{you are family}

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A smile appeared on her face as she walked out of school, I waved at her.
She ran towards me wrapping her arms around my torso. I tapped her shoulder
"How are you?" I signed it with my hands.
'Fine'. She smiled.
I kissed her head.
"I love you". I placed my hand on her shoulder.
'I love you too'. She mounted without any sound.
I smiled hugging her tightly.
I mentioned her over to my car. Opening the door.
She stepped in closing the door.
I sat down next to her behind the steering wheel.
"When do you wanna start driving lessons?" I looked at her resting my hand on hers.
She heaved her shoulders.
"You wanna drive past your house or not?"
'Changing my outfit' She nodded.
I smiled motioning her over my side.
'What?'. She looked at me worried.
"Gonna teach you how to drive". I patted on my lap.
'It's dangerous'. She shook her head.
I dragged her over on my lap lacing her hands in mine resting them on the creating wheel.
She started to shake.
I turned her face towards me.
"Don't be scared". I hugged her.
'I don't even know if I'm able to drive'.
"Because you're deaf?".
She nodded.
"Babe that doesn't change anything". I kissed her head.
'I don't think I wanna drive yet'.
She moved off my lap back to her seat again.
I sight.

She's really scared, isn't she?

I grabbed her hand kissing the back of it.

"I made a new song, it's for you". I liked up my phone looking up the recorded song teach me how to love.

It was about her because loving her was different loving her was kinda hard for me to know how to love her because she doesn't talk a lot she can talk but not the best because she's deaf her voice is weird so he doesn't I've never heard her voice I'd love to hear her voice more than anything.
She let me know that she gets so upset sometimes that she can't hear my voice like normal people do she wanna hear me sing like all the others that if I ever get famous that she at least know's why people love my voice.
So I wrote a song for her and only her to let her know she's special.

I handed her my phone she rested her hand on the speaker sp she could feel the music through vibration.
Which is kinda beautiful that she can at least feel the music.
She smiled. I eyed her at the corner of my eye to keep my focus on the road.
'I love this it's so... So beautiful'. She kissed my cheek. resting her head against my arm.

I sat on y/n's bed rating the fifth outfit she pulled you in her closet.
"Beautiful". I smiled staring at her black skirt and baby's blue woolen sweater.
She crossed her arm over her chest. Rolling her eyes.
'You always say that'. She tilted her head a little.
"Because you are". I stretched out my hand for her.
'I need your family to like me'. She played with the ring on my finger.
"I'm sure they will if you just be yourself they'll love you just like I do". I kissed her.
She smiled. Pulling away slowly.
'Okay now tell me what is the perfect girlfriend from Shawn outfit?'.
"Only for me just in lingerie".
'I'm serious Shawn'.
"I'm kidding just kidding babe". I booped her nose.
"My perfect girl looks exactly like you". I pulled her closer losing prepping her face with kisses.
She smiled.
'So this is good?'. She pulled my hair from my face.
"It's perfect". I carried my thumb over the fabric of her sweater where it hugged her waist perfectly.
'Come on let's pick up that pup of yours'. She dragged me up.
"Yes". I pulled my arms around her waist walking back to my car. Driving to my apartment.

"Are you staying in the car?". I turned to her before opening the car door.
She nodded.
"Okay... I love you". Leaned over towards her kissing her lingering on it for a few seconds.
'I love you too'.
I smiled at myself as I closed the door again. Walking through the doors.
"Hey good to see you, Shawn". My condo keeper waved me.
"Good to see you, man". I smiled.
I walked up the stairs.
When I unlocked my door I heart paw scratching on the other side of it.
"Yes yes, I know Tarzan I know". I opened the door. Seeing my puppy standing in front of me like a happy kid his leash already between his teeth.
"Awww you knew did brian tell you we go to oreo?". I hugged him. His head shot up when I mentioned oreo's name.
The two had met each other once and from the first second became best friends. Their almost the same age and are so cute together.
"We're gonna see your friend". I ruffled through his fur. Clicking his leash together. Locking the door again.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now