{goodmorning talk}

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The sunrise through the window right into my face, there are still no blinds here to prevent the sun from shining through.
I was laying on top of shawn my head on his chest. I opened my eyes and looked to the clock hanging on the wall, half-past eleven in the morning. Daybreak nearly pulled through.

Fuck why am I even still here?!

He opened his eyes and smiled, looked down at me his hand went through my hair as he presses his lips onto the top of my head. His naked body presses against me half of his leg wrapped into the thin blanket.
His other hand traveled up and down onto my waist. I tried to swat it back but he ticked me to prevent me from pulling away.
"Shawn stop I'm ticklish".
"You're cuteische".
"Shawn no stop we promise we wouldn't try to make each other catch feeling for the other".
"yea Sorry"
"How was last night?".
He looked down at me with confusing In his eyes his hand on my hair held still played with the end of it for a while.
"How was last...".
"Yes, I heard that I just don't know why you ask".
I felt my cheeks turn rosy again. The memories from last night rushed back at a fast pace. Everything that makes me unsure about how I did it I heard once people fence to feel it if you boutbed about your acts.

Did he feel it?

I pressed my face into his shoulder hiding my burning face.
He reached for my face, pressed his thumbs into my cheeks softly, and caressed it as gently to calm me.
"Kinda like...uhm... Like... Was I good?".
A soft smile appears on his lips, he pressed a kiss onto my nose before leaning his head against mine.
"Y/n this was only meant to be for one night but...".
"I know I think I'm leaving now". I got off of him still wrapped into the top blanket. I grabbed my underwear and quickly changed. Before I could shawn stood in front of me in his Calvin Klein's.
"Can you please stay".
I sucked in my breath, then shook my head slightly. He sighs deeply and ran his hand through his hair.
"I mean, wasn't I good enough?".
"Just say it if that's treu".
I shook my head looked him in his eyes, softly touched his arm. He stepped back.
"Y/n I want you to stay please please "please y/n can you stay just for once more just once more?". I saw fear taking over in his eyes.
"Shawn, you are amazing every inch of you inside and out, but I just think it's better if I go for both of us".
He nodded his head in understanding. "Can you then at least stay for this morning?".
I looked into his eyes instantly started to melt when he looked back, firing my soul basically begging me to stay.
"Just one morning doesn't hurt".
"Shawn, I can't carry a broken heart again".
He lost his patient and raised his voice.
"Does that mean that you don't trust me y/n... Is that what you mean is that how you feel about me!".
I've never seen him like this.
"Shut up shawn I said I don't want my heart to be broken again!".
I grabbed my jeans from the floor. Stepped into them.
"Are you serious leaving Right now?!".
"Sorry, shawn I don't wanna be mad at you".
He put on his jeans, as I pulled my shirt on.
"I can't understand why you leave I though I finely meant something for a girl when I was with you".
"I felt finally loved last night shawn but I can't have my heart is broken again!".
"Do you really think I'm someone who will manipulate you just for no reason, do you think I'll hurt you?".
"People change shawn".
His eyes changed back into a softer tone, a sad smile played on his lips he started whispering.
"I know people hurted you but I'm not like them please let me show I'm not one of those horrible people who hurted you".
"Even you can change shawn". I looked down at my feet.
He stepped closer to me. Lay his hand on my hip lead me backward to the wall.
He leaned in and kisses me even so slightly but still with some burning passion and hunger.
"I don't think I'll ever be able to hurt you".
"I don't wanna hurt you too".
He smiled caressed my cheek with his thumb.
"Can you please stay?".
I sigh pulled a lost curl away from his face.
"Okay...I'll stay".
"Wait really?".
His lips curled up into a bright smile, he threw his arms over my neck tightly.
"I'm happy you changed your mind".
I just smiled at him from one side happy but from the other kinda like I lost myself in the promise I will never have my heart broken again.

shawn won't break hearts on purpose he wouldn't even lay a hand on me on purpose...

In the kitchen, I sat onto the island counter waiting for him to finish making my cup of tea.
He bored the steaming water into the mug while softly humming along with ed's voice singing happier through the speakers.
He turned around to me handed me the mug.
"Always y/n".
He walked back to his pancakes, Put them on two plates. I walked back to me shoving one to my side of the island. It smelled amazing the backed tough mixed with the aroma of the syrup.
I started to eat because go be honest I was starving.
Shawn laughed at me.
"Do you have fruit."
"yes... O my God sorry I forgot to cut them".
"No problem I'll do it".
I grabbed an apple, mango, and pineapple. Stared cutting g it in little pieces.
I felt his hands on my waist, his lips tracked from my cheeks to my neck. Pressed soft kisses against my skin.
"Stop shawn!".
"Still ticklish?". He smiled grabbed the knife from my hand and twirled me around. Reached for a little piece of mango, placed it between his teeth.
"Hey, I wanted that".
He raised his eyebrow. Literally daring me.
I lited myself on my toes and bit the other half of the mango out form his teeth. Before I knew his lips were on mine, he kissed me softly.

The rest of the morning we talked about life the simple things, I actually never wanted it to end.
His morning talks convinced me to stay for a whole week after.

Goodmorning talk

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now