{i'll kiss you every night}

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Music blasted through the house as I leaned against the kitchen counter
"Hey y/n!". Alessia waved somewhere in the distance. I tried to see who she was waving at but I couldn't find them.
A girl huge alessia tightly he was tiny even smaller than alessia herself.
"Aww girl I'm so happy I see you again". Her voice was angelic.
I smiled at her admiring her perfect silk-like face.
"Shawn, Connor this is y/n my best friend". Alessia hugged her again resting her arm on her shoulder.
"I thought I was your best friend". Brain set up his puppy eyes.
"You're my boyfriend dummy or did your drunk mind already forget?". She kissed his cheek.
Y/n role her eyes smiling at Connor and me.
"I'm y/n". She stretched out her hand for Connor.
"Connor, nice to meet you y/n". He shook it.
"Bubu look I'm an airplane!". Elisha danced on the table.
"I have to take my girl off of a table excuse me". Connor smiled shaking his head walking off to her.
She chuckled softly putting her hands in the pockets of her jacket, rocking back and forth on her heels. Looking up at me shyly.
I completely melted when I stared into her eyes.
"Hey". She smiled shortly then looked down again.
"Hey". I smiled running my hand through my hair.
"I'm...". She looked up at reaching out her hand for me.
"Y/n I know I don't think I'll forget that name".
She smiled looking down pulling her hair behind her ear.
"I'm shawn". I smiled.
"I know alessia told me about you telling me what I should like you". She laughed.
"Do you?". I set up my puppy eyes.
"I just know you for a few seconds calm down tiger". She pored my shoulder.
I smiled at her starting to like her more within seconds.
"Aww I know they would get along well!". Brian wrapped his arm around my sholder putting me in a headlock. Ruffling through my hair.
"Yeah yeah, let me go now". I pulled him off.
"I knew it you two are perfect of each other like strawberries and chocolate". Alessia pulled her arm around y/n's neck.
"Strawberries and chocolate?". She looked confused at her friend.
"Yea, amazing apart but together just heaven".
"That's pretty weird I barely know that guy". Y/n nodded at me.
"Treu, I don't agree with strangers at all but I do now".
"You two just need a drink what about beer?". Without waiting for an answer brain pulled two bottles of beer out of the fridge handing them to us.
"Hey, guys, the game of paranoia?!". Connor waved us over.
"Oh my God yes". Alessia pulled brian with her.
"You wanna play the game?". I looked at y/n.
"I don't know, last time some people embarrassed me".
"Oh, come on you can always stop right?".
"Yes". She rolled her eyes.

We sat down in the circle.
"So... Guys this is y/n... Maybe it's better if she doesn't pwrispated you still can say her name though but because she only knows you all from names it's kinda the best, right y/n?". Alessia smiled resting her hand on y/n's shoulder.
"Sounds perfect". She crossed her leg's under her.
I'm happy for her, but on the other side, I'm scared I know how my friends can be around new people especially girls they'll try her out looking at how easy-going she is.
"Okay, let's do this". Jon set down the last bottle of alcohol.
"Okay, so you know the rules when someone says your name you have to take a shot them you have to do the dare if you don't want to you take off one piece of clothing". Connor explained.

Just do every dare shawn do it whatever it is just do it!

"Who how is starting?". Y/n raised her eyebrow.
"I will". Nial leaned over to Eva.
I sign closing my eyes because I know she would say my name.
"Shawn". Her eyes met mine.
"I knew it!". I reached out for a shot glass with alcohol gulping it down my throat.
"pretend to propose".
"Oh my God okay fine... Video or picture?".
"Video!". My friends clapped their hands setting up a line from flashlights I glanced at y/n who smiled pulling out her phone turning on the flashlight.
"Wait we don't have a ring". I looked around.
"You can use mine... It's a 16 from size". Y/n pulled a ring off of her tiny finger handing it to me.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now