{born a runner}

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It was dark, dark, and scary I couldn't remember how u got here.
"Well, guys let's welcome our new greenie". Footsteps ran closer as I was lifted.
When the box opened a bright light hit me I shield my eyes from it.
Someone moved closer to me.
I backed up into the shadows of the box.
"...easy I...". My eyes focused on a boney boy around my age maybe a little younger. His eyes widen.
"It's a girl".
Above me were whisperer exchanged.
I followed the sound, a crowd of boys stared at me I don't know them still somehow I seem to remember some faces.
"Is she hurt?". A guy with brown curly and brown eyes looked at the boney one for an answer.
"I don't think so". I notice he had a British agent.
"Let's pull her up". Another offered.
A strong build guy pulled the boney one up. He reached for my hand. The one with the brown curls reached for my other pulling me up from the dark place.
When I came up I stumbled back my legs not strong enough to carry my weight.
"Easy hun are you okay?". The one with the brown curls grabbed my hand again.
"Where am I?". I pressed my hand against my forehead stopping it from spinning.
"Everyone back off give her space".
They didn't listen to the guy with the brown curls.
"Do heard him now come on... Back the bloody hell up!". The boney one ordered.
Everyone backed up as fast as possible.
I saw some of my surroundings.
It was a green grass field with wooden made huts some hammocks, hanging between threes.
On the left side of me was a forest. On my other side were walls like a maze.
I got off the guys grib running towards the wall.
"Wow hey, you can't go!". Another guy pushed me back from the maze.
"Are you off your mind shank there is no way out of here!". His face was close to mine he was the one who pulled the boney one out of the box there something Asian in his blood. He was dragged off of me.
"Pipe it shuck face show the new girl some respect". The guy with the brown curls pushed him.
"She ain't no different from us shank!".
"Slim it both of you bloody hell already fighting over a damn girl!". The boney one pulled them apart.
"No, you slim it shank". The one who pushed me made the boney one back up.

What's up with those weird words?

"It'll be alright its prey cheery if you forget the fights between all these shanks... Name's shawn". He patted my back.
"That's minho and newt". He pointed at the two other guys.
"I'm y/n... Where am I?".
"Well, greenie you're in the glade". Newt smiled.
"And what's that?". I pointed at the wall.
"That's the maze don't ever go in there especially in the evening grievers will come then and kill you... The runners try to find a way out.".
"No one survived a night in the maze our old leader Alby was killed yesterday". Minho pointed at a thumb Stone somewhere in the distance.
"What is this place?".
"Nowhere good". Shawn looked at the other boys who had gathered around us again.
"Bloody hell is she an alien to you or something get back to work shanks and slim it!". Newt waved them away.
"Newt can you come and look at the map minho I need you too". One guy waited for the two.
They left me and shawn alone.
Silent lingered between us for a while I looked down rocking back and forth on my heels.
"So you wanna have a tour around the glade?".
"Okay come on hun". He waved me over.
We walked around staring at the gardens.
"These are the gardens we get most of our food here frypan is our cook you'll meet him later". He pointed at my left side.
"These are the headquarters there are the kitchen and our livestock also done of our sleeping places.
"What are these for then?".
"Those are huts we can go there if we're sad or need to be alone runners get their own and newt has one".
"Who are the runners?".
"Minho, Thomas... Oh you'll meet him too. And I am".
"You know what happened out there?".
"In the night grievers wake and try to kill it trust me hun it isn't any fun in there we've lost a lot of friends... Never been in there a whole night". He ran his hand through his hair.
"Shawn we need you to get your shuck face over here". A guy jogged over to us.
"This is Thomas Thomas this is y/n".
"Hey, greenie I hope you're not scaring yourself to dead".
"I'm fine"
"Yeah sure the nights are the worse you'll shunk will see".
"Thomas, please". Shawn shook his head.
"Oh come one shank she'll learn".
"I need to go uhm... Chuck will you show her to way to frypan's kitchen so she can help him with dinner?".
"Sure". A high pitch voice cheered.
I turned around seeing a young boy around thirteen with little light brown curls all over his head. Icy blue eyes.
"I'm Chucky... But you can call me chuck everyone does, nice to meet you". He smiled.
"Hey, chuck I'm y/n".
"I know the new one I'll show you the way to the kitchen, oh and if we step in there wash your hands first frypan is deadly on that". He led me to to the kitchen.
"Wash your hand if you're touching something". The boy pointed at the sink.
"Oh hey chuck, you brought the greenie great timing greenie wash your hands and go chop some vegetables for me".
I washed my hands grabbing a knife starting to chop some unions.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now