{i can't find my place}

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The apartment was empty sounded like a dance hall even my bare footsteps sounded loud. While normally I'm pretty light on my feet. I coughed down next to the box with my music stuff most of my music abutment is too big to fit onto the box but the little songs which as wires guitar pics, capels, extra strings, and mics go in there. I place my last mic into the box shoving it towards the wall with the other boxes.
I leaned against the wall looking out of my window looking one last time over the view the CN-tower catches the light from the sunset, Reflecting it perfectly. I've lived close to Toronto's entire life. In picketing when I was younger until my 19th birthday I 'got' this house from my mum she is a house broker.

Well with my own money

I'm moving to my girlfriend's navy. She lives in Amsterdam a cute house on the candles I have to take the bike from Schiphol to her house because you can't reach is with a car plus the price for parking in incredibly high seventeen euro's an hour.

I was dragged off my gaze when navy called me. I started sliding like a goofball that I was scared that she could notice the giggle in my voice.

I love her so much so incredibly much

"Hey, sweet little butterfly". I could hear her laughter softly through the phone.
$Hey handsome".
"Awww you're so cute I'm melting I'm literally melting".
"You're adorable handsome, don't forget my key".
"I don't forget it".
"My neighbors already asked".
"O my god it was just one time". I rolled my eyes.
"Their daughter likes you".
"Aww, she is the cutest little girl ever I love her orange hair".
"I love blond hair too I love your hair... I love it". I smiled.

I love blond hair

"How is packing?".
"I'm just done how is the weather there?".
"Typical the Netherlands".
"It's raining in isn't it?".
"Yes, it's raining hard".
"I'll take my winter coat". I laugh.
"The black one or the striped one?".
"With your dark green scarf?".
"You'll look so cute Shawn".
"I always look cute".
Cute laughter left from the speaker.

I love her laugh

"When will you be here?".
"Tomorrow at five".
"Wait for five your time or five my time?".
"Okay I still have work then but you know where you can leave the bike and you have the key's so it will be fine".
"You won't be there when I come home?".
"Sorry handsome".
"It's okay I love you".
"I love you too".
A long silence lingered between the lines. Before the navy broke it.
"I actually don't wanna hang up".
"Same but I have to".
"Okay... I love you".
"See you soon sweet little butterfly".
"See you handsome".

I zipped up my zip-up hoodie stuffed the winter coat into my backpack. Leaving my sneakers before stepping out into the street.
Aaliyah parked her brand new car in front of my apartment complex when I walked out.
"You needed a lift?". She pulled down her window leaning her elbow onto it.
"You can drive without crashing?".
"Of course, I can". She rolled her eyes.
"That's what you told me last time too".
"Oh come on that was a year ago and it was just the plants".
"You killed the plants then".
"Just get in". She opened the trunk.
I heaved my suitcase into it closing it again, sitting down in the passenger seat.

Please don't crash Aaliyah

"Just drive carefully".
"Shawn I've done this before". Laughter escaped her lips.
"Yea but like I love you I can't have anyone happen to you".
"I know you love me you have two tattoos about me".
I ruffled my hand through her hair.
"I really love you, sis".
"Love you too".

"Gonna miss you". Aaliyah's eye stated yo water.
"No stop if you're gonna cry I'm gonna cry". I forced down the lumb in my throat. Pulling her hair from her face.
She didn't respond wrapping her arms around my neck hugging me tightly.
"I'll miss you so much". My voice turned in the middle of the sentence.
"Shawn o my God are you crying?". She pulled away with bloodshot eyes.
"Sorry couldn't help it".
"Don't cry... You'll live with your girlfriend that's pretty amazing".
"It's all the way in Amsterdam".
"We'll visit you so much".
"Until you tired of seeing my face".
"I never will be". I grabbed her face and kissed her forehead.
"Maybe I can come next holiday".
"I just wanna take you with me".
"You know you can't". Sad eyes that remind me of my own stared at me.
I hugged her, rubbing her back slowly resting my chin on her head.
She let me go when the voice through the intercom blasted.
"Passengers for flight mh800 to Amsterdam your flight will board in ten minutes".
"I uhm need to go... you can find the way back?". I took her hand.
"Yes, I think so I'll find it". She heaved her chin in the air.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now