{from hate to love}

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I looked at him telling myself to calm down for a while and that it can't be him But that mostly drove me even crazier after I while I knew for sure it's him.

No no no every boy but y/n here!

Y/n has been bugging me ever since I started college for filmmaking I started at the scriptwriting department and already worked a lot with y/n's department film acting. The next year I switched from writing to acting because ever since a little kid I loved acting but never aculy did something with it. I was already happy that I didn't have classes with y/n well until now.

Tom floped down next to me onto one of the bean bags. He followed my gaze shaking his head.
"Try not to kill him please we might need him for the protagonist".
"Why?". I roles my eyes.
"I know you kinda hate him but don't deny that he's the best". He raised his eyebrows.
"Yeah sure". I crossed my arms over my chest.
"Come on are you still mad over that feedback?".
"That script was perfect and he ruined it".
Cole took a chair shoving closer to me.
"Hey, tom, what's up with shawn?".
"He's mad".
"Hello y/n here". I muttering under my breath pointing at the other side of the classroom.
"Still about your script?".
"It was perfect".
The room slowly filled with the others, it started with voices all over each other.
untill Larkin motioned us to be silent.
"Okay students we mixed the group up with different classes of all the apartments the writer's department has chosen out a classic story with you all have to make your own the deadline is in forty-eight hours. So it's short. Matty and I are here to help when needed but the brainstorming session is only you guys". He explained.
"Okay guys I'm Lisa the head of winters apartment we argued a lot about the story but he got it". A girl who sat in a hunting chair looked at us.
"Tell us". Connor moved from the wooden stop to the floor crossing his leg's under him.
"We're gonna remake Romeo and Juliet".
The air was filled with disappointed groans as we all started to argue about it.
"Come on man what the heck!?".
"Romeo and Juliet Lisa!".
"Nobody want's that!".
Lisa's face went white as she shied away from the conversation Connor noticed it too glancing over at me.
Lisa and I have been in cases since day one.
I pulled myself up from the team back standing up walking toward the middle of the room.
"Okay guys, I know you're all skeptic I'm a skeptic too but I've been in the writing department last year and that whole year Lisa came up with the beat stories so don't blame her let her talk". I looked around trying to ignore y/n's stare.
"Thank you shawn". Lisa smiled.
"But I still don't understand I thought Lisa was specialized in writing romance but Romeo and Juliet are tragic". Y/n propped himself up from the sofa he was laying on.
A few 'agree' and 'yep's' filled the room.
"It is a romance y/n".
"No, it's not". He rolled his eyes.
"It is". I crossed my arms over each other.
"They died".
"Together in love".
"Still tragic". He stood up walking over to me.
"Oh explain the tragic to me then". I raise my eyebrow.
"The whole story is a tragic you just too naive to see it". He shook his head.
"I'm not, it is romance Shakespeare wrote it about forbidden love".
"Then it's really tragic".
In the meantime, the whole room fell silent following our argument. Recently shifting glances at each other.
"And what are you all staring?". Y/n raised his eyebrow looking at the room.

Still as arrogant as ever...

"I have an idea...". Connor smiled.
"I think I know what that is". Kim's eyes went from Connor to y/n and me.
"I think we found two organists".
"I'm not playing Romeo". Y/n and I sounded union.
"No... You two as Romeo and Juliet". Connor ran his hand through his hair.
"Rover and jay". Lisa tapped on her notebook with her pen instantly writing it doen.
"Wait what no I'm not gonna be one of the two". I shook my head.
"Shawn is right this time, can't you call we don't have any cremesty between us two".
This time I found myself agreeing with y/n.
"What he said". I nodded.
"There is some chemistry between you guys just not to right one". Cole leaned back against his chair.
"Not yet". Tom sat straight.
I shot them both a dead glance.
"Okay acting department you go talk with the writers. Directors department can you all brainstorm about the visuals with the filming crew?". Lisa pointed at the film crew and the directors, motioning them to the studios.
Sam walked over to the whiteboard taking the marker in her hands.
"First, the plot what happens?". She looked around.
"Rover and jay never meet". I crossed my arms over my chest.
Y/n's gaze was burning on me.
"I thought you were the whole who said it was a romance".
"Not when you and I are the protagonists we'll fight in a matter of seconds".
"That's treu".
Sam tapped the maker in her palm nervously. Glancing over at Lisa.
"Y/n, shawn if you tow wanna argue you can do that outside of this classroom not here were only progradation with you".
I looked at y/n who filed his eyes. Walking to the door.
Sam raised her eyebrow at me.
I sight walking out of the classroom too.
Leaning against the wall opposite from y/n.
"This sucks". He looked down.
"Can't we ask if we can switch that two others are going in our place?".
"No Kim has a talent for casting actors". He ran his hand through his hair.
There was a silence between him for a while I catch him examining me a few times.
"Are you still mad?".
"Yes, I am". I looked up at him.
"Shawn it's been a while you can't always stay mad at me". He shook his head slightly.
"I worked hard on that script y/n".
"It was just feedback I didn't know it would upset you". Something changed in his body language, he shanked is becoming smaller.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now