{sorry that i kissed you}

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Moments flashed back to my mind as I kinda freaked out.
It was new year's eve cold but beautiful to watch fireworks my friends and I were either at my apartment watching some movies and drink something. At the count down it all went perfect.
"Pop that canon brian". Y/n smiled.
"You're pulling on the wrong way". Elisha laughter.
"brian". Alessia Connor and I laughed our hearts out
"Come on let me help you". Y/n stood up setting down her champagne glass to help brian.
As she leaned over to him he popped the cannon a million golden pieces of paper were launched into the air up to the ceiling.
"Aw, it's in my hair!". Y/n pulled some off her hair.
One second later the counter hit one as we all yelled 'happy new year' hugging each other.
I turned to y/n as both couples were kissing.
She hugged me.
"Happy new year Shawn". She ruffled through my hair letting go of lift Tarzan up.
"Come see those fireworks". Elisha was on my balcony admiring the lights in the air.
We all went outside starting at the fireworks.
"It's getting cold". alessia motioned us back inside. But I pulled y/n back
I stared in her eyes pressing my lips against hers.
She lingers on me for just a heartbeat. They pulled away.
She started at me giving me a disappointed small nod then went back inside too.

"Fuck she hates me". I ran my hand through my hair
"She doesn't come on Shawn". Brian patted Tarzan who was laying next to him.
"No, she does". I walked through my apartment aimlessly.
"Ask her". Brian leaned back against my sofa.
"I can't just ask her...I haven't seen her since new year's eve. I don't know what she thinks of me now. I haven't texted or called her I was even too scared to comment on her picture. Bri please help me she hates me!". I pulled on my hair trying to calm down.
"Don't stress yourself I'm getting a headache from you". Brian laughter pulling me down onto the sofa.
"She hates me". I rubbed my face.
"Why would she hate it it's not that you did something bad".
"I did... Brian it was so bad".
"Oh no tell me what did you do?". He told his eyes.
"I kissed her". I took Tarzan on my lap buried my face into his fur.
"Oh but that isn't bad is it?".
"It is brian I kissed her she hates me because I did".
"You don't know that for sure, when I saw her on the second of January she seemed happy".
"I know it's wrong she's my friend my friend I kissed how can I be so dumb?!".
"Hey calm down just go with us on that camping trip and it's fine".
"No, it's not fine I kissed her".
"How did you feel about it?". He turned his head towards me.
"Horrible of course".
"No what did you feel?". He raised his eyebrow.
"It's was nice".
"See, Did she kissed back?".
"Yes... No... Uhm I don't know". I ran my hand through my hair.
"Okay, we'll see". He stood up dragging me along.
"Come on pack your bag's Connor will be here soon". He throws my empty backpack at me.

"Come on Tarzan wanna go camping with us hé... yes you do, good boy". Brian waved him over to the trunk of Connor's car We set up one tent already where he can chill in the trunk was packed with backpacks and camping stuff.
"Hey bri". Alessia hugged him.
"Hey, baby". He ran his hand through her hair.
I smiled at him their so cute he has a crush on her since like ever.
"Okay lovebird stop you make me wanna throw up". Connor laughter.
Elisha hit his arm.
"Ouch, where was that for?".
"Their cute okay". She beamed at him.
"Where's y/n?". I noticed that she wasn't in this car at all.
"We'll pick her up now". Connor stared at the engine of the car driving to her house.
Y/n doesn't live that far away from me. I could simply walk to her.
As the seconds went by my heart started to race even faster.
I started getting nervous everyone noticed there are just some little things I do without knowing it like running my hand through my curls or play with my necklace.
"What's wrong with him?". Elisha looked at brian.
"Tell her yourself, Shawn". He patted back.
"I kissed y/n". I looked up sadly.
Elisha's jaw dropped unable to say something.
"O my God finely!". Alessia smiled.
"No, she hates me for it".
"Oh come on y/n is the sweetest person ever she can't hate you". Connor turned his head shortly.

Brian steps out helping y/n with her backpack.
"Aww o my God hey Tarzan are you chilling here? Awww you're so cute".
I looked in the balmier at her hugging Tarzan.
Y/n loved him ever since I adopted him she would stay all day to just be with him taking naps to walk and hug him.
I completely melted forgetting all my anxiousness.
"Aww, I can see the hearts in his eyes".
"I know right". Alessia smiled.
"Uh". I looked up not picking up what their talking about.
"Aww cute I was saying that you're so I love". Elisha smiled.
"She hates me".
"Don't say that". Connor turned around too.
"I...". Brian steps in again patting on his lap for alessia to sit so y/n can sit into the middle.
I stood up standing outside for a few seconds so y/n could get in.
I sat back down my arm pressed again her shoulder but we didn't exchange a word.

We were unpacking put stuff set up the other two tents as alessia and Elisha dragged y/n from Tarzan.
"Y/n girl we have to talk". Alessia took both her hands.
"Do we?".
"Yes, we do". Elisha smiled.
"About what?".
"Not with the boys". Alessia playfully hit her.
"Wait you're pregnant?!". Y/n looked at her confused.
"No of course not we always use protection".
"They don't have to know about your interment moments baby".
I smiled looked down to put the tent up again.
"Well, I think if we except a baby at least we as uncles and aunts have to know". Connor joked.
Brian role his eyes.
"Well, the boy's if you don't mind we'll talk to y/n just don't mind us okay". Alisha dragged her along.

We sat around the campfire just the three of us the girls were still talking
"Trouble in girls land maybe". Brian pocked me.
"I think it's about you". Connor lifted Tarzan in his lap.
"About how much she hates me". I throw some wood in the fire.
"Dude don't say that".
"She does hate me".
"I dont".
I turned around to y/n. Alessia and Elisha following her
"I don't hate you, Shawn". She says down next to me.
"What makes you think I do?".
"Because I... I kissed you".
"Yes, not happy you did that but that doesn't mean I hate you".
"Hate is a big word, Shawn".
"I'm sorry I kissed you I'm so sorry... It just it was an impulse and I wasn't thinking about anything".
"Apologise accepted". She ruffled through my curls.
"Good now the whole kissing thing is out of the way let's eat I'm starving". Alessia grabbed the food box from behind her pulling out the food.
We all laughed.
Y/n took Tarzan from Connor's lap. Hugging him.
"You wanna sleepover at my home once Tarzan... Sat dont say anything to your daddy I might just sneak you out of his apartment".
"Oh wow, now you're stealing my sweet boy!". I took him off her lap into mine.
"You love daddy more right sweet boy doesn't listen to y/n okay I'll keep you safe".
"Hé I'm a good puppy sitter". She led bumping my shoulder.
My heart fluttered at at moment knowing it was all okay again she might never hundred percent forgive me for that kiss but at least we talk.

Connor and Elisha went to their ten already because Connor was feeling tired.
I saw alessia drifted off against brian's shoulder too.
"You two can go to sleep too if you want". Y/n looked at them.
"Yeah, I think we will". Brian looked down at alessia.
"Baby wake up let's go to sleep". Brian kissed her head.
She just nodded as he dragged her to their tent.
Y/n stops up walking over to Connors's car claiming from the open trunk to the roof laying down in it.
I sat on the open trunk looking at the stars.

"Look that's Capella". She pointed at a bright star.
How do you know so much about stars?".
"I always went stargazing with my dad when I was younger". She turned her head to me smiling.
"I haven't even seen a shooting star yet". I looked up at the dots in the dark sky.
"Yes is that weird?".
"Kinda yes". She laughed.
"Then I am weird". I smiled.
We watched the sky quietly.
"O my God Shawn look". She followed something with her finger. It was a shooting star.
"It's beautiful".
"Make a wish dummy".

Y/n and I will be okay

"I did". I smiled.
"Let's go to sleep". She climbed off. reaching her hand out for me.

I stared in her eyes.
"Nevermind". I ran my hand through Tarzan's fur he was laying on my chest my heart beating the rhythm as his little one.
"No, tell me"
"I'm sorry for kissing you".
"It's fine Shawn". She rested her head onto her pillow.
"I uhm... and I... I thought it was nice dont you?".
She smiled leaning just giving me a peck on my lips.
"Goodnight Shawn". She turned her back to me.
"Sleep well y/n". I stared at her soft hair flowing over the pillow.
I inched closer to her pulling Tarzan next to me on my other side.
Resting my chin on her head wrapping my arms around her.
She didn't pull away instead leaned into my chest taking my hand waving her fingers through mine.
I smiled kissing her head.

Sorry that I kissed you

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now