{i don't know you but i love you}

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I was shivering tossing on the bunk bed not feeling good at all my body heating up and freezing at the same time. The tent was poorly facilitated. Not even someone who has any understanding of medical attention.

If only brian was here

I miss brain and alessia so much they were my best friend for the past months ever since the breakout from the camp the traveling black betty east river they were always there for me until alessia left east river earlier than we did to look for her family.
Brain and I escaped east river because Clancy was manipulative giving us long shifts and nothing in return.
Brian had to deliver the letter he wrote for jack but then got shot by the blood wolves I escaped to a safe house until everything was clear and I could look for brian. I became sick the bad weather got on my lungs, a few blue kids picked me up and brought me back to the east river later to realize that it wasn't an east river at all, the east river had weird rules but let everyone in provided food and a good place to sleep, but this was just a warehouse lived by some bleus and only bleu's you have to fight against each other and the one who wins can stay.
I could stay but because I was sick I ended up here in a tent with a leak in the roof together with a lot of others who were sick kinda just left to die.

Footsteps sounded louder closer. Not heavy ones but strong enough to notice they were angry. A girl pulled the fabric of the tent away walking in glancing around. Searching for something or someone.
"Isn't that him?". A boy nodded at me.
"Brown curly hair brown eyes tall yes that's probably him". Another girl crossed her arms.
The first girl looked at me her eyes lighted up as a small sad smile formed her lips.

What's up with me, why are they starting?

"Is he there?".
I knew this voice it was brian.
I pulled myself up on my elbows to see my friend.
"Hey worm". I smiled taking his hand.
"Hey, how are you?". He kneeled next to me examining my face.
"Not the best, my head hurts... Wait no everything hurts". The words left my mouth in slow motion.
"Lay down Shawn I'll look for medicine".
"They don't have any". The boy said.
"How long are you here?". Brian checked my forehead if I want to run a fever.

How long am I here?

"A few weeks I can't exactly recall". I created my head against the pillow.
"He's running a fever". Brian turned back to the two girls and the boy.
The one girl who stepped in first looked sad.
"Will he be fine?". The boy followed the brain with his eyes.
"Yes he will y/n come here and cool him down... I'll look at liv's wound". Brian pulled the bucket of cold water towards my bunk. Walking over to the other girl.
"I don't need your help".
"You do". He pulled her down on an empty bunk.
"What can I do?". The boy looked at brian.
"Can you look for medicine in the warehouse some blankets... Just anything that can help these people"?
The boy nodded.

"Hey". The girl kneeled next to my bunk grabbing the towel on the end of my bed.

I know her

I studied her angelic face.
Her eyes so beautiful and soft-spoken I've always loved that color for a weird reason.

So beautiful...

I coughed my throat sore as the heat of my fever started to rush over my body. I pulled myself up trying to get the blanket off of me.
"Stop... Please it's all good just lay down". She pushed me back carefully.
It hurts...".
"What hurts?".
"Everything sometimes I feel like I can't breathe, I'm always too warm than too cold everything my body is slow. it just hurts".
"It's okay just be careful". She smoothes back my curls before patting my forehead off with the cold wet towel.
"Can't brian do this". I stared at her face too scared that I might just lean on and kiss her.
"Brian is helping life".
I pressed my back against the mattress suppressing it.
She heaved the towel a little, backing away.
"Sorry did I do something?".
"It's... You're really beautiful what's your name?". Before I could stop myself the words left my lips.
"Oh... I'm Y/n". she smiled moving to sit on the bunk tapping my forehead again.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now