{i'm pathetic and possessive}

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Her fingertips ran over my bare chest waking me.
"Hey, beautiful". I smiled rubbing my face. Ruffling through her hair.
"Hey, shawny". He kissed my nose.
As I opened my eyes it amazed me that the sun didn't already wake me. I was still a little dark the lights from the CN tower were still shining bright she was beautiful this way I like her the most this way I've seen her with tons of make up all dressed up
But nothing can compare to her natural beauty.

God I love this beautiful girl

"Beautiful how late is it?". I turned back to her pulling my head into my pillow again.
"Half-past six".
"Half-past... Why so early I thought you didn't have work today".i closed my eyes again trying to sleep.
"The show is today Shawn".
"Oh, yea the show". I pulled the blankets over me tighter rolling over so I my back was facing her.
"Aww, shawny hey shawny don't fall asleep okay". She kissed my shoulder.
"I rater to sleep then wake up at half-past six".
"Well, then I think I have to do my morning routine alone today". She pulled my hair back kissing my head.
"Good luck with that... Half-past six... You're crazy". I shifted a little.
"Come on you leave me hanging here?". She hit me with her pillow.
I turned to her smoothing her hair back.
"Beautiful you know I love you and I love having our morning routine but not at a ridiculous time as this please y/n I've been up late you know that". I caressed her cheek trying to kiss her but because I was sleep drunk my coordination wasn't the bested so i kissed the corner of her lips.
"It isn't a ridiculous time you just overworked yourself and now you tired, it's that simple shawny". She smiled grabbing my chin and kissing me.
"I'm sorry y/n I love to do your makeup but I'm just so tired". I closed my eyes again rubbing them to stay awake.
"Aww try and catch some sleep Shawn". She kissed my forehead.
I nodded letting my head fall back onto my pillow again.
She walked over to the bathroom.
I listened to her footsteps tipping over the floor softly humming my song.
I smiled imagining her in my sweater pulling up her hair putting some weird facemask on her skin.

Y/n has been working hard to get to the top of modeling a lot of year's of tears and hard work is being put into this and now she's finely what she has been hoping for and me too because it's just amazing to see my girlfriend as a model. She's now a Victoria secret angel and it's her first show today.
I'm so proud of her all those years have been dedicated to this. I can't promise I won't get jealous though the girl who is mine and only mine is gonna be in front of everyone eyes in lingerie the way I only wanna see her.
So yeah I'm jealous but who shouldn't be. She's beautiful.

I couldn't sleep at all my mind still racing about the thought of missing out on something.
I pulled myself up walking over to the bathroom suffering through my hair to fix it.
"Oh hey shawny why are you out of bed?". She turned around her hands covered in the facemask cream she was putting on.
"I don't wanna miss out on my beautiful girl". I kissed her head.
"Well, I'm happy you're here just in time for your morning face mask". She smiled.
"My what?..". I raised my eyebrow at her.
She tipped my nose covering it in the face mask cream.
"Hey!". I took it off my nose drawing a hear with it on her cheek.
When she wanted to take it off I took her hand kissing her head-turning her around to the mirror.
She started at it pulling her hair behind her ear to see the greenish heart on her cheek her eyes widen all filled with love and softness.
"Aww, shawny thank you". She kissed my hand softly holding it against her other cheek.
I smiled at ger into the mirror admiring her beautiful face features.
"Let's take a picture".
"What?". I rubbed my face.
"For Instagram to let my fans know I'm getting ready".
"Y/n beautiful you know I love you but I'm barely awake and don't even have a shirt on". I kissed her sleepily.
"Shawn do you think I care do you think other people will care you look beautiful always even if you have a sleep face and cute abs".
Hey, my abs are anything but cute abs "aren't suppose to be cute".
"But you are cute". She kissed my cheek applying a layer of cream onto my face leaving her's untouched with only the heart.
She took her phone from the sink opening her camera.
"Y/n". I buried my face in her holder smudging it with the greenish cream.
"Shawn just look up and show me your beautiful cute face". She laughed softly.
I shook my head tracing my nose down to the edge of her shoulder kissing it softly.
"Aww nevermind it's still cute". She scored through the pictures she just took.
Stating to edit the best posting it and tagging me.

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