{leave her alone}

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I stepped behind the bar patted Daves back to signal his shift was over. He looked at me and smiled.
"The girls will be happy you are here".
I laughed it off and rolled my eyes.
*No, you are a magnate a legit womanizer".
"I know I'm hot Dave".
He patted on my shoulder and walked through the door.

I looked around today was already a busy day but it's only at night when the club really starts to live. The music blasted through the boxes. I've always loved the music I wanted to be an artist when I was younger and sometimes a part of me still wants that but people bullied me and held me back from my dream.
And now I'm here as a bartender fulltime and completely from what I thought I love this job, talking to people the energy in the club, and girls a lot of girl. Don't get me wrong I'm not a freak I won't hurt any girl and it's not that I'm having another every night. I just love their attention because I know what kinda effect I have on them.
My eyes fell on a group of girls maybe a few months younger than me. They were giggling about something as they looked at my face all red. I raised my hand and waved at them.
One of them walked up towards the bar, she smiled at me. I winked at her and smiled.
"Hey, beautiful".
"What can I get you?".
"Four dubbel shots tequila".
I grabbed the bottle and bored the liqiote in shot classes.
Her friends stood there completely in shock. I waved at them and smiled.
"Are they okay?".
"They just think you look really good".
"I know"
"Wow confident I love that!".
"I'm Shawn".
She leaned closer over the counter
"My name is Shawn!".
"I'm Tris!".
"Nice to meet you".
I put the glasses in front of her, she waved her friends over. As they all sat down we started talking about random stuff.

After an hour the girls had too much energy and went back dancing.
I worked through my shift as normal just talking to people hand humming along with the music.
It was halfway through my shift as something unusual catches my eye.
A girl looking younger than most people here, she sat on a guy's lap, she seemed zoned out completely. His hand was softly stroking her arms, lowering his head to hers, whispering something in her ear.
As soon as his lips hovered against her ear she held still, shrank and started to sliver.
I reached for the walky-talky.
"What's up Shawn?".
"Can you come to the front bar in the main space?".
"I'm walking".
A few seconds later he walked through the door.
"See that guy?". I pointed over to him.
"Which one?".
"with that girl".
"Isn't she too young to be here?".
"I'm not talking about her...".
Jack examed them for a while then turned back and smiled sadly.
"Are you jealous again?".
"What I...no jack!".
"I really think you need to find a girlfriend".
"Jack, he is literally forcing her".
"What... Shawn, he is just kissing her".
"Look at them".
I turned back to them, he was kissing her she looked calm totally not forced.
"I think you need to control your feelings for strange girls, you just see them once in your life and then they leave".
"But Jack I'm here twenty-four seven".
"Rosy comes back always, maybe you can try her".
"Yes but rosy is lesbian I found out when I tried to kiss her".
You're nasty".
"No jack I swear I never have nights with our costumes".
"You said you kissed her".
"I tried".
"You really need to keep your feelings locked into a box and hid it somewhere in the darkest concerns of your heart".

How did we end up here?!

"I know your heart isn't really that dark but...".
"We aren't talking about me okay!. We were talking about them". I pointed to the spot where they stood, but they were gone.
"Where did they go?!".
"Don't worry about it shawn".
"No, I do worry about it... About her!".
His walky-talky went off again. And he disappeared through the door again.

I might be not a bodyguard or security but I still can rip his head off!

Zubin just walked over go check on me.
"Hey, buddy".
"Oh hey, man great timing". I walked from the counter into the crowd.
"Shawn what are you doing?!".
"I need to fix some undone business".
Before he could respond I blended in with the crowd. Hot sweating body's digging against my skin. My name was shouted out by Tris who was dancing with her friends.
"Shawn come dance with me". She skipped over to me took my hand and dragged me with her.
"I'd love to but I really need to go".
"Shawn please can you dance with me?"
"sorry, tris".
"I really need to go now".
I got out of her grip and started looking for the girl it wasn't that hard to recognize her she was tiny, beautiful body, hair which seems to be made of silk, flawless skin, and eyes which held the whole universe.
But in this crowd, I wasn't able to find her at all.
I went outside to clear my mind a bit.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now