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Even in the distance, I recognized him. I ran towards him.
"Y/n!". Shawn tried to hold my arms but failed to stumble over his own feet falling to the ground.
It didn't quite seem to reach me. Because I was reaching for my long-lost friend. I missed him so much.
"Liam". I reached his body pressing my head against his chest wrapping my arms around his waist.
"Hey, yellowy". He rubbed my back.
"I missed you". I inhaled his sentence.
he changed his hair was a little longer, tiny hairs grow on his face like he has at shaved since the last time I saw him.
"I'm not huggable enough".
My head shoots up letting go of towns to let my eyes meet chubs he crossed his arms over his chest.
"Aww come here". I dragged him towards me pulling him closer.

I missed him so much

"Since when did you can't your hair this way". He ran his hand to my now much shorter hair.
"Oh, Aaliyah cut it for me".
"Aaliyah?". He stared at me confused.
"Okay I've been looking through the car all over but I can't find the phone... Y/n why are you hugging a stranger?". She walked over to us.
"That's what I'm asking too". Shawn stood next to her finely scribbled up from the ground gun pointed at Liam.
"Wow hey, easy tiger". Liam tried to calm him down.
"Shawn put it down these are my friend, chubs and Liam they saved me from the camp... Liam, chubs these are my new travel palls Shawn and Aaliyah". I introduced them to each other.
"I don't quite trust them... Y/n". Chubs pulled me closer.
"Yeah, especially that guy". Liam nodded at Shawn who still had his hand on the gun.
"Shawn". I shot him a deadly glance.
"Y/n we have to be careful". He walked over to me pulling me from chubs.
"They're my friends Shawn". I squeezed his arm softly.
"Okay". His eyes sorted.
"So put the gun down".
"Put it down Shawn it's okay they are my friend they saved me".
"Seems like he won't listen y/n". Chubs leaned against the wall of the house.
"Do you have something against my brother already... Hé?".
"Aaliyah". Shawn held her back.
"Give that". Liam dragged the gun from shawn's hand with his power.
Shawn stumbled back his eyes widen.
"You're blue".
"Yes same as chubs... My question is what are you two?".
"I'm green". Aaliyah crossed her arms.

A lie

Liam raised his eyebrow to Shawn.
"He is a yellow just like me". I took his hand wheezing it.

Also a lie

Aaliyah and Shawn aren't normal psi's they experimented on mutated psi's. Aaliyah is something call a hacker who could control completed machines like computers and alarm systems. Shawn wasn't needed in the excitement he just wanted to protect his sister.
So they murdered him like a shapeshifter for psi powers. Aaliyah calls him a mirror because he can copy power from others if he touches them.

"Okay, shall we go inside?". Liam waved us over.
Aaliyah followed him.
"You have to trust them". I looked at Shawn.
"I don't want them to hurt you or Aaliyah".
"Why don't you trust them when I already said they're my friends?". I looked at him trying to find the answer in his eyes.
He heaved his shoulders.
"Old habits I guess".
"We all have them". I smile at reaching my hand out for him.
He took it waving his fingers through mine.
I pulled him to the house it was a small cozy home with a lot of wood on the interior.
I glanced around trying to find her.
"Where is Vida?". I tugged on Chub's sleeve.
"She'll be here soon". He smiled stating out of the window.
I rested my elbows on the counter standing next to him for a while waiting for her too.
After a few minutes when I just wanted to walk away. A smile grew on Chub's face waving at the window.
A flash of dark purple crossed my eyes.

Since when did she dye her hair?

"Vida!". Chubs tackled her when she went through the door prepping her face with kisses.
She pulled him away punching him playfully.
"Ouch". He rubbed his arm.
"Aww sorry". She pecked his lips.
When her eyes met mine a smile formed on her face.
I walked over to her wrapping my arms around her neck.
"Are you hurt God where we're you?". she stoke my hair.
"She is fine". Shawn tugged me back to his side pulling me from Vida.
"Aww look who is this?".
"This is Shawn my new friend I traveled with him the past few months".
Silent fell between us as Shawn and Vida studied each other carefully.
Vida is my protective angel she teaches me how to fight and cares for me.
Shawn is like an overprotective guardian, he wants me and Aaliyah to be safe.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now