{sapphire night}

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I was talking to Connor about how our vacation in France until now. when I catch her eye. Instantly Connor's voice faded away. I watched her as she hung up the lights on the three's. Her soft green lace dress covered her body perfectly. Her beautiful silk hair pulled back into a braid, eyes focused on her task of hanging the lights onto the tree branches.
"Hello, earth to shawn". Connor waves his hand in front of my face.
"Uh... What?". I was completely disoriented for a few seconds.
"You weren't even listening to me".
"Sorry I was just".
"Starting at y/n".
"Y/n in the soft green dress". He pointed at the girl.
"Y/n...". I looked back at her stared to image her with me.
"Come on dude!".
"Don't use her".
"I don't".
"Really because a few mounts ago you couldn't shut up about a girl named willow".
"Turned out she wasn't my type".
"Sirius shawn you really need to or get a girlfriend or close yourself off from girls".
"Yea... yea".
I leaned against the wall for the old castle, Adoring here.

"Ouch o my God fuck" she held her hand in pain and stumbled down the latter I stepped closer and catches her with one arm.
"You're good honey?". I smiled at her.
She started at me for a few seconds.
Maybe its the nickname

"Kinda". She Scribbled up from my arm and looked at her hand.
"Let me see". I treated my hand my palms facing her hand. folding my fingers around the back of it when she lay it onto my palm.
Blood oozed from her hand covering the aculy wound it was an aggressive glass wound.
"We have to clean it and bound it up if you dont want infections". I stared into her eyes looked like the sapphire crystals when lights shine on it how they show a perfect reflection of me.
The color of her eyes got me starstruck
Her eyes are rare even more than heterochromia eyes.
"Uhm I don't know". She looked down at her shoes.

Stupid why did you have to look in her eyes!?

"I forgot to introduce myself I'm shawn".
"I know...".
"Oh, you're a friend of Connor".
"Yep, I'm a friend from baby brash".
She broke out laughing.


"Come on honey let's clean this wound". I took her good hand and lead her into the castle. It was beautiful old classic art hung on the wall's kinda like the 'beauty and the beast' Castel. All the castles here look like that Castel.
She whined painfully when the cold water washed away the dark red blood.
"Sstt you're okay it's okay it just stings a little". I pulled her hair behind her ear slowly. I examed the wound it was a deep which crossed her whole palm
We have to bandage it up before you get an infection I reached for the cupboards looking for the aid kit.
"It's in the second from your left". She pointed at one cupboard.
"Do you live here or something?".
"Kinda... I work here for this summer".
"Where do you live?".
"I live in Alaska".
"Wow, I thought the Toronto was cold."
"You'll get used to the cold... But I love the sun too that's why I'm here".
I smiled at her. Grabbed the bandaged and wrapped it around her hand.
"Thank you".
"How could I let such a beautiful girl bleed from a glass cut?".
She opened her mouth to say something but seemed starstruck, her eyes traveled to the ground as a rosy color covered her cheeks.

How adorable o my God she is the cutest girl I've ever seen!

"Are you going to the party on the square?".
"Yes well kinda".
"Y/n you go to the party or you don't".
"I have to work for the party".
"Can't you ask if you can have a day off?".
"I don't know...".
I set up my puppy eyes. Stared at her.
"Just say that you have a date with a really special boy". I winked at her.
"I'll try". She smiled at me.
"See you tonight honey". I walked back outside. She waves at me in trance.

"I got her I got her". I hit Connors's shoulder.
"You can't own people shawn".
"I got a date... Well maybe".
"Do you got a date or not?".
"If she can take free from work I have".
"What happened to her?".
"She got a cut in her hand from the glass ball lights".
"And you thought 'I can be her personal hero'?".
He rolled his eyes and hit my arm.
"Congrats shawn you got a date with the sapphire eyes girl from Alaska".

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now