{i was supposed to be him}

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She was beautiful, her hair draped over shoulders in slight waves. the silk from her velvet light blue dress folwed her curves perfectly, exposed her shoulders. it Stoped just above her knee, she was at least 5 inches taller with her black leather heels.
But the most important I noticed was the necklace hanging on her neck with a little heart as a a charm.
I once fixed the cord of it over the neck to celebrate our one year of being together.

Now another boy stood behind her kissed her shoulder, she turned around smiled at him and kissed his cheek. I looked back to brian who slapped my shoulder for comfort.
"Hey, dude let her go it will be fine".
"It just hurts brian".
"Just forget her tonight"
"She is standing right there more beautiful than ever I can't just ignore her". Brian looked around the hall.
"There," he pointed at a beautiful girl.
"Go talk to her".
"She is beautiful I agree but, she isn't y/n".
"Come on y/n has a boyfriend now shawn... I'm sorry dude but I'm not gonna lie she isn't going back to you".
"I know but...".
"No Shawn... Go talk to that girl".
Brian pushed me to the other girl, she stopped talking to her friends when I walked up. Her friends looked at me with jaw's dropped open while her face turned rosy. Before I knew her friends disappeared. And I was lone with her, I took her hand and shook it.
"I'm shawn".
"My name is Pressa".
"Never heard that name".
"Get used to it".
She laughed at me smooth back one of my curls to realize she can't smooth back my hair. She touched my arm, then smiled.
"Wanna dance?".
"I can't dance trust me".
"I don't mind".
She pulled me towards the dance floor, placed her arms around my neck and pressed her face in my shoulder. I hesitated before wrapping my arms around her waist. I closed my eyes and Y/n appeared her arms where wrapped around my neck her face pressed against my shoulder.
Her hands traveled to my curls, tugging on them slightly, mentioning me down to her lips. The rational part of my brain knows that its pressa. That Y/n isn't in my arms right now

She is with him happy as ever and safe... I wanted that right?

Now I was fully aware that pressa was pulling me in to kiss my lips, her lips brushed against mine and for a split second, I felt like I was kissing Y/n. our kisses always felt soft and loveable not really intense not really for a reason leading to something. It was just to show our love and affection to each other.

When Pressa moved her lips to my neck I know it was wrong I didn't feel like Y/n anymore Y/n would never do that. I tried to image Y/n once again image her lips on my skin but her lips were the softest lips on earth, this wasn't Y/n and I know it damn well.
"Pressa stop".
"What no shawn it was stared to get fun" she muttered in my neck.
"Do you think I enjoy this?"
"Come on let me get you in the mood".
"No pressa stop this". I pulled her from my body with enough force to let her take a few steps back.
"Aww, shawn come on". Her fingers trailed to my chest down fo my stomach.
"I said 'stop' listen to me when I say that I don't want it!".
"I thought we had something".
"Had something? No, not really we had a spark a little park which isn't enough to burn a flame, I'm in love with someone else".
" Who?".

I looked through the crowd to find Y/n and him. He held her like only I was supported to hold her rubbing her back like I rub warmth in her body. His lips brushed against hers like mine were a few months ago.
She laughed I missed that smile it was the mile I though one I could let appear on her lips. He whispered something in her ear.

How much I want to slit a knife through his throat!

"Her". I pointed at Y/n proudly.
"Yes her".
"You are in love with her, o my God how sad she isn't worth you".
"What did you say?".
"Oh wow, you meant it when you told me you love her".
"Yes, of course, I meant it!".
"Shawn forgets her she has a boy on her arm now, and by the way, we fit perfect".
"Shawn, we do image us together, just image your arms around my waist our lips consoled...".
"No pressa stop this I love her not you!".
"Shawn...". She slides her hands to my arms.

I walked away from her, I catcher a few angry glances from her friends.
I looked over my shoulder to catch
Y/n's eyes, looking at me with such an intersection they seem to burn into my face.
"Hey, Shawn dude what happened back there?". Brian tried to stop me from walking away.
"Not now brian!".
I pulled my friend back rudely, walked to the hall of the house. Leaned against the wall, angry building up inside of me.

Memories rushed back into my mind.

How we met at the ice hockey game when my clumpy self bumped into her fragile body and she fell onto the ground I helped her up. Since that moment I know love at the first sign existed.

A million dates we had going to ice hockey games, we loved it both. The way we were the biggest supporters of Toronto Maple Leafs ever.

That time I took her to my training and learned her aculy to play the game we were watching for so long... That was the day I kissed her. Since that moment it all took a rollercoaster pase.

I met her family at a hockey game from her sibling, her parent couldn't I seem to stop joking about our relationship.

The time on the rooftops where we said our first 'I love you's' under the stars.

Even my imagination can mimic her voice damn well

I tolled back to awareness, she was standing there right in front of me. I smiled happily, took her hand in a tight grip.
"I saw what happened are you okay?".
"No, I'm not... Y/n I miss you... I miss you so much I want you back Y/n, it hurts so much to see you with him".
"Shawn, we just weren't meant to be you deserved someone of your kind and I just can't reach your standards".
"I don't want someone from my 'standards', I want YOU".
"I can't have you".
"Then everything means nothing".

"Y/n!" her boyfriend yelled.
"Just a second!".
I grabbed her hand tightly
"Please Y/n I am supposed to be him".
"Maybe we can stay friends shawn".
"Can we please try again?".
"Shawn, I love him he makes me happy maybe you need to find somebody new".
"I want you y/n". She smiled sadly slowly letting go of my hand.
"let me go shawn".
As my last act of love, I kissed her hand, then let go.
"I love you Y/n always".

I saw her walking away from me, in the arms of her boyfriend. He kissed her and it hurted to see her like that. happy and in love but, not with me.

I was supposed to be him

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now