because I don't know where he is right now maybe his anxiety has gone worst and he needs help. I instantly grabbed my phone.

Maybe he is mad at me or he doesn't want to be my friend anymore...

I looked up again smiled at Nina to shake the thought off of me.
"You miss him right?".
I nodded.
"Why don't you contact him?"
"I'm scared I mean its been seven years I don't know what he thinks about me right now if I text him again".
"Yes, it's been seven years but you also just have five years to live on a max".
"I don't even know if he will care".
"Y/n, of course, he will. How many years we're you friends?".
"Eleven years".
"Y/n what are you thinking, of course, he cared to know what will happen to you".
"I don't know".
"Imagine six years from now when you aren't here anymore he will text or call you. Your parents will pick up the phone and say that you are dead because of leukemia. What will he think don't you think he will cry his eyes out don't you think he won't forgive himself that he didn't contact you earlier... Would you want that y/n do you want him to cry over you?'.
I shook my head.
"Of course, I don't want him to cry". I've seen shawn cry so many times because he was hurt.

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