{just a little different}

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I parked the car right in front of the school turning off the radio opening the door waiting for y/n. I felt glances burning in my direction whispers filled the air.
I rolled my eyes smiling at a few girls who passed me giggling
"Hey". I waved at them.
"Hey shawn, wonder is really good". A girl smiled.
"Thank you".
"It's it about a girl?".
My cheeks heated up heavily.


"Yep, it's about a girl". The girls smiled.
"O my God she's lucky".
"Okay, it is but also about my anxiety". I smiled.
"I'm so proud of you the lyrics are so raw and vulnerable".
"Oh and Shawn..?". A girl looked at me she hasn't been saying a lot.
"You aren't less of a man if your crying in your hands".
"Aww come here, honey". I pulled her to my chest.
I looked up at the other girls waving them into the hug.
After a while, we let go.
"Why are you here aculy?".
"I have to pick someone up". I scanned the aria for y/n still waiting for her.
"Okay, well we have to go we love you".
"Bye". I smiled waving at them.

"Hey...". This voice made me turn around to see my beautiful girl.
"Hey, baby". I hugged her kissing her forehead, her body was all tensed up. Her hands cloning on my shirt softly sobbing.
"It's so bad". She pressed her face in my shirt.
"What is bad baby uhm?..". I pulled away taking her face between my hands, Kissing her nose.
"They still don't understand".
"Still you stared college like six weeks ago?!". I set up my puppy eyes.
"Well, they don't". Her eyes are bloodshot now.
"Aww, baby I understand come here don't cry". I kissed her pulling her closer to my chest. After a while, she pulled away from a little softly hiring my chest, showing a little smile on her lips.
"Come on let's go home and if you're not too tired I have a surprise". I kissed her forehead hoping the door for her.
Her eyes went big shimmering with happiness y/n loves surprises because it can always make her happy.
Walking toward my own side sitting down starting the car.
"Shawn?". She turned towards me.
"Yes baby". I kept my look at the road not wanting an accident because a million students were crossing the area.
"Can you play wonder?". Her eyes glanced at the radio.
I smiled rolling my eyes, connecting Spotify with the radio playing wonder.
She softly hummed with the song, making me sing.

Y/n was laying on the sofa slowly dosing off. I walked over to her leaning over the backrest kissing her head.
"Baby are you tired?". I pulled her have from her face.
She shook her head sitting up.
"What's the surprise?".
I smiled caressing her cheek.
"Let's take a nap first we can go later". I smiled.
She smiled back pulling her arms over my neck starting me down onto the sofa. I laughted wrapping my and around her wait resting my head onto her stomach.
"Okay... okay can you get off of me now?". She placed her hand on shoulders trying to push me off.
"No, you're warm and cozy". I pulled my face into the fabric of her hoodie.
Inhaling her perfume it's a light and soft sentence otherwise I would overwhelm her.
In the first few months of our relationship, I had to get used to it because I was always around a girl who has a ton of perfume.
Now I kina love the tone of her perfume it's calming
"Let's just sleep". I squeezed her softly.
"Yeah...". Her hand ran through my hair slowly.

I woke up from the tune of wonder and y/n dining alone softly.
Pulling up from the sofa watching her jamming out on the last part.
I smiled.
You're energetic again that's good".i crossed my leg's under me resting my chin in my hands.
"Finely your awake". She turned towards me dragging me up from the sofa kissing my jaw.
"Yes because of you and your music". I rolled my eyes.
"Sorry, I'm just proud of my boyfriend his name is shawn mendes you know the wonder boy you know him?".
"I'm yea I think I remember him yea". I smiled.
"Can you do the lyrical dance for me again?". She set up her puppy eyes.
"Oh no". I sigh
"Please shawny". She took my hand.
"No y/n please I don't even remember the dance anymore".
She nodded slowly, taking my face between her hands lifting herself onto her tiptoes, and kissed me.
"Put on your shoes and jacket I got a super".
Her eyes lit up brightly she let go of me rushing towards the hall.
I followed her leaning against the doorframe crossing my arm over my chest smiling to myself while I admired her putting on my leather jacket I got one year ago.
"That's my jacket". I rubbed the leather between my fingers, kissing her head.

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