{last time}

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After a long shift from my guarding work at the mall I came home exhausted by dog ollie tripped happily his paw's on the good when he saw me swaying his tail at me. I smiled at him running my fingers through his fur aimlessly for a while then walking to the kitchen to fill up his water and food ollie tailing me.
He away tails me after the loss of my brother be both falls back onto each other company. Ollie isn't my dog it's my brothers. He is the only piece of him I have left and I don't dare to leave him alone outside of my work.

My bother, matian. partially raised me. Mum and dad died when I was like three with Matian
being fourteen back then he had the job of raising his younger sister while he avidly had to grow up himself. I once caught him crying when I was supposed to sleep he saw on his bed and cried I sat next to him and hugged him asking him what's wrong turned out he thought he was horrible at being a mum dad and brother I told him he wasn't that he was the best person ever at this point he was eighteen years old too young to be a caretaker for his little sister.
I remember that time when I was sick and one or the other way we came on the not so much spoken subject of girlfriends. I told him that if he asked for fewer work hours at his job what he maybe could find a girl. He explained that you don't just find a soulmate plus he had a little sister to take care of so he didn't need one.
Later tuned our that he was gay after his death I talked to a friend of him and he told me that my bother and him secretly dated for a few weeks but work draw them apart.

I filled the bowl from ollie with water and ruffled thought his fur. Set it back to the floor next to my bothers chair. Walked back to pore some whine. Ollie seems to miss him too still every day it's in the little things the dog does sometimes he would wait in front for the back door because matian always came from thereafter his work or the way he curled up against the armrest of the sofa right where my bothers spot was. The way he sometimes rests his paw's onto the surface from the chair.

Like he does now...

I kneeled down next to him kissed his forehead. Hugged him sadly.
"You miss him too right?".
As on a cue, ollie whined.
"I miss him too". I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him up carried him to the sofa lay down and placed him on my chest.
When he was a pup I could easily hold him there for hours now soon after a few minutes his weight starts to crush me
When we both started to doze off the bell rang. Ollie growled sleepily lifting his head up to the door.

Who is that? it's half past six

I rolled under from ollie walked towards the door on my way grabbing my whine glass absently reaching for my gun at my side. I opened the door to see a person I rather forget than see again.


Without saying a word I swung the door back into its frame letting shawn stand there in shock, even Ollie jumped up and walked to my side tilting his head a little.
"It's shawn ollie that boy who is too good for me". I slide down to the floor pressing my back against the door cuddling my dog.
"Y/n?. I know you are there what's wrong can we talk".
I didn't answer running my hand through ollie's fur. While he rested his chin on my knee.
"Did I do something wrong?".
I looked at ollie who nudged my leg softly.
"Please tell me y/n".
"Why are you still here".
"Because I love you".
"Can you please open the door?".
I sigh and took a sip of my wine.
I draw my gun out of my foster and quietly unload it. Ollie, lifted his head closer to my hand begging me to pet him. I smiled quietly and ruffed with his fur. Completely forgetting shawn on the other side of the door.

If I open the door I don't think I'll ever be able to let go of him again...

"Y/n come on let's talk for the last time then it's your choice to leave me and never ever talk to me again I won't bother you. I won't hang out around the mall I won't call anymore I'll never show up at your house but please can we go each way part on the same page at least?".
I looked at my dog who closed his eyes enjoying cuddling with me.
I pressed my face against his fur.
"Should we let him in?".
My dog sway his rail in the air happily and looked at the door with big puppy eyes. He was always happy when shawn was here I think he reminded him of matian.
I lay my hand on the gun if he is gonna be all mad I can at least scare him. 

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