{it was just a horrible nightmare}

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I put on my shoes and jacket I unlocked the door. But something held me back.
"Shawn, you're sure you don't wanna go with me?!".
"No, I'm fine here I don't really like shopping...".
"Okay want me to get something for you?".
"Can you get me a new white shirt I ripped it again"?
"Sure, anything else".
He didn't respond like he was thinking.
"Okay, bye baby".
I walked out the door just before I wanted to go close it. Shawn runs down the stairs.
"Y/n babe wait I'm going with you".
I stepped back inside.
"Why the quick mind change?".
"Because I love you".
I shook my head, smiled at him.
He kissed me I stumbled back before I could fall he wrapped his arm around my back.
"Got you".
"You scared me".
He laughed quietly leaned in to kiss me again. At that moment his neighbor walked passed us.
"Good morning shawn, y/n".
Shawn cleared his throat.
He waited for him to be gone and kissed my nose quickly.
"Well, come on".

As always the mall was packed with a crowd of moving people at this moment I'm glad that shawn came with me or else I would be crushed.
I held sharks arms tightly to get through the crowd. It was never this crowded in here, it was really warm bodies of million moving fast around, bumping into us. I struggled to breathe dizziness overwhelmed me. The loud crowd went the distance and the rush in my ear sounded sharp.
I felt my body go weak, I leaned heavily against his chest.
"What babe?".
"I feel like passing out".
"Come here, that's not good, how can that happen?".
"It's just too crowded in here".
He pressed me against his chest lowered his lips to my ear.
"Breathe it's gonna be fine breathe...close your eyes babe".
I followed his comments, stood on my toes to pressed my head into his chest.
"Hey, eyes go back on flat feet it's fine".

Something is wrong...

"Shawn, I love you".
"I love you too babe".
"No I mean really I love you so much".
"Its okay babe you are gonna be okay".
I nogged, shawn took my hands and led me slowly thought the crowd. Towards a little cafe.
He found a little spot next to the window, he handed you some water.
After a minute he smiled at me removed my hair from my sticky forehead. Rested his hand on my cheek and caressed it.
"Good to see some color in your face".
"Good to see one shawn instead of dubbed".
"I love you".
"Love you too shawn so much".
I looked out of the window, the last moment from calm.
I ears gunshots, folded by screaming people.
Shawn and I exchanged a quick look.
He took my hand and squeeze it.
I didn't hesitated and stood up.
I ran out with shawn following right behind me.
I looked for an exit but it was all crowded.
"Y/n, there follow me".
I flowed shawn to an exit, stumbled over a few bodies.
"Don't look at the bodies".
"I'm scared".
"I know I am scared too".

Shawn is scared?!

We run towards a door through the crowd.
We were stuck in the crowd and lost track of our route. I heard another shot turned around too to see the shooter aiming at me. I shoved shawn slowly.
"Shawn, I love you".
Before the bullet could hit me shawn fielded me.
The bullet hit right into his heart. I stumbled in front of him he fell to the ground, struggled to breathe. I immediately pressed my right hand to his wound. Quickly my skin covered in blood. I was on the edge of crying.
"Shawn, please stay with me".
"Babe, I'm just tired can I close my eyes for a second?".
"No shawn no time to sleep now".
"But y/n...".
"No baby I have a question".
"Tell me".
I started crying.
"Which names do you wanna give our children?".
"One child".
"I want just one, a girl... Because I can't see you in pain Y/n".
He rested his hand on my cheek.
"No stop I can't see you suffer for more than once"
"Why a girl?".
"Because she is gonna be just like you just a beautiful, cute and caring as you Y/n".
"Just give me her name shawn".
"Her name?".
"Yes, the name of our daughter what is her name?".
"Yes, Evelight".
"Its beautiful shawn"
"Y/n y/l/n I love you".
"I love you too Shawn Peter Raul Mendes, so much".
"goodnight babe".
"Goodnight baby have sweet dreams".
As his eyes closed, his body went numb and he held still.
I was crying my eyes out.
"Shawn, you can't leave me now!".
"You can't leave me I love you!".

I sat up straight in bed looked out of the window to a just awaken Japan. Shawn shoot up from his pillow looked at the window then to me, I clawed back nearly falling go the floor.

Is he really alive?!

"Y/n... What happened why did you scream my name?".
I clawed back collapsed against his chest tears trailing down my jaw again. He wrapped his arms around me, rocked me back and forth.
I tried not to cry and explain what happened.
"I... Had a nightmare...".
"What happened?".
"I... We... We went to the mall and... There was a shooter... You caught the bullet for me and... And... You... You... You died... You were dying Shawn... You died in my arms..."
"I'm here see I'm here with you alive its all gonna be okay babe".
"I love you".
"I love you too".
"Come on let's get coffee".
He pulled away from me dragged me to the end of the bed and heaved me onto his back. I wrapped my legs around his waist, tightened my arms around his neck. Shawn walked over to the little kitchen in the hotel room started to make coffee.
After a few minutes, he put my mug on the counter. He Looked over his shoulder and smiled, I pressed my face into his neck started to calm down a bit.
"Babe, you really need to stand onto your own feet".
"Baby no..."
"Come on babe I can't carry you around all day".
"You can".
"No please babe we aren't gonna do that".
I sigh, slowly slide back to my feet again.
Nested myself between shawn's arms, he rested his chin on the top of my head, while drinking coffee.

It was just a horrible nightmare...

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now