{she won't hurt you}

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"Baby aww I missed you." Shawn smiled wrapping his arms around her
"Missed you too so much." She smiled.
I looked up from my book smiling sadly.
Originally Shawn is my crush but then I found out he has a girlfriend so I decided to keep being friends with him.
I wanna feel happy for him I am but I just really wanted to be his I wanna make him smile I want his eyes to light up when my name falls, but no the only time he get's happy is when she hears the name Cinder.

"Hey you're y/n right?"
"Yes I am." I smiled
"The one and only." She crossed his arms over his chest leaning against the wall.
She smiled at me, being down hugging me shortly.
"Nice to meet you, Shawn is hyping about you all the time."
"He's just silly." I laughter is off hiding my sadness.
"I know." She kissed Shawn cheek.

She is so sweet... and beautiful, I just wish I could be her

When they kissed something inside of me wanted to run, gag, or close my eyes. Just anything to ignore.
Instead, I zoned out not looking at them but at the wall behind their heads.
"Uhm I have to go." I stood up holding my books putting on my jacket
"What why?" Shawn looked his appointed.
"Uhm... I uhm... I promised mum to make dinner tonight." I was lying of course I was lying I just wanted to get out of here.
"Oh okay... Text me."
I walked out of the cafe, tearing up my heart started to tear apart.
Ripping any feeling from it.

I lay on my bed just feeling wrack and lonely more lonely than normal because I text Shawn in the evening or if we can t sleep. This evening I send him a 'hey' but he didn't respond yet. I don't wanna bother him to be honest I don't wanna think of him of them. I need sleep I don't need Shawn I need sleep

Are you sure?

I ignored the little voice in my head. Turning in my bed hugging the pillow next to me, Falling asleep with a single tear folding down my jaw.

I woke up a little unsteady still tempering from the bad dream I had which seemed to go on for hours.
Still a little fuzzy I looked up finding my phone. Shawn was calling me.
I couldn't help but smile at the diets of his name. I picked up.
"Good morning." I smiled.
He didn't respond.
"Hey sweet best friend of my boyfriend."
"Cinder oh hey goodmorning". I smiled.
No, respond.
"Uhm what's up?". I pulled myself up.
"Oh no nothing I just wanted to tell you about last night." Her voice changed into something darker.
"You meant yesterday afternoon".
"Oh, no last night".
"What about last night?".
"I know you love him so I'll keep the details for myself but just that you know I had fun last night." Her sentence was followed by a soft laugh.
"What I don't understand."
"Shawn and I."

Oh... Why why did you had to say that?

My heart started to sink every second just a little more, my head feeling heavy trying not to cry out loud.
"What's the matter?".
"Why are you telling me this?"
"Come on I know you love him, I know you wanna be with him".
"That's not true". I nervously ran my hand through my hair.
"I know it is... I bet you wanted to be my last night the second you heard me tell you."
"No oh, so you don't wanna?.."
"No please stop." I closed my eyes trying to get it out of my head.
"Okay just want to tell you that he's mine. My boyfriend. My boytoy. Mine all for my pleasure and nothing else." She laughed.
Then I realized that she isn't nice at all she just uses him.

The bitch!

"Where is Shawn?" The words came out rater slowly like it didn't have urgency at all.
She didn't respond.
"Cinder who are you talking to?.."
"Ssst... Bye y/n". She hung up.
I slowly lowered my phone from my ear.

"Shawn, I'm so sorry." I fell back onto my bed.

I walked to the coffee shop Shawn and I always come here on Sunday just chatting.
Sitting down at our usual table he wasn't here yet.
After an hour the staff of the cafe asked me where shawn was because they've seen me waiting for a while.
I grabbed my phone texting shawn.
'Hey where are you?'
'Oh yea sorry I was looking for my jacket and you left your hoodie here you know the PURPLE one'
I didn't read his redone the word that consumed me was 'purple' our word for 'help me!'
I looked up slowly imagine the cinder hurting him.
I didn't respond to his text, standing up leaving some cash at the table, and rising out of the cafe.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now