{baby girl}

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I walked through the shopping center of Toronto looking for the closest supermarket I was starving and need something to eat.
College isn't really helping with my anxiety levels.
I just crossed the street when I got a call. Y/n's name popped up on my screen.
"Hey, baby girl".
"Yes, baby hit me up".
"Shawn no stop not now...".
"What's wrong y/n".
"I don't feel well Shawn I think I'm gonna pass out".
"O my God baby okay stay calm do the breaking existence I normally do I'll be there in a minute okay".
"Please be quick shawny".

I hate this!

I turned around instantly and stated running out if the center towards my dorm complex. I waited for the lift to come down but it took too long for me so I stumbled to the stairs and ran up to my floor.
Opened the door didn't bother to take off my shoes or backpack.
She didn't respond.
"Y/n... Baby girl we're are you?!".
I ran to our bedroom she isn't there neither.
"Shawn". Her voice was weakly noticeable.
"Y/n baby where are you?!".
I ran and stumbled against the bathroom door, opened it to see my girlfriend standing in front of the mirror. Fighting not to pass out.
She slowly turned her head to me and stared blankly at my face.
Her face was literally white the beautiful color of her eyes had faded away into a dull grey layer over it, the white part of her eyes were bloodshot.
"Y/n...". I stumbled towards her body threw off my backpack. stood behind her to prevent her from losing her consciousness.
"It's okay I'm right behind you... I got you, baby".
"I missed you".
She turned to me, as I pressed a kiss on top of her head.
"How long do you feel sick already?".
"Since I stood up".
"You should've told me".
"But, you had school and I didn't want to bother you you already have a hard time with biology".
"Baby you really need to tell me never be afraid to tell me if you feel sick okay?".
She nodded her head still unsure, he eyes trailed off to my arms wrapped protectively around her waist.
"Baby girl look at me...y/n".
She shook her head lay her hands, on my arm and trailed down the veins with her fingers.
"Baby". I dipped in my head to meet her eyes slowly lifted up her chin with the back of my hand.
"I study for this okay..? I study for making people better".
"I know but you are already stressed".
"Yes but I love you".
"She looked up at me while lacing our fingers together.
"I love you too".
"A lot, baby girl". I kissed her cheek.
I looked at her through the mirror her face in the same state as first except for her cheeks which were slightly rosy now. She pressed her head against my chest exhaled deeply.
I rubbed her arms in an attempt to bring back her bloodcerulation.
"How are you feeling".
"Overwhelmed and dizzy".
"Come sit down".
I sat down with her still trapped between my legs. Holding her close to keep her body still.
I reached out for my backpack, pulled out my water bottle and handed it to her.
She gulped down every bit of water.
"Better?". I removed a free lost baby hairs from the back of her neck.
"Still feeling a bit dizzy".
"Wanna stay like this?".
She shook her head.
"I wanna go to sleep".
I slide out from behind her and wrapped one arm under her knees the other under her back, lifted her up.

Did she lose weight?

i pulled her closer to my chest trying to keep her awake, squeezed her softly to keep her with me.
Suddenly she grabbed the fabric of my hoodie.
"I got you it's okay baby girl".
"I just thought I was going to fall".
"I won't let you fall never".
I lay her down on the matters, pressed my hand on her forehead.
"Are you good, can I leave to study for a while"?
"Can't you bring your books here?".
"What you want baby".
I walked towards the kitchen island grades my books and walked back towards the bedroom we're y/n was laying restlessly still struggling to console her breathing.

My poor baby girl

I sat next to her on the bed. I wanted to take her hand but she shoved away from me.
"Don't touch me... Please it's as already hard to breathe".
I gave her some space, but put my hand on her knee just in case she passes out.
I started to take write over my notes about anxiety and medicine for my project.
I felt y/n's body shake under my hand, she pulled up her knees to her chest, pressed her head between them brought her arms towards her neck

Fuck no she can't pass out now!

"Baby pull down your hands you are blocking your airways!".
"I need to...".
I pulled her onto my lap pressed her head against my chest where my heart was rating faster within the seconds, held my hand on her forehead.
"You don't have to do anything now".
"Shawn, you need to study...".
"No, I need to take care of my girlfriend now".
"No baby girl I want to I need to practice on you".
"So I'm your experiment patient now?".
"I need to practice my MTMR on someone". I kissed her cheek
I smiled at her reaction.
"Mouth to mouth respiration". I pulled a lost stain of hair from her face.
"Mouth to mouth what?".

She so too cute!

I trailed my fingertips over her arms, smiled at her.
"Well, I can explain it to you but I love to practice on you imminently".
She looked up at me and for the first time, colors began to show on her skin.

Good, she is feeling better...

"Baby girl?".
"Want me to practice it on you?".
"Yes". Her face lighted up, she turned to me and lifted up her face to meet mine.
I grabbed her shoulder carefully pulled her back slightly
"Baby fist... Are you calm now".
She nodded and smiled at me.
I smiled back caressing her cheek.
"Okay but there a major change I do know what to do anymore because
Out teacher stared to talk about lips and my thought grown to you".
She sigh closed her eyes and blushed. As a reaction, my face turned red too I looked through my pages to find the paragraph about MTMR read it through.

I just might end up kissing her instead of practicing MTMR...

"Okay, baby, this is most likely to get air into the lungs of someone who isn't breathing, but you are so it can be pretty dense if you noise that your breathing is slowing down that's because carbon dioxide is building up to its dense level, which means co2 narcosis".
She looked at me confuses bus at the same time fear overtook her eyes.
"It basically means that you can evidently pass out from too much oxygen into your lungs... Don't worry just tell me to stop if you notice your heart rate is going down".
She shifted her legs under her.
"I don't really think this is a good idea".
I look up from my book looked at her.
"It's okay baby" I shoved to her and wrapped my arms around her lower back, kissing her cheek.
"Sorry". Her voice turned into a sob.
"For what baby, I don't care if you don't wanna do it".
"You're supported to be studying at Conner's dorm...". She whipped a few tears from her jaw.
"I already told you, baby, I don't mind you sleeping over here".
"No, you need to focus on college no on your stupid sick girlfriend".
"I took her face between my hands.
Which 'stupid girlfriend'?... I just have one girlfriend, you know her?".
She heaved her shoulders and smiled sadly.
I rested my forehead against hers, puller her even closer.
"Well her name is y/n she works at a rescue team for the wounded animal, she is really truly the cutest thing ever and maybe some people say she is different, but I like to say unique. She is beautiful and the kindest person I know".
She brushed out laughing like she didn't believe me.
I pecked her lips softly.
"I'm not joking she is so beautiful literally flawless she always leaves me speechless. Every time she only passes by or talks to me I'm like ' wow I can't breathe all of a sudden' and you know what?".
"If we are together a little longer I'm definitely buying an engagement ring for her".
Her eyes widen as she let her jaw drop slightly.
"If you are gonna do that I'm gonna cry".
I kissed her for a long time, prepped Beck's all over her face.
She snuggles up against my chest and dozed off into a restful sleep.
I looked down at her and smiled, lay her down on the pillow.

See I'm a healer

I hugged her pressed my nose against her neck and dozed off to sleep too.

Baby girl

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now