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When I walked into the living room shawn's sweet voice filled the room. "Aaliyah tem um namorado agora". Shawn looked up from his coffee to his grandmother, to me.
"Hey, bebe". He smiled at me to quickly turn back to his grandmother.
"o que é dele?".
I sat down next to him swinging my feet just above the ground because the stool was too high.
"ele é bom para ela?". His grandmother dipped her cookie into some tea.
"ele é, é um garoto tão doce às vezes tímido, mas no geral apenas doce".
I reacted my chin in my hands admiring my boyfriend talking his second language.
Shawn grew up bilingual. English from his mother and portugees from his father.
We had a Holliday in Portugal at his grandmother, to fão.
When shawn is with his family he is such a big teddy bear with his caramel brown eyes and cute curls. Trying to pronounce the portugees words perfectly.
He grabbed my hand when his grandmother asked about us, smiling like a idiot.
"How are we bebe?". He squeezed my hand kissing my cheek.
A pair of brown eyes stared at in 'aww'. She told me that shawn has the same eyes as her when she was younger. But the darkened through the years.
I smiled poring water into my glass.
"somos bons ... incrível para ser... Ser..."

Fuck i forgot!

I turned to shawn tested my lips on his ear.
"How do you say honest?".
He a lighted softly. Kidding my cheek.
Hone... What?". I looked at him confused.
"Wrong pronounce... Hones...". He stopped when I groaned rested my head on his shoulder.
"I'm never gonna learn it".
Shawn wrapped his arms around my rubbing my back.
"Bebe it just takes time". He kissed my forehead.
"I know but you can too".
"I grew up with portugees". He smiled.
"Y/n". The voice of shawn's grandmother made me lookup.
"Hon...es...tos". She pointed at me with the teaspoon.
"Good enough". Shawn pecked my lips.
"Just little baby steps bebe".
"Thank you muffin". I kissed his head.

"Bebe?". He nogged onto the bathroom door.
"Yes, muffin". I looked away from the mirror pulling my hair in a bun.
"You're ready?".
"Almost". I let go of the hair tie partially giving up on putting it around hair a South time.
"Y/n I've already seemed you naked just let me in".
I sighed rolling my eyes, reaching to unlock the door.
"Hey". He wrapped his arms around me pulling me to his chest.
I laughed putting suncream onto my palm.
"Now let me go or I'll smash you with suncream". I pulled my suncream covered hand to his face.
'No, I'll rather be a suncreammosnter than letting you go". He pressed his face into my neck.
"Uhm shawn this isn't gonna work".
"Let me just hug you for a second the beach isn't gonna walk away". He laughted.
"Yes but i dont wanna go in the middle of the day". My eyes shortly met his through the mirror.
"I know bebe you don't wanna burn".
"Partly and I don't want you to burn".
"I'm barely having sunburns... Half portuees remember". He laughted.
"Well, you burn faster in your face it's like your blushing for a longer period of time... It's cute". I caressed his cheeks.
His face heated up quickly.
"Aww, muffin". I kissed his nose.
"Don't 'aww muffin' me i'm the smooth one here".
Since you're blushing think i am the smoothest".
He rubbed his face. Pulling his arms around my neck. Resting his head on my sholder.
"I don't wanna be cute".
"Not even for me?".
He shook his head.
"No, i wanna be the rough handsome boyfriend".
"But muffin you are but you don't have to be superman".
"I love you".
"I love you too." I kissed his still rosy cheeks. Booped his nose.
"Stop it dont make me all soft now".
"Okay muffin let me put suncream onto you back".
"I dont need suncream".
"Not even in your face?".
"I don't think I need it".
"Okay if that's the case then you can help me with my back". I turned around handing him the bottle of sunscreen.
"Isn't this bad for the sea animals and coral?".
I shook my head.
"Got it from green people its safe-sea proof". I pulled the baby hairs from my sholder.
His hands rubbed even so softly over my skin massaged in the suncream.
"Sorry if its cold". His hands stopped hovering above my back.
"No, it does not go on".
"Are you sure it's not damaging?".
"Thousand percent sure shawn dont worry".
"Sorry I just wanna make sure I don't want the sea animals to die and since seventy percent of the air we breath is from the coral and if that is gone we cant breath normally anymore and i font want something to happen to anybody and we can't let it die".
"Hey, muffin stop your rambling".
"I just want people to listen for once".
"They will but in baby steps shawn". I turned around to face him removing a few curls from his forehead.
"I don't think the world needs baby steps... We need to change or it will be so bad in thirty years". His eyes were about to tear up.
"No muffin no you aren't gonna cry over that you can't". I took his face between my hands kissing his nose.
"It's just so heartbreaking to see the world slowly dying". His voice turned.
"Don't think about it too much okay you do whatever you can shawn". I pulled his closer rubbing his sholder blades. Into the mirror catching a glimp of his birthmark on his right shoulder.
Those imperfections make me love him even more. His lazy eyes, His birthmark, His cheek scar, His clumpiness, And his scar at his v-line.

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