{sunrise and moonlight}

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I blew out the candle with smelled like mint somehow it reminds me of him, I started at my window for a while.
The sky turned purple as the states went empty. I put my hue light on trying to decide which color.
I opened meggege finding Shawn at the top of my list.
'Which color?'.
I waited a few moments maybe he isn't awake yet it's Saturday for him now.
'Which colors for what?'.
'Just say a color' I smiled at my screen

He's a dork sometimes

He faces timed me. When I accepted the screen lighted up with sunlight shined around his room I smiled at his sleepy face still hurried into his pillow. His hair was messy curls falling in front of his eyes.
"Good morning fluff ball".
He rubbed his eyes.
"Mor... Good evening baby". He smiled.
"So which color?".
"For what? is depends on what... For lipstick I'd say pink but if you're talking about bra's I'd say red or no wait... Black black lace". He aimlessly bit his lip.
I sigh.
"I was talking about my hue lights, not about bra's".
"Uhm sadly". He smiled innocently.
I smiled shaking my head turning the lights to blue.
"But I keep it in mind though".
"Yay". He smiled putting his face onto his pillow when Tarzan somehow managed to jump onto his bed now licking his ear.
"Hey, Tarzan that boy is mine". I set up a sad face.
 Tarzan turned his head looking around the room confused.
"Tarzan". Shawn lifted him on his chest pointing at the screen where I was.
The pup tilted his head a little. Sniffing on the phone I only saw a black nose booping the phone.
I starting laughing I felt like I was with Shawn in Toronto where it's morning but in reality, I'm home where it's almost night.
"Tarzan come here boy". Shawn pulls him back wrapping his arms around the pup.
I closed my eyes for a second felt myself drifting off to sleep.

Don't fall sleep

I turned off my light only having my night lamp on now.
I rested my head back on my pillow.
"Goodnight baby I love you". Shawn smiled.
I fell asleep with my phone still on.

I woke up from my ring tone Shawn was calling me. I accepted pulling my blanket higher up. Because I always just look horrible in the morning.
"Hey, shy girl". Shawn cooed.
"Just wanted to see your cute morning face". He ran his hand through his hair.
"I'm ugly". I pulled the blankets from my face.
"No, you're not you're beautiful my beautiful baby". He blew a kiss towards me.
I felt my cheek heat up slowly.
"Aww, you're cute when you blush". He tilted his head a little.

God y/n he's on your screen on the other side of the world chill!

"I just wanna say that I miss you". He started at me with his caramel brown eyes cheeks rosy.
"I miss you too Shawn". I rested my head onto the propped up pillow.
"No, you don't understand I miss you it hurts y/n my heart hurts so much". Tears welled up in his eyes.
"Aww, babe don't cry babe don't cry". I pushed down my tears too.
"Sorry I just wish you were here". He whipped away his tear.

I wish I was there too

Slowly a smile spread across my face.
"What why are you smiling?".
"oh, nothing".
"Okay baby I go now I love you".
"Goodnight babe". I smiled blowing and air kiss.
After he fell asleep I stared at his cute sleeping face for a while took a few screenshots of him. Not in a creepy was just to show him the day after.

I pulled myself up opening my curtains and window to let in some fresh air. I loosen my hair lay it falls down my shoulder. Rubbing my eyes while walking towards my closet. Throwing on some jeans and a hoodie. I fixed my hair looking into the mirror my eyes fell onto the white strap of my bra. I but the sense of my cheeks grabbing my phone closing the screenshots I made from Shawn sleeping. Schering for alessia's contract.
"Hey what's up?". Alessia greeted me with her cracking morning voice.
"Wanna go shopping with me?".
"Yes, I love to".

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now