{together in toronto}

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My friends all groaned another when I started on my phone again.
"Shawn that girl again?!". Brian role his eyes.
"Hey 'That girl' has a name" I shot him a deadly glance.
"Yes y/n we know can you please stop staring at your screen like a deer who just saw a headlight?". Connor snapped his fingers.
"Shut up lemons". I stared back at the picture I screenshots from our face time call last weekend. She looks so cute y/n is just so sweet, thoughtful, friendly, humble, and loyal if you asked me what she is sum up in one word I'd say dreamily.
"Just look at her she's so beautiful how can you not stare at her?". I turned my phone towards Connor's face brian looked at him over his shoulder he role his eyes sipping from his beer.
"Maya is more beautiful". Connor lifted his shoulders.
"Lemon he doesn't care about your girlfriend". Brian smiled.
I turned the screen back resting my chin into my hand starting at her cute smile.

My heart beated against my chest rapidly when I accepted her call.
"Hey, shawn I'm almost there just a little more than an hour".
"O my God really?!". My hands started to sake.
Brian and Connor stared at each other confused their eyes traveled to me I just shook my head. Smiling.
"What?". They asked in the union.
I rolled my eyes.
"Yes, I'm so excited". She sounded so happy and maybe a little too hyped.
"Okay calm down a little you have to drive still and I don't want you to have a car accident".
"Chill I'm not driving".
"Where are you then".
"Starbucks... And now in my car". an engine went on.
"Dive your ass over here y/n I swear I'm gonna hug you to death". I smiled.
"Should I be scared?".
"No, it's just a bear hug".
"Bye, bye muffin".
"Bye sweetie". I smiled hanging up.
I laughted softly flopping down on the sofa.
"Shawn buddy remember that there is just a little percent change she likes you too". Connor walked over to me patting my shoulder.
"So she doesn't". Brian picked up my beer botel sipping from it.
"I know you're realy down because alessia rejected you but don't drink my beer". I pulled it back the bottle from his hands.

After half an hour and brian's fifth beer, I stopped him from walking towards to fridge to take another one.
"No bri". I grabbed his arm tightly
"Just let me drown my feeling okay". He crossed his arms over each other. "I'll help you". I sat up straight again patting his back.
"Really?". He smiled at me.
"You helped me too with the whole Lauren situation of course I'll help you". I smiled.
"Thanks, man". He hugged me.
I hugged him too rubbing his back.
When I let go I saw Connor stating on my phone.
"Shawn where would you and y/n meet?".
"At the parking loft close to the CN tower...why?". I looked at him.
"She is there now". She handed me my phone.
I saw her message written in highcase letters 'I'm here where are you?!'.
"Uhm... uhm shit okay I have to go". I rushed over to my shoes put them on throw my jacket over my shoulder.
"Can we stay here?!". Brian heaved his glass of water Connor just handed him.
"What? no get out!". I held the door for them.
"Aww shawny please let us stay... We can stay right... We stay".
I facepalmed myself
"Make sure he doesn't get too much alcohol in his system". I turned to Connor.
"I will". He nodded.
"Thanks, lemon!". I ran out of the door.
"My name isn't lemon!".
I rushed to the hall downstairs towards the exit.
It was these kinda day's the days we had too much from in Toronto gloomy day's not the beautiful romanticized ones. the ugly ones clouds so thick that it doesn't even let the sun through.
But after living in Pickering and a while in Toronto I got used to the weather and it's okay.
I walked over to the spot y/n and I was a deposit to meet. For a big city like Toronto, the air was one of the best today. I inhaled the smell of rain. It was hosing this night luckily the wind has calmed down a little and the rain is mostly gone.
Somewhere in this distance, I saw someone waving at me.


There she was the most beautiful person I've ever seen her hair flowing over her sholder as she waved at me. Her sweater made her look so cozy tugged into some blocked jeans showing off her curves perfectly. In one word districts, just beautiful y/n is that kinda girl who doesn't need a lot of fancy clothing or makeup to look amazing. I wonder what her eyes look like for a close up I jogged towards her smiling uncontrollably.
I stretched out my arms to catch her in a hug pressing her against my chest. Shaking from happiness and because I'm nervous I dragged her with me. Stumbling over my feet I fell doen to the ground y/n tried to keep my up but fell too on top of my chest making me blush heavily her cheeks were rosy too.
"Sorry I realy made a good first impression with my clumsy ass right?". I smiled.
She rolled her eyes smiling getting off of me holding out her hand for me. A ring catches the light of the dull sun.
My mind started racing spinning around the craziest scenario that's why she has it.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now