{his heart beats fine without me}

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"Really Y/n you should talk to him"
"No, i am fine here".
"Come on i want little Y/n's and Shawn's".
"O my God!".
"I am your best friend i want you happy ".
"I am"
"I mean happy with Shawn".
"You have easy talking".
"O come on... Don't you think i had to fight for Conner?".
"It's still different though... It's Shawn".
"There are girls standing in lines for him he just has to pick one he likes, he can get the most beautiful, smartest, happiest, and nicest girl".
"And you can be her!".
"Come on you shy thing!". She pushed me towards him. Cause she knows my clumsy ass would bump into him.
As my body hitter his chest i feel my whole face turning red as my heart started to speed up until a point i thought i might pass out.
"O my God Y/n are you okay?".

He really needs to stop this or my heart would give up

I pulled a stain of hair behind my ear and started fighting with the ring on my finger.
"Uhm yes i am fine".
"...night?" I didn't quite picked what he said something with night.
What?". He smiled leaned in closer for a quick second i thought about him kissing me, but he placed his lips along my ear.
"How is your night?".
I looked around to see the bar still being crowed all tall people. Tall and drunk. I wasn't comfortable with it.
"Could've been better".
He leaned back examed me for a while before carefully touching my bare arm.
"tell me if you need something okay".
I stared at him got lost in his beautiful eyes.
"Did you hear what I say?".
"No sorry...".
"What's wrong?".
"You want me to go don't you?".
"No!..i mean... Uhm... What makes you think I do?".
"You seem distracted...".

It's because of YOU shawn!

"No, it's not that I just don't really like it here".
"I make you uncomfy?".
Uncomfy that's Shawn's word it's pretty cute, too be honest.
"No...I...uhm... I".
"Y/n chill I am just playing with your mind".
"O my god shawn!".
"I swear don't worry"
We both started laughing at each other and couldn't stop.

His laugh is so cute!

A girl hugged shawn from behind wrapped her arms around his waist and squeezed him Together, she stood on her toes and kissed his jaw. My heart dropped into my stomach at the sight.
She looked at me with angry eyes.
"And you are?".
"I Uhm...".
"Moon this is Y/n, she is my classmate".
"Nice to meet you". I reached out my hand for her.
She doesn't reach out. She fixed her skirt and heaved her chin.
"I am Moon, shawn's GIRLFRIEND".


I forced a smile on my lips.
"That's amazing... Have fun tonight Moon... By Shawn".
"Y/n wait... Where do you go?!".
"Just back to Alessia, sorry for holding you back".

Alessia was talking to the bartender. I tapped on her shoulder. When she saw me she pulled me in a hug.
"Aww, babe don't cry".
At that moment I noticed the tears on my cheek, she whipped them away.
"He has a girlfriend".
"What? Okay, I'll beat her ass!".
"No please don't go". I lingered on her hug.
"Sst babe its gonna be okay".
"Do you want a drink?".
I looked at the bartender.
"Just beer is okay".
Alessia let go of me sat next to me, rubbing my arm in order to calm me down.
"Here is your beer".
"Thank you..."
"Nice to see you Zubin I'm Y/n"
"Going through a breakup?".
"No, my crush just haves a girlfriend. He never told me about her...".
"You know I had a crush too once... She got with my best friend because I didn't take the first step so she moved on".
"How did it end?".
"Well she is my wife now"
"Don't give up yet".
My friend pulled her arm around me.
"She won't".

We talked with Zubin for a while. Sometimes I placed back at Shawn and moon sometimes Shawn catches my eyes too.
He turned back to Moon took her hand heaved it and whirl her around. I saw both of them smile. He never smiled at me that bright as he does with her now.

He is happier now he is happy with her...

Moon pulled him in for a slow kiss. I looked down in order to hold my tears back.
I looked back, Shawn. He held her waist to keep her close.

He always does that to me too in my dreams

Alessia noticed that I was staring at them.
"Hey don't look at them okay focus on me"
"He is happier with her".
"No, don't say that".
"Don't you see"?
"No, because I am not looking at something I know it makes me sad".
Conner, her boyfriend walked up to us wrapped his arms around her neck and kissed her neck.
"I hope you love to look at me".
"Hey handsome, glad you made it to be here for a while".
"Everything for my angel".
"Aww, I love you handsome".
"Love you too angel". She leaned in to kiss him before I can't them off
"uhmm... Sorry I'm still here"
"What's up with you Y/n?".
"Shawn has a girlfriend".
"Oh, Y/n I'm sorry, he is so stupid. You are awesome".
"It's okay Conner, thank you"
I placed back at shawn and Moon who were talking to another couple, shawn's arms wrapped over her shoulder as she linked their fingers. He whispered something in her ear and kissed her neck.
Zubin tapped on my shoulder.
"That's not gonna work".
"I know".
"Then why do you keep looking".
"I just love him".
Zubin's phone started ringing he accepted the call.
"Hey, honey...".
"Yes okay"
"I'm coming home don't worry".
"Bye honey".

"Was that your wife?".
"Yes, our eldest child is sick and she needs to go to work".
"Oh okay...".
"Dave, can you take over the bar for me? My son is sick" he yelled at another man.
"Of course".
The man took over the bar and begin to talk to other people.
I looked at Alessia and Conner who were talking to a group of girls.
My eyes scan the crowed place for shawn and Moon but they have disappeared.

There is nothing for me to stay here...

Without saying anything I grabbed my leather jacket and walked out. I found a silence place on the parking leaned against a brick wall stared at my phone looked at the people who followed shawn on Instagram. And found Moon, since Shawn barely posted on Instagram I looked through her Instagram to find a link between the two. I saw a picture of her hand resting on top of another hand.

The ring

I knew that ring Shawn always worn it since I knew him. He told me he got it from his grandfather when he died.

Drops fall down on my screen it didn't rain. I realized it was my tears. I started crying.
"Why can't you just see how much I love you shawn?".

After a while, I heard footsteps coming closer to me. Before I know Shawn stood behind me.
"What do you want?!".
"I wanna know how you are".
I turned around, he studied my face for a while.
"Have you been crying?".
"Don't lie".
"Why do you care don't you have to go to Moon?"
"Conner told me to check on you".
"Why did you go?".
"Because you seemed sad".
"Go back to Moon!".
Tears building up into my eyes again.
"Why are you crying?".
"I won't tell you!".
"Tell me"
"Okay... Okay, because it doesn't matter anymore".
"What do you mean?".
"I love you shawn I am in love with you!".
He kept silent for a while.
"I know sorry".
"If you told me a few months ago I would've said yes I would've been so happy... But I have Moon now".
Do you love her?".
"Yes, she is an angel".
"Bye Y/n".
By Shawn".
I held my tears back until he disappeared in the dark.
I leaned back against the wall slide to the ground and cried.
My body shivered from anger, guilt, sadness and the cold.
It's Conner.
"She is here!".
Aww, babe". Alessia kneeled down, rubbing my arm.
"I really thought he liked me".
"No, he doesn't he was the only person I was able to open up by and he left".
"Hey, y/n it's okay".
"No, he was my only chance to love".
She looked at conner as he nogged.
"We bring you home Y/n". He took arms and threw it over his shoulder.
Alessia followed his lead.
It's gonna be okay".
"Conner is right maybe you find somebody new".
I shook my head.

His heart beats fine without me

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now