{college dorm}

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(boyxboy au)


I nodded onto the door from the counselor. She opened the door for me.
"Hey y/n take a seat".
"So how is our college?".
"It's awesome". I smiled looking around the room it was pretty blank wooden furniture and a lot of plants. "Good, for our college dorms you need to have building Broom 108". She shoves a paper with the route from the college building to the dorms building B was claimed with a red pen. And the route to my room.
"Thanks, Mrs lakes". I shook her hand standing up.
"No problem its my job y/n". She smiled.

The halls of the dorm we're silent when I was sent there I looked down at the paper of my dorm room, room 108. I looked back at the numbers on the door. Confused about where I was.
"Hey". A boy ran up to me.
"Hey, uhm do you know where dorm room number 108 is?".
"That's my dorm room why?". He looked at me confused.
"I'm y/n y/l/n the new student". I ran my hand through my hair smiling nervously.
"Oh, yea y/n the counselor told us about you. how are you, man?". He stretched out his hand for me.
"I'm good thanks". I shook his hand.
"I'm jon one of your roommates same as shawn but you'll meet him later". He threw his arm over my shoulder.
"So welcome to building B, exits are on every end of the hall on every floor in case of a fire you can also use it if you see ben".
"What's wrong with him then?". I looked at him confused.
"He'll beat you up without any reason so just ignore and walk away... Also, the foam extinguisher hangs next to the lift on every floor in case you gave to fight a fire aka mia she's got".

But I don't like girls...

I rolled my eyes smiling, at his joke
"No, I'm kidding it's to fight real fires of course".
"I know what to do with a foam extinguisher Jon". I laughted.
"Good because there were a lot of almost fires here". He patted my shoulder.

Walking towards our dorm room, unlocking the door.
"Welcome to la casa de shawn y jon. Well, shawn, jon and y/n now". He smiled at me let go of my shoulder walking over to a boy which I assume is shawn.
"Hey, shawn come say hello to our new roommate". He ruffled thought the boy's curls.
The boy sigh turning around on his chair quickly taking off his cute glasses. Pausing his AirPods

No, don't take the glasses off!

When he stood up I noticed how tall he actually was probably the tallest person I've seen here on campus.
"Hey, I'm Shawn". He stretched out his hand for me.
"I'm y/n". I took his hand feeling the body warmth flow to my hand.
I glanced up at his eyes a beautiful mixture of caramel brown and slightly green.
Jon cough breaking our staring
"Come on y/n I show you your room". Jon waved over.
I smiled at Shawn shyly following Jon to the hall with rooms.
"Here's the bathroom". He pointed at a door opening it.
It was small but decant for a bathroom.
"Sometimes we don't have warm water anymore so you have to shower cold... Sorry if that's a problem".
I shook my head.
"I'm used to cold showers".
Jon nodded walking over to an empty room.
"And this is your room it's not big but yeah".
"Bigger than my room at home so I think I'll survive". I smiled.
"When will your stuff be here?".
"Good I've classes the whole day but Shawn just has three hours so he can help".
"Okay". I smiled.

"Get that disgusting pizza from my face". Shawn pulled the pineapple pizza back at jon.
"I can't imagine how you can't like it".
"Pineapple isn't meant to be on pizza".
"Oh come on y/n help me out here". Jon looked at me in hope.
"Sorry, jon I have to go agree with Shawn". I took a piece of pizza stuffing it into my mouth.
"Thank you". Shawn patted my shoulder.
I froze for a second when I felt my body being all warm and fuzzy inside. And his cute smile and puppy eyes don't really work against the feeling.
I quickly turned back towards the tv watching the ice hockey game.
I felt Shawn's eyes burning on me fighting the urge to look back at him.
"Y/n... Hey, y/n". Shawn bumped my shoulder slightly.
I turned towards him humming in response.
"I like your sweater". He took the fabric of my green sweater between his fingers rubbing it slowly.
"Thanks, shawn". I smiled turning my gaze back towards the screen trying to hide the color my cheeks had.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now