{glass between us}

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It was sunny today the second week sunny in a row with around fifteen hours of rain yesterday the sun went down at 7:01 just a beat before I took my medication.
People are celebrating that the virus is gone mostly I can't celebrate what do you have to celebrate in life?
When I was born doctors knew I had some special gene something they can use as bioweapon for cures. I've been kept safe my whole life watching all the children in my street go to school every day while I had homeschooling. I watched them walk around and play rining my doorbell asking why I never come outside or why I don't wanna play with them. My mother told them I was sick over and over again that I was sick.

I'm not sick I'm a cure!

Some of them I even watched falling In love this made me reside that I'm alone no friends love no life all just pretty pathetic.

I turned around looking back at my room admiring my paintings it looks grim no color's just black white and grey. I based it on my life, really depressing but treu I may add some color like brown.
"Y/n honey?". Mum nodded on my door walking in.
"Hey, mum".
"Aww, my boy what's wrong you haven't been happy".
"I've never been happy".
"You were when you were younger you always smiled as we played monopoly on the floor".
"You tricked me in believing I was sick".
"Honey". He took my arm.
"I'm not the sick mum I'm a cure a fucking gene in my system can cure viruses but I'm done staying inside I'm so done begins your bioweapon".
"Y/n you know how it works if you get outside you might catch other bacteria it can ruin the whole gene plus you can get sick pretty quick".
"I wanna live mum I have to live".
"I know honey...".
"Why won't you let me? I haven't met anyone from my age I feel like I've been missing out on life". I sat done on my bed again.
"I'm sorry y/n I understand you feel this way but I just want the best for you". She rubbed my back softly.
My chest tightened the urge to cry boiled up.

I love mum

As soon as tears told down my jaw she took me in her arms.
"Aww, honey don't cry". She ran her hand through my hair.
"Sorry, mum I love you". I rested my head on her shoulder.
"I know honey I love you too". She kissed my forehead.
"Just tell me what I can do to make you happy".
I pulled away from her nodding shortly.
She started at my painting.
"Maybe you could put in some colors". She smiled.
"Like what brown?".
"Blue maybe purple".
I nodded.

I was scared at the cylinder filled with my blood.
"It's darker than last month".
"Yes, it is".
"What does that aculy mean?".
"Low oxygen, the filter has a hard time filtering the air from outside.
Then let me outside just for a minute what can even happen?".
Liza grabbed the cylinder pulling a picture of my blood a few months ago put on her map.
"This happens but a million times worse".
I exhaled the picture my blood back them was like pink lemonade watery and light.
A car pulling up in our street took me out of my trance. I looked up at the window. A boy from my age stepped out opening the door for a girl they look quite a look-alike may be brother and sister.
The boy looked up waving at me. I waved back.
"I've never seen him". I didn't glance away from the boy he had brown curly hair tall a d strong build.
"Oh, the mendes siblings they moved here a week ago".
"Why didn't you tell me?".
"Your mum told me not to because you should have more temptations to hang out with them".
"Of course I do!".
"You know you can't".
"I know". I looked down.

I walked to the living room mum set down some shopping bags.
"Oh hey, y/n". She smiled pulling the package from the painting shop onto the counter.
"I know you are a little upset so I bought this". She shoved it towards me.
"Thank you mum uhm what's that mendes boy name?".
"Oh, the new family".
I nodded.
"Shawn he's sweet and caring".
I smiled.
"He even asked about you...".
"What did you say?".
"That was sick".
"What did I had to say otherwise?".
I looked doen trying to hide my anger.
"Thanks for the gift". I grabbed it and walked back upstairs. Sitting down on the bed. Pulling my phone from my jacket.
Opening Instagram my feed was almost empty I only followed a few arrests.

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