{stuck with him}

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I stared I walk towards shawn's locker feeling nervous because I don't know him at all this is the first project we had to do since we went back to school for two days's a week. The others are online so we still have a little constant with the other students. Even though I didn't know him so well. I already feel attracted to him during online class I caused myself to start at the little block of his face sometimes I click to make his screen the biggest.

"Hey, shawn". I leaned against the locker clock silently.
"Oh hey...uhm...".
"I'm y/n remember the girl from the skin memory project".
"Oh, yea y/n sorry I didn't know your name I...".
"I know we don't see each other often it's fine".
"I promise I'll remember you". He smiled pulling his books from his locker pressing them against his chest.
"So where should we go to my dorm or yours?". I tilted my head a little.
"I don't live in a dorm I have my apartment fifteen minutes from here".
"I was already wondering how your room looked completely different from the dorm rooms".
"I'm lucky". He smiled.

We walked out of the school building I automatically walked towards the dorms until shawn held my arm dragging my back make me almost bumping into his chest
"This way". He laughted softly pointing at the parking loft.
I looked down smiling hiding my rosy cheeks.
He opened the door for me.
I sat down putting my backpack at my feet.
I stared at him confused when he bullied me up.
"This safety belt is always hard to put on". He smiled closing the door.

He's so sweet

He sat down behind the steering wheel driving off carefully to his apparent.
The radio playing softly.

When shawn unlocked the door a dog barked loudly sounding all cute, to be honest.
"Yeah yeah Tarzan". He opened the door kneeling to a golden retriever puppy.
"Aww". I rested my hand on my heart melting at them.
"This is my dog, Tarzan".
"He's cute". I kneeled next to shawn patting the pup.
"Hey, Tarzan hey cutie yea you're cute". I hugged him.
Shawn walked towards the living room.
Placing his backpack onto the kitchen island.
I sat down on one of the stools setting my backpack onto the floor.
"What do you wanna drink?".
"Water please". I scrolled through social media for a while.
Brain sends a message in our class WhatsApp.
'zoom meeting from coaching hour now!'.
Shawn pulled his phone back in his pocket rushing back to me.
"Did you see it too?" He took his laptop from his backpack turning it on.
"Of course I've seen it". i shoved a little closer to him. To fit both our faces into the frame.
He glanced at my from the corn or of his eyes smiling.
"Good evening students I wanted to tell you that sadly one of your teachers had covid do you all have to be guaranteed at where you are  If you're still in school we'll make sure you can live in one of the classrooms if your outside goes home instantly. Any questions?".
I turned on the mic.
Raising my hand.
"Hey yes um I'm at shawn's apartment can I go home or?..".
"You have to be quarantined with him".


"Y/n I would love to change it for you but it's the school rule it's the law now".
"Can't I just".
She shook her head.
I pressed my lips together trying to hide my frustration.
Shawn noticed it softly sqeezing my arm.
I pulled away rudely.
It has nothing to do with him I'm just angry that I have to stay with him.

"Are you angry at me what did I do?". He sat there slowly closing his laptop.
"I'm not mad at you". I stood up walking back and forth in the room.
"Why are you all tensed up then?".
"I'm not". I turned towards him crossing my arms over each other.
"Y/n don't lie to yourself we both know what you're mad".
"I'm not mad shawn!". i balled my hands in firsts walking towards him
"But you...". He instantly stopped.
I had them a collar of his shirt clapped between my fingers grumbling it in my first.
Our height difference was almost two feet but I didn't even bother to lift myself onto my toes to be closer to him.
"Listen shawn don't ever say that again or I'll rip your head off!".
He started at me with his caramel born puppy eyes.
"Yeah sorry". He looked down at me.
I walked away angrily so angry that Tarzan lifted his head from his floor pillow.
"It's okay Tarzan". Shawn walked over to him patting him.
I closed the door to one of his rooms. Founding out that I was in his room. I glanced around his closet was still open doesn't bother to be closed. His window open had a view over the skyscrapers of Toronto and the side of the CN tower. It was beautiful, to be honest.

Maybe it isn't that bad to be stuck with shawn...

His bed was neatly made with a fluff blanket and soft pillows. I smiled at the family pictures of him and his ster when he was younger. He looked so cute.
My eyes fell on a guitar I sat down on the bed and carefully grabbed it putting it in my lap playing it aimlessly my grandfather taught me a little guitar. I only know the basic songs.
The door clamped open as an angry shawn met me he never was or seemed mad
"Y/n what the heck you just can't look through my stuff it's personal".
"I'm sorry you didn't lock the foor or something so how am I suppose to know I'm unable to through your stuff".
"Y/n serius you're so childish you can't look thought my stuff". He grabbed his guitar from me. Holding it tightly.
I shook my head.
"I'm so done with you I thought you weren't like the other boy's Shawn. I thought you were nice and sweet at least not a jerk". I stood up from his bed staring at the window.
"I guess I was wrong".
He set his guitar back into the standard.
"Y/n...". He walked closer to me standing behind me just leaving a few inches apart from us.
"No shawn I swear don't even come this close to me again or I'll kill you... I swear I'll kill you!".
"God y/n what's wrong with you I just try to be nice!". He stepped away from me.
"Shut up shawn you know I don't wanna see you!". I pushed him away.
"You can't just push me away!". He walked close to me pushing me against the door he was towering over me looking down.
"Shawn stop this". I pushed him away opening the door walking into another room.
His music room.

I stayed there for a week begin too mad at him he still took care of me setting meals down in front of the door handing me bottles of water.
Giving me pillows and blankets even his clothes so I don't have to wear the same smelly clothes all the time.
Sometimes we even had this conversation where we're both would sit against the door my answer should be just a simple yes or no but the last few day's he has been getting more out of my mouth

I instantly stopped playing the little piano looking up slowly
My heart started beating against my chest cheeks burning up.
I walked over to the door sitting against it.
All our conversations are pretty platonic but it still felt different not like friendship but like love.

Why do you have to be so stupid?!

He won't love me anyway
"How are you feeling?".
"I'm fine".
"Are you hungry?".
"I made pasta".
I smiled at myself he must have seen me eating it in an online class for luch.
"Okay give it". I opened the door took the plate from him setting it on the table next to the door.
"Good to see your face". He smiled.
I stared in his caramel brown eyes then at his lips. Letting my eyes travel between them for a while.
"Should I go?..". He started at me confused.
"I'm sorry for behaving like this all this time with you Shawn". I looked down feeling guilty.
"Hey, it's okay y/n". A smile formed on his lips.
We both smiled because we said it in unison.
"Lady's first".
"No, you can go first".
"Don't be scared just drop it". He had a worried look on his face.
I didn't respond cupping his face he understood my action he leaned in closing the space between us.
Our lips moved in sync as our hearts beated in the same rhythm. It was something I've been saving for what we both been craving for it was filled with love and tender passion we got so caught up in it almost melting together becoming one heart beating the same.
"I love you so much y/n and that's all I wanna say". He rested his head against mine.
I smiled blushing from his sweet words.
"I love you too shawny". I chucked.       
He pulled my closer to his chest I rested my face in his neck inhaling his sentse
It was something I wanted to say for a long time which seems forever.
"Come on let's eat dinner". He pulled back slightly.
I picked up my plate walking back to the living room it was quite a mess like he was throwing a party every night.
I looked at him confused.
"I thought I was going crazy without you sorry". He kissed my forehead.
Two paws clamped down onto my jeans. I looked down at a happy Tarzan.
I handed my plate to Shawn who put it on the kitchen island.
I hugged Tarzan picking him up putting him in my lap when I sat down next to Shawn.
"Are you still mad?".
"I wasn't mad at you I was mad at just the whole situation". I took his hand lacing our fingers together. Eating with my other hand.
"What about the project?". I looked at him.
"I asked the teacher it's canceled because of quarantine".
"Can I stay here for a little longer?".
"Always cutie". He kissed me.

Stuck with him   

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now